2022 September 8

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Daily news wrap-up

Sep/8/2022 __ Details from Pashinyan's meeting with generals; Q&A __ Satellites made in Armenia? __ Location of new nuclear plant __ World Court: Armenia vs Azerbaijan __ POWs return __ Reforms: public administration, business competition, vehicle market __ Stats use new methodology __ STARMUS 6
by ar_david_hh

21 minutes, 5452 words.

interview with Human Rights Ombudsman. Armenia sues Azerbaijan for state-sponsored racism and ethnic discrimination. UN committee's findings.

In case you missed it, a UN agency published a report [last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/x2lyqe/aug312022_interview_with_economy_minister_194/) about the state of human rights and racism in Azerbaijan, including towards ethnic Armenians.

Reporter: For whatever reason, this important news wasn't discussed widely in Armenia >![because we had a statue to complain about]!<. The UN committee published a report on Azerbaijan and its international obligations against racial discrimination. It essentially recorded ethnic discrimination against Armenians in Azerbaijan.

Ombudsman: The Committee made several important observations. They check the convention members' records every 4 years. The Committee is unbiased and examines facts, before advising governments on what needs to be fixed ASAP.

... what did the Committee find?

The Committee recorded important facts about events during and after the 2020 war. They used the language "Nagorno Karabakh and surrounding territories". It includes events of torture and murder, and the removal of traces of Armenian culture. The Committee expressed concerns.

Azerbaijan, in turn, brought counter-arguments against racism accusations. They claimed that 11 criminal proceedings were launched in Azerbaijan against several Azeris accused of perpetrating crimes. That includes 4 Azeris for destroying Armenian cultural sites.

However, the language used in the Committee's report indicates that they didn't find Azerbaijan's claims to be sufficient, it didn't conclude that Azerbaijan has a justice system that's capable of addressing these issues. It's safe to suggest that Azerbaijan's claim about investigating the incidents was a way to pretend they were doing something about it, without actually having a systemic fight against racism.

What people say in public is important, especially if they are public officials. The Committee has noted Azeri officials' anti-Armenian rhetoric. This is important evidence of racism being at a state level.

... Aliyev's words were used against him

Reporter: Were Aliyev's hate-filled interviews included in the report?

Ombudsman: The Committee investigates specific incidents but publishes a generalized report with concerns. We asked them to investigate specific instances of racism, including coming from the highest levels in Azerbaijan.

We asked them to take into account the racist school textbooks as well. We highlighted statements by Azerbaijan's ruling and opposition parties as well.

We took Ilham Aliyev's words spoken during his interviews and placed them next to the statements made by Azeri soldiers who committed war crimes on camera, to show how similar their statements were. Azerbaijan was unable to convince the Committee that it was out-of-context or that the state took legitimate steps to fight racism.

... Azerbaijani government is teaching school children to hate all ethnic Armenians

Reporter: The Committee discovered anti-Armenian racism in textbooks and concluded that the regime has done nothing to change it. How important is this?

Ombudsman: International committees like these are very sensitive towards racism in textbooks because racist schools breed more racism. When ethnic Armenians are portrayed as thieves and second-class humans, it's hard to imagine how the state will have a tolerant population later. The committees find these to be the most severe violations.

Additionally, we showed the Committee copies of the newly published Azeri textbooks, which also contained similar racism. This shows that despite Azerbaijan's claims of "taking steps" against racism, in reality, they have done nothing.

The World Court had earlier ruled and instructed Azerbaijan to refrain from anti-Armenian racism. The Committee cites that ruling and concludes that Azerbaijan did not respect the ruling. This was very important.

... Armenia is suing Azerbaijan in World Court

Reporter: What will this report change?

Ombudsman: This is a neutral and firm report, which the World Court can later use in the case Armenia vs Azerbaijan. Armenia can present this very important ruling to make its case.

Since the report notes that Azerbaijan did not comply, it can lead to more interim measures by courts, and can influence final verdicts.

This can be used by Armenian individuals who sue Azerbaijan in the European Court for Human Rights. They could receive compensation, for example.

The same about the POW case. This report can be later used in the World Court.

Several NGOs are selflessly helping the state by preparing various reports. Their efforts are not always covered in the news. One of Armenia's advantages over Azerbaijan is our freedoms and the civil society's ability to function freely.

The Committee's report expresses concerns about repressions against NGOs in Azerbaijan. It also questions the independence of Azerbaijan's Ombudsman office from the government.

... UN Committee hit Azerbaijan where it hurts: are you bluffing about being a "multi-ethnic state" that "respects minorities"? Prove it!

Azerbaijan always likes to claim they are a multi-ethnic state. The Committee required Azerbaijan to present its ethnic structure and to do it in a way, let's say through a census, in which various ethnicities would have the ability to self-identify their ethnicity freely.

This indicates that the Committee doubts the authenticity of the data provided by Azerbaijan. After all, Azerbaijan is a closed society and it's unclear how they get the data.

... Lieutenant General Armenicus Redditicus

Reporter: Some officials claim that force is the only thing that matters and that all these international rulings are pointless.

Ombudsman: I understand the psychology behind it, but they are wrong. Especially small countries like Armenia must use every possible tool.

... Azerbaijani regime can't even protect its own citizens' rights, let alone Armenians'

Reporter: Azerbaijan claims that if ethnic Armenians obtain Azerbaijani passports and live like the rest of the population within Azerbaijan, it will be the strongest protection for them. Does the UN report cast doubt on this claim?

Ombudsman: Azeri passport doesn't even guarantee the civil rights of Azeris currently living in Azerbaijan. The report importantly notes that ethnic Armenian origin is under a threat in Azerbaijan because of hatred. It isn't just an anti-Armenian sentiment. We are talking about an organized effort by the government, from top to bottom.

So to suggest that ethnic Armenians would be safe after receiving a passport is ridiculous. This report proves it.

Why do we highlight the organic connection between this report and the processes in the World Court? Because the World Court will use, among other things, this document to conclude that it's unsafe and impossible for Armenians to live in Azerbaijan.

... the opposition should be careful not to shoot Armenia in the foot

Reporter: During the street protests the opposition chants "Armenia without Turks". Hopefully we won't hear this again. Not because we love Turks very much, but because it could be used against Armenia.

Ombudsman: Azerbaijan tried to use the "Armenia without Turks" in World Court but so far without significant achievements. I'm sure they will continue to use this. We know, for a fact, that they are still attempting to use this in certain offices.

But the main reason Armenians should refrain from this is that we want to have a healthy and tolerant society. Any hatred would only blindfold us and make us less pragmatic. It's not beneficial for us. We need an open society that makes smart decisions. //


Azerbaijan violated the ceasefire on the Armenia border

Shots were fired toward the southeastern Armenian positions last night. The Armenian side returned fire to silence it. No injuries on the Armenian side.


interview with political expert Alexander Iskandaryan about the Nagorno Karabakh conflict

Reporter: You recently stated that Armenia and Azerbaijan are not close to signing a peace agreement yet. Has the recent Brussels meeting changed your mind?

Iskandaryan: No. It's a complicated and very long process because the main issue has not been resolved yet. Also, peace and peace agreements are different things. A "peace agreement" can be signed but each side can interpret it in their own way.

Reporter: Will Armenia sign a peace agreement with Azerbaijan that does not mention the Nagorno Karabakh conflict?

Iskandaryan: People always forget this: legally speaking, Armenia has never had territorial claims towards Azerbaijan. Nagorno Karabakh was declared a state, the legal process was around the self-determination of Nagorno Karabakh. So legally speaking, AM-AZ and AZ-AR are separate processes.

Azerbaijan doesn't even need Armenia to recognize its territorial integrity. Aliyev wants a piece of document that he can show his people and claim "Look, Armenia has recognized our territorial integrity."

Obviously, Armenia will not agree to a document that clearly states that Nagorno Karabakh is being recognized as part of Azerbaijan, so the parties could sign a compromise document which Aliyev can still show his public and claim victory, while Armenia can claim the document doesn't recognize Nagorno Karabakh as Azerbaijan.

Reporter: After the Brussels meeting, Armenia-Russia contacts have sharply intensified. Is Russia frustrated over Brussel's role? The next border delimitation meeting will take place in Brussels. Does Armenia understand Russia's frustrations and will Armenia attempt to reassure Russia during these meetings?

Iskandaryan: Russia's "frustrations" are exaggerated, including by the media, because journalists always report the transcript of what was spoken, but not the emotions. If Russia was truly frustrated, they would have ended the Brussels platform by now. They have the mechanisms for that. So whatever frustrations Moscow has, it's not too serious. Russia is not very frustrated because it understands that there is no substitute for Russia. No matter how much Brussels negotiations help Armenia, it is only a platform for dialogue, and not a serious tool to pressure Azerbaijan.

Reporter: But Russia can't apply serious pressure on Azerbaijan, either.

Iskandaryan: Does Russia want to?

Reporter: What could Russia use to pressure Azerbaijan, in theory?

Iskandaryan: The presence of peacekeepers in Nagorno Karabakh - a territory that Azerbaijan considers theirs. There are other tools as well, BUT... Russia has no time for South Caucasus right now. Still, there is no one else that can replace Russia. So the meetings in Brussels and Moscow are not truly competing against each other. You could expect nervous statements from Moscow regarding Brussels because of the overall tense situation with the West.

Reporter: Can Russia offer something on its own, besides the 5+6 proposals made by Azerbaijan and Armenia?

Iskandaryan: Yes. Russia wants to freeze the resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict for the foreseeable future. They say let's take care of other problems such as logistics, security, economy, etc. I would be okay with this as long as these problems are truly addressed one by one. But right now we keep facing problems with security and Russia has no time for South Caucasus. There are no serious and better alternatives than the one offered by Russia, however.

The West, on the other hand, wants to address the Nagorno Karabakh conflict right now. This would be beneficial for Azerbaijan. //


OSCE Minsk Group's U.S. co-chair Philip Reeker has arrived in Armenia

Reeker laid flowers in the Genocide Memorial on Thursday. He will visit other South Caucasus republics as well.

[read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1091962.html) [read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1091990.html)

Putin's special envoy is in Baku

He will discuss AM-AZ peace before visiting Armenia.

5 Armenian POWs return home

Azeri outlets reported that 5 Armenian POWs could be sent to Armenia soon, after Azerbaijan's Court of Appeal reduced their sentence and declared "time served". The soldiers were charged under fabricated claims last year.

The 5 POWs returnend home in the evning.

In other news. The World Council of Churches has adopted a resolution, urging the UN, EU, and Azerbaijan to take immediate steps to release all Armenian POWs.

[read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1092016.html) [read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1092013.html) [read,](https://factor.am/551630.html) [read,](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1092018.html) [read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1092022.html)

Pashinyan met the Armenian community in Russia's Vladivostok and answered their questions

Pashinyan: The forum in Vladivostok went well. I learned something interesting: the word "crisis" (Wei-Ji) in Chinese means "opportunity" (Ji = opportunity). The Chinese representative said that those who don't move forward are moving backward. These are relevant in our times.

The situation globally and in our region is complicated. If we can overcome our own shortcomings and see opportunity in the crisis, we can move forward.

... Russia and the world disagree with Azerbaijan

The international community and Russia also disagree with Azerbaijan's position that the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is resolved. After my April trip to Moscow, Putin and I signed a statement on the need to resolve the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Russia officially accepts that the conflict is not over.

... roads, economy, food

We are trying to realize the "Armenian Crossroads" opportunity. The unblocking of communication through Armenia will greatly benefit Armenia economically. Railways and roads change everything.

We recently conducted a study on inflation and found that on average, the food is significantly more expensive in Armenia, and when we went deeper, we found that it was connected to logistics issues.

Even before the events in Ukraine, the cost of transportation was rising. I'm sure you've felt this here in Vladivostok. It's not only bad for businesses, but also for consumers.

Now you may ask why the meat produced in Armenia, which didn't have to be imported, is also more expensive today. That's because it requires imported products (food, etc.) to prepare the animal. That's part of the issue.

Just because our neighbors will benefit from opening the regional communication routes, that doesn't mean it's not beneficial for Armenia as well. Just as we have border traffic with Iran and Georgia, we need to open communications with Turkey and Azerbaijan. We are yet to agree on the legal part that regulates the traffic. Once that's done, everything else will happen quickly.

Sadly, Armenians have long preferred to stay in one place, thinking that's acceptable. In reality, by staying in the same place, you are moving backward. We either go forward or backward.

Community member: Wouldn't the opening of a road for Azerbaijan through Syunik pose a threat to security?

Pashinyan: The presence of communications will bring additional security guarantees for Armenia. We have made it clear that this isn't going to be a "corridor", despite certain interpretations raised in Azerbaijan. We are ready to open a road even right now. It will be beneficial for everyone. Azerbaijan, of course, would rather gain a road connection without giving one to Armenia, but we insist that Armenia must receive road and railway access to Russia via Azerbaijan.

Today our entire economy relies on the single Upper Lars checkpoint between Georgia-Russia. Of course we are grateful for our northern colleagues' efforts to keep it open, but issues persist, especially now that many Black Sea cargo transfers have moved to Upper Lars. As if the region's traffic wasn't bad enough, now it has to handle the Black Sea cargo as well.

... borders

The real "threat" you've mentioned is on the borders. While Azerbaijan tells everyone they don't have territorial claims against Armenia, their use of the phrase "Eastern Zangezur" implies that there is "Western" Zangezur, too. It's not a direct claim by them, but it's a hidden threat.

Some Azeris want to use 1923 or other later maps. We, on the other hand, insist that whatever map is used, must have legal power. A map is just a picture. That picture must have a legal backstory.

Nevertheless, we must proceed with delimitation, find a solution to Nagorno Karabakh, and move forward so we won't go backward.

... Armenia-Georgia relations

Community Member: How are the relations with Georgia?

Pashinyan: The relations are great with Georgia, and there is even bigger potential. This is because our administration proposed a new formula to Georgia: Armenia will never be a threat to Georgia, and Georgia will never be a threat to Armenia. We encourage ethnic Armenians living in Georgia to contribute to Georgian statehood as Georgian citizens.

Community Member: Is there a chance the Abkhazia railway could reopen?

Pashinyan: It's not up to us. Georgia and Abkhazia/Russia need to figure it out between themselves.

... East vs West

Community Member: Is Armenia headed towards East or West? I think Russia can contribute more toward the resolution of the conflict.

Pashinyan: We are a member of EAEU, and as I've stated, our economic growth is also thanks to EAEU's free movement of goods and labor. We are also a member of CSTO and CIS. We have a military agreement with Russia. I don't understand the concerns in Russia about Armenia's direction. Have we ever announced plans to exit CSTO to join NATO? The case is closed.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't have great relations with the EU, US, Iran, etc. We are even attempting to build relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan today.

The opposition should not accuse us of being pro-West or pro-East during the internal political struggle for power, because such rhetoric is dangerous for Armenia.

Community Member: Aren't you concerned about the West sanctioning Armenia for having good relations with Russia?

Pashinyan: We are not doing anything illegal or hidden. There is trade between Armenia and Russia, which is done transparently and legally. Russia should also be interested in sanctions-free Armenia. That's why we kindly urge our Russian colleagues to avoid taking problematic steps.

Armenia has always been a reliable partner for all our colleagues, even though [begins to smirk] we haven't always received the same treatment. [There you go again. There you go again. Can you at least wait for your jet to safely exit Russia before throwing the flame?]

... business environment in Armenia

Businessman: Is Armenia business-friendly?

Pashinyan: You no longer see goons forcefully taking over businesses or preventing competitors from doing business. And if anyone is caught doing that nowadays, the authorities punish them.

We reformed the tax code, abolished the 26% and 36% brackets and set it at 23% for everyone, with plans to gradually lower it to 20%.

Today every construction company is busy. Everyone wins many tenders. There is a shortage of construction companies, to the point that the government's capital expenditures aren't being implemented in full.

We allocated over $700m (֏350b) for this year: roads, schools, hospitals, etc. But we can't find enough construction firms. We want them to build 10 buildings, but they can only build 4. We show the money and request 500 kilometers of roads, but they build only part of it.

The tourism business is booming now. I've been told that if you wanted to visit a decent restaurant in May-July, you had to make a reservation first.

We have an >11% economic growth and we are optimistic for this year. Come to Armenia. You probably have many associates in Armenia. Pick up the phone and ask them.

We see that in times of peace our creative people thrive and create. This is why we want to open an era of peace in the region.

... "give me your business" no more?

Businessman: You've mentioned the logistics issues and how improving the chain could bring down the price of products. Is it possible [wink, wink] that the logistics will improve, but the price won't go down? If you know what I actually mean... [wink]

Pashinyan: You will no longer find a businessman who complains about being told [by regime-affiliated competitors] not to import or export certain goods.

We saw interesting statistics in 2019: food prices increased globally, but not in Armenia. Why? Because we eliminated these monopolies.

I am giving you my word here: fuel, sugar, whatever, you can import and export whatever you want. The old values are a thing of the past.

... mining

Businessman: Are there any unused mines left in Armenia that are up for tender? [grins]

Pashinyan: We have several abandoned mines. I have instructed the team to make a list of every available mine and find investors. But I want to draw your attention to something else.

Armenia's largest taxpayer is the Zangezur copper plant. It used to be fully owned by the state but a few decades ago it was privatized. Our administration took steps, and today Armenia owns 21% of the shares. I think that's sufficient. We believe the private sector can operate the mine better.

We have new excellent partners in the plant who have taken steps to improve the processes and make them transparent. //

... the 2020 war, Shushi, and Pashinyan's ultimatum to generals

Context is the recent criminal charges against Defense Army commanders Jalal and Aarzumanyan, who are accused of not deploying already-available reserves to defend Shushi, providing wrong intel that got people killed, screwing up a tank attack due to negligence, and allowing the enemy to bypass Armenian troops while they advanced towards Shushi from the south.

Pashinyan: It is increasingly becoming clear that the outcome of the war could have been different despite the arms shortage. We must find the answers to all these serious questions. Were there any forces that wanted us to [lose Shushi] in order to launch a coup in Armenia? Not a fact, but it's a question worth asking. We are now seeing more facts that only reinforce this theory.

After the war, there were people who attempted to create an impression that I was trying to hide the truth. Now that we are learning more details, the same people are claiming "the government is shifting the blame on the army". What do you mean by that? Don't we need to understand the facts?

There were orders issued by certain commanders that to this day I cannot explain or justify militarily, politically, and morally.

Do you remember when they accused us of "selling" Shushi politically? Today we have [Arzumanyan] arrested over that case. People who were accusing us of surrendering Shushi are today defending [Arzumanyan]. So why do they defend him now? Is it because they never actually cared about truth and the only thing they wanted was a reason to execute the officials elected by the people?

This story is not going anywhere. Every bit of detail must be exposed.

In the end, it's all my fault, because I tolerated the flaws in the army, thinking "it's our army, we can't touch it, it's not a political structure so I should not make too many staff changes here, I have to learn to work with them".

We spent huge sums on the army after 2018, but even under our administration, the army did not always use those funds properly. So why should we forgive any of them now, regardless of the medals on their chest? Why should we forgive them?

They talk about treason. Is there bigger treason than plundering the army? There will be no compromise on this. Not a single general who stole from the army will be forgiven, be it a minister or a deputy minister.

After 2018, on several occasions, I gathered the army's top brass and asked them to explain the complaints I was receiving from outside the army, about certain alleged corrupt processes in the army. The generals reassured me the accusations were false. I told them "I am required to trust you, but remember, if I find out any of you stole from the army, you will become my personal enemy. Do you agree to this condition?" Everyone agreed. So they should stop crying now when justice catches up to them. //


public administration reforms

Justice Minister Andreasyan hosted representatives of the Asian Development Bank to discuss ongoing reforms in public administration.

▶︎ The parties have agreed to form an expert body to assist Armenia with the reforms.

▶︎ The Minister presented the progress on forming an arbitration system (court substitutes) in Armenia, which is expected to conclude this year.

▶︎ They spoke about the ongoing efforts to form a new Interior Ministry that will have oversight of police and other agencies.

▶︎ New and modern penitentiary facilities will be built in Armenia.


Poland and Armenia launch efforts to strengthen the competition protection system in Armenia

Armenia's Competition Protection Commission and its Polish counterpart have launched a joint program to strengthen the institute. A group of Polish experts will spend the week in Armenia to retrain the agents.


government drafted a bill to set new standards for vehicle markets; mandatory services on site

Infrastructure Minister Thanosyan: The minimum area of the market should be 5 hectares. It should have various services including financial, customs, and police.

You should be able to clear your vehicle, register it, and receive a license number.

Visitors should have a parking space and access to food shops. //

The ministry stole Georgian and international experience while drafting the bill.

[read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1091973.html) [watch,](https://youtu.be/J-5j0evhIzw) [read,](http://arka.am/en/news/business/armenia_government_sets_requirements_for_operation_of_car_markets/)

another major bank connects to the new program that provides up to $12/mo to seniors who shop with a card instead of cash

The government recently launched an "anti-inflation" program to issue 10% cash back to seniors if they keep their pension in the bank and make purchases with a card, instead of immediately cashing out the pension upon receiving it, which is what most seniors do in Armenia.

Tens of thousands of seniors [have since joined the program](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/wwsv2j/aug242022_govt_nationalizes_more_zangezur_shares/), but there were complaints that many seniors couldn't take advantage of these benefits because their banks aren't participating.

ACBA bank has just joined VTB Armenia, Ardshin, and Haybusiness banks.


government closes a legal gap that excluded thousands of seniors from the recent pension hike

As you know from [September 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/x3fsl1/sep12022_new_academic_city_in_ashtarak/) news, the pensions have increased in Armenia, with another raise scheduled to be announced in January.

>the average pension is expected to increase by ֏3,100 up to ֏44,300, the military pension - by ֏5,500 up to ֏82,750

>The minimum pension will go from ֏28.6k to ֏30.5k.

Tens of thousands of recipients were left out because their aid is regulated under a separate law that required a separate ruling. The issue was addressed during today's session.

[read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1091969.html) [watch,](https://youtu.be/-wGf1-xJYI8)

government allocates resources to create a new online platform where residents can learn about the available state assistance programs

>Միասնական հարթակը (կայք, հավելված) մատչելի և համակարգված կերպով քաղաքացիներին կմատուցի տեղեկատվություն պետական աջակցության բոլոր ծրագրերի/միջոցառումների վերաբերյալ։ Այն օպերատիվ կթարմացվի և կտեղեկացնի օգտատերերին նոր ծրագրերի մասին, ինչպես նաև՝ նախկին ծրագրերում կատարված փոփոխությունների մասին»


government allocates $1.7 million to continue the construction of several projects in provinces

11 communities in provinces have various construction projects co-financed by state and local governments. Some of them are set to complete soon.

Over $21 million has been allocated for 303 similar projects since the beginning of the year.

[read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1091970.html) [watch,](https://youtu.be/UsUegLXgmQk) [what else is being built?](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1091981.html)

the new nuclear plant will be located next to Metsamor NPP

The government has been negotiating with Russia to build a similar NPP, but with a much higher capacity.

Minister Thanosyan: Either it will be a power unit with a capacity of about 1000-1200 MW [3x Metsamor], or two power units with 1000 MW each.

This will not only cover all of our domestic needs and lower the cost of electricity, but also allow us to export electricity.

The construction will cost several billion dollars and will be paid over several years. The construction will last 8-10 years.

It will be built on the territory adjacent to the existing NPP and will also use some of the existing infrastructures. //


parliamentary opposition parties will continue to boycott the sessions

They want Nikol gone. «Դիմադրություն» շարժումը շարունակելու է իր պայքարը:

ARF leader Ishkhan Saghatelyan will visit Lebanon to form an anti-Pashinyan coalition.

[read,](https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/243635) [read,](https://www.panarmenian.net/arm/news/302394/)

did murder rate really increase 5-fold in Armenia? 🤔

No, according to prosecutors, who thanked the media for sensationalized headlines. The criminal code was recently amended. Authorities use different reporting methods now, said the prosecutors.

The investigators no longer launch a phase called "preparing materials". From now on, likely in order to save time, if there is reasonable preliminary suspicion that a certain type of crime was committed, they will immediately open an investigation under that category.

If in the past they would only open a murder investigation if there was more or less solid evidence of murder, then today they open a murder investigation within 24 hours of receiving information that implies murder.

134 of the "murder" investigations reported this year ended up being natural death. That's over 82% of all reported "murder" cases. A similar inflated picture is seen with other types of crimes, said the prosecutors.

▶︎ The actual number of murders has dropped by 12%, while attempted murder by 17%.

These changes in the reporting methodology could also explain the [August 23](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/ww01in/tuesday_aug232022_your_daily_news_summary_from/) news about the scandalous kidnapping of a politician's father. After discovering evidence of physical violence and a missing victim, authorities immediately launched a "possibly murder" investigation. The victim was later found alive after the authorities cooperated with INTERPOL, U.S. agents, and Iranian police.


U.S. urges citizens to avoid using Russian airlines

The U.S. embassy in Armenia has urged its citizens to avoid Russian-owned airlines due to possible safety issues. It was earlier reported that many Russian airlines are running out of spare parts for repairs.


Georgia keeps angering Russian dissidents, amid accusations that the country is too cozy with Russia

Many Russian political dissidents prefer to reside in Georgia due to its proximity, infrastructure, and Georgia's political orientation toward the West. They use Armenia as a transit state to reach Georgia. Some of these dissidents have lately been barred from entering Georgia.

Journalist-benefactor Mitya Aleshkovsky, who was declared a "foreign agent" by Kremlin, has also been "deported" back to Armenia while attempting to reenter the country.

Aleshkovsky was residing in Georgia with his family but decided to visit Armenia to attend a lecture given by his mother, who is a pro-Western figure critical of Georgian authorities' coziness with Russia.

It is unclear if that's the reason behind his reentry ban. His family is now moving to Yerevan with him.

In other news. Ukraine has called for international sanctions against Bidzina Ivanishvili, the billionaire who controls Georgia's ruling party. They accused Ivanishvili of being pro-Russian and helping Russian oligarchs.

[read,](https://www.panarmenian.net/arm/news/302380/) [read,](https://jam-news.net/russian-activist-and-journalist-mitya-aleshkovsky-not-allowed-into-georgia/) [read,](http://www.civilnet.am/news/673511/ուկրաինան-կոչ-է-անում-պատժամիջոցներ-սահմանել-բիձինա-իվանիշվիլիի-դեմ/)

Armenia's first satellite has transmitted images; satellite manufacturing plant in Armenia

High-Tech Ministry: The satellite is operational and has already transmitted images from space. It was launched as a result of a cooperation between Armenia's state company Geocosmos and the Spanish Satlantis.

Reporter: When will the public see the images?

High-Tech Ministry: The satellite is functioning, but there is a reason the images have not been published yet. Soon.

Reporter: Will Armenia also release [tiny satellities] CubeSats?

High-Tech Ministry: We are still working on Armenia's space strategy. Certain things are being clarified during STARMUS. Releasing CubeSat requires certain conditions; we must create those conditions.

Satlantis CEO: There is a long-term action plan. Armenia has made the first step. The next step is the foundation of satellite production in Armenia.

Armenian students will be trained in Spain. Analytical projects on Armenia-based satellite control will also be implemented. The data control, downlink, and processing will take place in Armenia.

>We see that there are various initiatives and its source is from Armenia, but this is a long-term project and we must be patient, industry has awakened once again, because although Armenia had space-grade optical and electronic projects and capacity, the sector was in a sleeping mode for some time, it must be awakened


STARMUS 6: The Show Must Go On

Queen's Dr. Brian May is in Yerevan, so it would be a shame if he didn't perform the iconic song before flying back. The audience enjoyed the performance by May, joined by a group of famous artists. The concert was titled "Another World".

They performed We Will Rock You, We Are the Champions, Bohemian Rhapsody, Another One Bites The Dust, etc.

A girls' choir from Tavush was invited to perform Queen's songs.

As promised earlier, Brian May performed with late duduk legend Jivan Gasparyan's grandson Jivan Junior, who is also a dudukist.

The musicians wrapped up the concert with "The Show Must Go On" and left the stage after lengthy applause.


more from STARMUS 6

[Opera square expo,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1092017.html) [read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1091979.html) [read,](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1091979.html) [read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1091993.html) [see,](https://www.civilnet.am/news/673570/ուրիշ-աշխարհում․-ստարմուս-ի-համերգը՝-լուսանկարներում/)

in case you missed

Yesterday's news in English, русский (by Impossible-Ad-). Archive by Armeniapedia. Donate to Armenia & Artsakh here

The accused are innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law, even if they "appear" guilty.

Link to original report and comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/x9ajgn/sep82022_details_from_pashinyans_meeting_with/

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