2021 November 9

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Daily news wrap-up

News - Nov/9/2021: Azerbaijan on damage control after Shushi shooting; gives "explanation"; details emerge __ Interview w/General Samvel Babayan __ Digital to replace cash __ 2022 budget gets green light __ Statements by AM, U.S., RU, and Artsakh regarding November 9 __ More Moderna __ Gambling ads
by ar_david_hh

This is your 20-minute Tuesday briefing in 4898 words.

interview with General Samvel Babayan

Babayan is a 1990s war commander and 2020 Artsakh Security Council chief.

Reporter: why did Shushi fall? Was it captured with weapons or by other means?

Babayan: all the flaws of our disorganized army command from the past 20 years were reflected in those 44 days. Doesn't matter if it's Shushi, Hadrut, or Kubatlu. The officers were unable to properly manage the army and form strategies. The troops panicked after airstrikes. They couldn't do the necessary psychological work to return them to the battlefield, etc.

Reporter: Pashinyan spoke about the right for Armenians to return and live in Shushi and Hadrut. Can we "return" these territories?

Babayan: I think we can return both cities and the lost territories in general. If Azeris truly want peace, they must return the Nagorno Karabakh territories that held a referendum.

Reporter: what was the Nov 9 statement about? Was it ceasefire or capitulation?

Babayan: ceasefire. It addressed the need to achieve a ceasefire. If Azerbaijan doesn't hold any more negotiations and claims "it's over, it's our land" that means they interpret it as capitulation. If they return to the OSCE Minsk group for negotiations, then it was a ceasefire. Hopefully, it was a ceasefire.

Reporter: in that case, does that help or harm Armenia's interests when we use the term "capitulation"? Why do we use this term, against what, and whom?

Babayan: I try not to use it. There were wars. Azerbaijan gave 30,000 deaths and lost 7 regions. In the second war, we lost 6 regions. I don't accept it as capitulation. I don't accept that our people lost, because it was our military command that failed to carry out the tasks. Time will come and you will learn the whole truth.

Reporter: will the war commission give us the answers?

Babayan: Yes. We will reveal the truth. The policies that we've seen towards our people in the past year, that spread fear and "capitulation", are simply immoral. You cannot blame the people for the mistakes of the few.

Today we are in a better position than we were in 1992 when we were losing. But we found the strength to recover and achieve victory. Don't dishearten the people.

Reporter: what do you expect to learn from the war commission?

Babayan: truth and justice. I don't think there are any war episodes that I'm not aware of. Maybe the true scale of some events is unknown to me, but the directions are clear to me, where the mistakes were. This isn't a result of one or two days, it's a 20-year problem.

Neither party is eager to have the full truth revealed, it appears, but no one can defend anyone in the commission. The investigation directions are clear. Every direction will have an opposition and government member to ensure a fair investigation.

Reporter: you aren't a parliamentarian. Some people wonder why you are a member of the commission. They also have questions for you.

Babayan: it's mainly ARF that's complaining about my participation. The lands that were given away were liberated by me, under my command, so I'm obligated to take part as someone with knowledge. Keep running under the table, kids, don't make me insult you. If anyone has questions for me about the war, they are free to invite me to Parliament for Q&A.

My only role during the war was to serve as the president's adviser. He asked me to go to "bunker" headquarters. Throughout the whole war, I gave three pieces of advice. Had they listened, they would win. Don't you need to direct your questions to those who did not listen?

During my years, I've always submitted my reports in written form. When I ask military officials today whether they have submitted any reports to the commander-in-chief about the existing problems in the army, they get mum. Then they claim "we let them know". How? By speaking to yourself in the corner of the room?

We didn't even have enough rifles for the mobilized soldiers during the war. You know... we needed 150,000 or 130,000 rifles, or... I don't want to give specific numbers. They didn't even report this shortage to their commander-in-chief. They didn't ask, "How are we going to arm all these men once we mobilize them?" Do you realize the level of catastrophe here? The truth will reveal ugly things.

Reporter: Pashinyan said on Sunday that he delivered everything that the army had asked from him.

Babayan: That's what I'm saying. Did the military submit comprehensive written reports about the army's problems?

Reporter: Pashinyan said we have failed the army-building process. Do you agree?

Babayan: we failed it, while simultaneously boasting about having the most combat-ready army in the region. We ignored the officer staff, its education, its morale. We failed the whole army development process. Nepotism is not something that the army accepts. This cannot happen in the army, yet it continues today. It's been happening for 20 years.

Reporter: what are your army modernization ideas?

Babayan: First, every army needs defense and offense. Second, we need a modern electronic map of what our enemy possesses so we can work on finding the antidotes. This should be drafted and submitted to govt for approval. We will discuss how to improve soldiers' education, where they receive the education, etc.

Followed by a 3-month-long draft for retraining. Pick the best ones from them for the professional army.

Reporter: what weapons should we buy?

Babayan: we are mountainous, so several weapon types can be used. We need modern ones to substitute the lack of enough human resources. Small expenditures should address big problems.

Reporter: how can Artsakh conflict be resolved?

Babayan: the first is the legal process. Karabakh has never been and could not have been part of Azerbaijan. There was Tsarist Russia which had Yerevan Governorate, Baku Governorate, and Kirovabad Governorate. Artsakh was part of the Kirovabad Governorate. [likely referring to Elizabethpol Governoate].

Baku got hold of those territories later. Artsakh was not part of them at the time of the 1918 Republic. During the formation of the Soviets, the Russian Caucasus Bureau etc. etc. gives the lands to Azerbaijan without any legal justification.

USSR collapses. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Artsakh break away and declare their independence. Azerbaijan starts a war. All of this is on documents.

We also have documents of when Azerbaijan contacted the League of Nations in 1920 so they can recognize Azerbaijan as a state, and you know what answer they received? That similar autonomy exists in Iran and that Azerbaijan had conflicts with its neighbors. In the same 1920, the League of Nations recognized Artsakh as a disputed territory.

Azeris expelled 500,000 ethnic minorities in 1988-1991. This was an ethnic conflict. Per UN resolution, if that happens, this country cannot be recognized, and yet they did recognize it. We must involve international courts.

1) Armenia insists on the territorial integrity of Artsakh. 2) Declare the territory under Russian mandate 3) Armenia lobbies for the mandate to transfer to the UN.

A mandate is a security guarantee. Any country that receives a mandate, for example, Palestine received a British mandate, it's for their safety. Cyprus received the English mandate. Artsakh needs its own umbrella from Russia until we can resolve it. What's your alternative?

OSCE should continue the negotiations, but they've been doing it for 26 years. They came to a conclusion but Azerbaijan ignored it and used force. Now we Armenians must ask ourselves whether we should accept their use of force, knowing that tomorrow we could be the ones to resolve it through the use of force.

What we're suggesting is, restore Nagorno Karabakh's territorial integrity, return the refugees from both sides, then discuss the "status", which will be determined by the people. Azerbaijan, however, says "we have resolved our problems".

We must ask the OSCE Minsk group whether they will abide by Azerbaijan's decision to use force, despite them claiming for decades that force cannot be used. If they accept Azerbaijan's use of force, then Armenia should accept it, too. Then we will see how things unfold. Ten years later we could reach Kur River. Is that what you want?

The UN has brought war into this region with its two decisions. The UN should not have accepted Azerbaijan as a state unless they agreed to the 1918 map. Azerbaijan didn't even have proper maps. We're currently looking for Armenian ones. In the 1930s or whatever they finally addressed the Azeri map issue.

What maps are we talking about? Before Soviets? It was Baku Governorate, so let's study that map.

When Azerbaijan claims that the UN has recognized the Azerbaijani territorial integrity, what exactly does that mean? Show us that map. They didn't recognize the Soviet one, they recognized 1918 as the legal predecessor. So you recognize Azerbaijan per 1918 order but per Soviet map? There is a discrepancy here. Our politicians have not properly worked on these legal topics.

Reporter: is there something catastrophic about the planned Pashinyan-Aliyev negotiations about a possible agreement?

Babayan: there is nothing catastrophic there. It's the topic of unblocking Soviet-era railway and asphalt routes. There is no "corridor" and stuff. There will be delimitation-demarcation, and I think they will also discuss the mandate.

Reporter: what mandate?

Babayan: Azerbaijan has not yet signed under the Russian peacekeeping mandate. You should expect a "smeared" message about these topics. With this whole thing, Russia is showing that it controls the Caucasus. The purpose of the upcoming meeting isn't to "force" anything upon Armenia, or "treason". The old politicians might remember the routine messages released once every half a year or so, about "negotiations still continue". It's about showing that Russia is the main player and that it's necessary to stop border ceasefire violations.

Reporter: what about the map and demarcation part? Pashinyan spoke about 1920-30s maps.

Babayan: we have maps before (Yerevan Governorate) and after USSR (1926-27s). USSR printed its atlas with these maps. Armenia is listed as having 30,948 m^2, although today they claim it's 29,000 m^2.

That's the only legal document. Either we use the Yerevan Governorate-era map that includes Nakhijevan, or we use the very first USSR-era map. Which one would Azerbaijan prefer?

Reporter: but there were map changes during USSR.

Babayan: Soviet Union, within its borders, took pasture lands and gave them here and there for farming. This cannot be accepted as an official border change. It was an internal Soviet shuffle. Armenia entered USSR with the 1926-27 map so that's what should be used.

Reporter: is there also nothing "catastrophic" in the unblocking of communication routes? Does each country retain sovereignty over the roads passing through its territory?

Babayan: nothing catastrophic or "hidden". I'd like to remind you that the whole nation was at first concerned about the Meghri issue, that they allegedly planned to give a "corridor" through Meghri, that they are "traitors", this and that. I explained recently, and I think Pashinyan did as well, that there was/will not be a Meghri vehicle road. It's a railway; they will build it in 5-6 years at best.

We build the Meghri part of the railway, while Azerbaijan builds the Khoradiz-Jabrayil-Meghri part. There is no railway there today because Iran built a [reservoir] and 8 villages went underwater. Railways can't pass through these areas anymore, so they need to go around.

For that, it needs to go [north] to Jabrayil before coming down to Meghri. It'll take 6 years. At first, Azerbaijan said 3, now they say 4-5, but I say it's 5-6.

Besides that, this railway must go from Turkey to Nakhijevan. Azerbaijan wants things to open simultaneously. None of the will happen in the end, and I don't think Armenians would agree to drive trucks through Azerbaijan to Russia.

Reporter: what do you think about the opposition's latest rallies?

Babayan: what exactly do they offer to people? Our people get excited easily so why don't they say something optimistic? All they say is "this is all a catastrophe, everyone is a traitor, hang yourself or run". That's what they've been singing for a year.

Guys, change your tune, it's not working. You need a statehood in mind, don't defeat yourself internally, and don't promote this or that dilettante. //

https://www.facebook.com/freenews.am/videos/4608012862627262/UzpfSTExMzAxOTUzMzQ1Njg2Njo1OTAwNzk3MDI0MTc1MTE/ https://armenianweekly.com/2020/07/23/the-issue-of-nagorno-karabakh-in-the-league-of-nations/

Kocharyan-ARF alliance nominates the rejected Security Commission candidate for the 11th time

HD MP Ghazinyan's nomination as the deputy head (apparently largely ceremonial) of Parliamentary Security Commission was earlier rejected. The ruling MPs claimed that he "lacks a basic understanding of the army and cannot work as a team". Ghazinyan claimed he has the knowledge and that his rejection is "partisan politics". The ruling party offered HD/PU to nominate someone else, but they refused.

Ghazinyan was rejected 11th time today. The opposition MPs were not present during the Security Commission session vote. Too bad, said the forever-alone commission chief Andranik K., who was hoping to ask questions to HD MP Seyran Ohanyan.

Andranik K.: you can express your views during the street rallies but the Commission is what it is, and has certain requirements. I heard dangerous rhetoric during the rallies, about setting up barricades. There should be no barricades after the June 20 elections. You have to use platforms provided by the state. //

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1067679.html https://youtu.be/wPXuPzPNbnA

Parliamentary Security Commission invited army/weapons expert Artsrun Hovhannisyan

He will contribute to the army arsenal topic. Read Artsrun's post-war analysis here, where he discusses army expenditures, weapons purchases, where the mistakes were.

Artsrun: there were institutes that were supposed to correctly evaluate weapons. The difference between 32 and 10 Smerch units, the imbalance in purchases, etc. There are secret reports about this. If this Commission investigates it, many important details will surface.

We have experts in charge of these fields who prepared excellent reports every year between 2011 and 2018. They accurately wrote that the opponent can solve X% of its problem and do Y% damage to us. These were very honest assessments.

So it is absurd that today, people who wrote these reports, are talking about different things. Many mistakes were made before and during the war. It all has to be examined and substantiated. //


update: court authorizes the arrest of the battalion commander responsible for Hin Tagher (Artsakh) defense

Hin Tagher is a village located on a narrow strip of land held by Armenians after the war. The land is west of Shushi and stretches south into Hadrut Region. Russian peacekeepers were not stationed here after the war, so Azerbaijan decided to take advantage of it shortly after the ceasefire.

Earlier this year, Armenian prosecutors concluded that had the battalion commander done his job, the area would have been defended.

Investigators report: battalion commander J.M. received order after the ceasefire to guard the 12 military positions located on the east of Hin Tagher. However, during the hostilities on December 11-12, he displayed negligence, leading to serious consequences and the 12 positions being lost, while his soldiers were encircled and 9 were killed.

The commander was charged on April 30. The court rejected the pre-trial arrest. The Appeals Court sided with prosecutors and asked the lower court to hear the trial again. The lower court has just sided with prosecutors. J.M. has been arrested. //


statement by U.S. State Department on the anniversary of the ceasefire agreement:

The region has been under our attention lately. Our envoy is in the region. All POWs should be repatriated, landmine maps should be shared for humanitarian purposes, humanitarian agencies should be allowed to visit the region, alleged violations of human rights should be investigated.


Kremlin released a statement:

The ceasefire negotiated by us helped stop the bloodshed. Our peacekeepers played a significant role in stabilizing the situation in the region.

2,381 tons of humanitarian aid have been provided to residents and demining operations were conducted. Infrastructure was repaired. 53,000 people were accompanied to return to their homes.

122 POWs have been repatriated since December 2, including 105 to Armenia. Three landmine map packages were given to Azerbaijan on humanitarian grounds. Efforts continue to repatriate everyone and provide reliable landmine maps. The protection of cultural and religious heritage is also important.

We are ready to help with the border demarcation and unblocking of economic and transport routes in the region, as stated in the tripartite statements.

We consider it necessary to continue the efforts within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group, first of all in the context of solving the socio-economic and humanitarian problems in the region.

We will do anything possible to improve AM-AZ relations and hold dialogues to establish an atmosphere of trust. //

Kopyrkin, Russia's ambassador to Armenia: the agreements are generally being respected. There have been several trilateral meetings. It's about building something based on the interests of each party, and not forcing things on someone.

Despite some fears here in Armenia, there can be no word about making deals behind the back of the Armenian people, or going against Armenia's interests. //

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1067698.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1067746.html

statement by Armenia's Foreign Ministry:

Thousands of people died and civilians were targeted as a result of Azerbaijan's aggression with the direct participation of Turkey and armed terrorists. International human rights conventions were violated. Cultural sites were targeted. Ethnic cleansings were carried out.

Azerbaijan has not implemented the 8th point of the Nov 9 statement about the return of POWs and captives. Today they deny that Nagorno Karabakh even exists, even though the Nov 9 document itself mentions Nagorno Karabakh as a territorial unit.

A comprehensive settlement of the conflict is possible only through peaceful negotiations under the mandate of the OSCE Minsk Group, which envisions the clarification of the status of Artsakh, the safe return of displaced Artsakh Armenians to their homes, and the right for people to live on their homeland safely and with dignity, based on the equality of the people and their right to self-determination.

Armenia reaffirms its commitment to reduce the atmosphere of hate in the region and to the launch of a peaceful era in the region. For it to be effective, Azerbaijan also has to adopt a constructive position by giving up on the Armenophobic and aggressive rhetoric and policies. //


statement by Artsakh Foreign Ministry:

International law prohibits the recognition of territorial invasions that were a result of the use of force. The use of force cannot abolish one of the basic principles of international law - people's equality and their right to self-determination, which is enshrined in the UN Charter.

Artsakh will never be part of Azerbaijan. The cornerstone of establishing lasting peace is the recognition of Artsakh people's inalienable right to self-determination, and the de-occupation of territories on which Artsakh people had exercised their self-determination by forming an independent state. //


Azerbaijan complained about Armenian MOD's Monday visit to the Artsakh Republic

MOD Karapetyan visited Artsakh and gave awards to several soldiers. He traveled to the front lines. Azeri MFA called it a "military provocation" and a "direct aid to illegal armed groups".


investigators release more details about yesterday's attack on water pipe workers near Shushi; Baku claims its paranoid soldier couldn't differentiate a civilian from a soldier

In the statement made by Artsakh prosecutors yesterday, they used a language indicating it was one soldier who attacked the construction workers. They released more information today:

Official: at around 3 pm, yet to be identified Azeri soldier moved from an area controlled by Azerbaijan towards the Shushi-Berdzor road, which is known as "Shushii tak", with the intent to terrorize civilian individuals, motivated by ethnic hatred. He fired towards four people working on a pipe with the intent to kill them. One person was killed and three were wounded.

The investigation continues. A criminal case is launched under "murder" and "terrorism" articles. //

Russian peacekeepers officially confirmed the incident. "There is a joint investigation with Armenian and Azerbaijani sides." The victims were repairing the water pipe used by the peacekeepers.

One of them gave an interview from the hospital, saying the Azeri soldier approached them within meters and started yelling and cursing before the shooting. He chased the workers while they were running away.

Baku responds: pipe workers usually inform Russian peacekeepers ahead of time and only visit a construction site under their supervision. This wasn't done this time. Our security was heightened that day because Aliyev was in the town. Repairing a water pipe in a place so close to the city did not fit into the logic. //

The construction site is located between two Russian bases, in a buffer zone, 400 meters from the Azeri line. The peacekeepers were aware of the planned construction work. The workers were granted permission to visit the buffer zone.

The three wounded workers reached the nearby Russian position where they were given first aid before an ambulance was called.

U.S. State Department's EU wing: we condemn the violence that caused the death of an Armenian civilian. We urge Armenia and Azerbaijan to intensify their engagement including through the Minsk Group to resolve all outstanding issues related to or resulting from the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. //

https://youtu.be/pjA6jnKrJdg https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1067669.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1067674.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1067749.html https://factor.am/439331.html https://factor.am/439340.html https://factor.am/439462.html https://twitter.com/StateEUR/status/1458099962990977031 https://factor.am/439357.html

VIDEO: Russian peacekeepers are patrolling Artsakh borders with armored vehicles


Armenian army holds air defense and tank exercises

Commanders are undergoing retraining on how to respond to a sudden turn of events.

https://factor.am/439264.html https://factor.am/439273.html

Parliament held an exhibition to display the artwork of Armenian architects who built Baku

The pictures show that thanks to the buildings designed by Armenian architects, provincial Baku became a city and turned into a major administrative and industrial center of Transcaucasia, reads the statement.


Foreign Ministry about the relations with Saudi Arabia

President Sarkissian recently visited Saudi Arabia to normalize relations. He met prince MBS during a business forum.

Reporter: could this visit lead to normalization of relations?

MFA: there is a positive atmosphere. Despite the lack of diplomatic relations, different levels of Armenian-Saudi contacts have been established in recent years. This is not a new process. President's recent visit will greatly contribute to the progress. //

There were talks about the normalization of relations last year when Saudis congratulated Armenia on Independence Day, and analysts began discussing possible trade avenues with SA, but the topic was soon forgotten amid the war.


several opposition Israeli MPs drafted a resolution to recognize Armenian Genocide

The MPs are from Shas and Likud parties.

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1067707.html https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/israeli-mks-submit-bill-to-recognize-armenian-genocide-684464

UK Parliament is discussing the recognition of Armenian Genocide

Armenian ambassador: 1st reading of a Bill on recognition of #ArmenianGenocide by the #UK took place in the UK parliament. I commend efforts of Chair of the APPG for Armenia @timloughton who introduced the bill, and looking forward to working closely with him and other MPs for the final recognition

https://twitter.com/VaruzhanN/status/1458092598510370837?t=i38oXVu3bklgIAHjvCOdNw&s=19 https://factor.am/439429.html

COVID stats

9.2k tested. 1.1k infected. 2.2k healed. 62 deaths. 29.2k active.

Narrator: It's going down! It's afraid!


another 61,000 Moderna vaccines were donated to Armenia

This time by Slovakia, as part of an EU partnership program.


solar panels are being installed on Gavar's government & school buildings

... as part of a ֏85M federal co-subsidy program. Annual 60,000 kWh production.


too many gambling ads, but what's the alternative?

Parliament invited the Competition Commission to discuss a bill about restricting gambling ads.

Competition Commission rep.: well, prohibition of any advertisement contains elements of anti-competitiveness. Companies that spent many years advertising themselves will have an advantage over newcomers that won't be allowed to promote themselves.

Per 2019 study, the prohibition of such ads will harm the ad industry as a whole. The market's income is largely provided by 4 bookmaker companies. This would lead to ֏1.7B in losses for TV, radio, internet, and physical ads providers. //

TV & Radio commission chief: let's delay the prohibition by 1-2 years. Drastic changes will negatively affect the TV companies and the quality of their programming.

The ad industry was negatively affected by the pandemic and war. The share of the revenue from gambling ads rose from 7% to 15% in some TV channels operating in the public multiplex. Combine this with the fact that TV outlets have a lot more expenses than those who broadcast their programming over the internet. //

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1067710.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1067716.html

government's 2022 budget is cleared to proceed in the Parliament

Finance Minister: it prioritizes education, defense, and infrastructure topics.

Real GDP growth is projected at 7%. It is planned to create macroeconomic conditions that will lead to high economic activity in the private sector.

֏347B on capital expenditures, or 4.5% of GDP.

IN: ֏1.844T in tax revenues, or +16.5%. Tax revenues are expected to reach 23.4% of GDP, up by 0.9%. Tax revenues will be ֏380B more than in pre-pandemic 2019.

OUT: ֏2.190T, or +10.3%.

The government debt issue will be significantly improved next year. It will reduce from the 63.5% (2020) to 60.2% (2022 end).

Moreover, the debt structure will be significantly improved, increasing the share of [presumably Armenian currency dram, "ավելացնելով դրամային պարտքի տեսակարար կշիռը"].


electronic payments are rapidly picking up pace in Armenia

Central Bank rep.: nowadays residents use digital payments more often for making small purchases and day-to-day activities.

Banks have issued 2.6 million cards. 1,600 ATMs. 1,600 POS terminals. 3,000 virtual POS terminals.

2018: 33m transactions with Armenian cards in Armenia, 3m transactions with foreign cards in Armenia, 2m transactions with Armenian cards abroad.

2021: it doubled. Armenian physical card payments +50%, online transactions +300%.


Stats for the first half of 2021:

֏300B in card transactions

֏365B cash transactions

֏900B cash withdrawals from ATM


pensions will be paid electronically beginning January 1, in all cities of Armenia

Residents can choose HayPost postal office or a bank to create their account.

There are cash exceptions for people who aren't comfortable with electronic systems due to their age or disability.


bill: more digital, less cash

The government presented a bill about promoting digital payments and reducing cash. Some transactions won't be made by cash, and businesses won't be allowed to reject a digital transaction if the client asks for it.

Central Bank rep.: the idea of the bill is that a business won't be allowed to reject a digital transaction for services or products if that's what the client wants to use.

1) Businesses won't be allowed to make cash transactions with each other. The practice is already discouraged in B2B relationships between legal entities.

2) There is a ֏300,000 threshold in cash transactions between a business and an individual. Anything above should be digital. There are exceptions with state transactions relating to some pensions, representation expenses, business trips. The salaries and insurance benefits must be digital.

3) Pawnshop loans above ֏20,000 will be digital. All loans by banks and credit organizations will be digital.

4) Some transactions between an individual and a business must be digital regardless of the sum. For example, legal and notary services, education and medical services.

5) Person to person cash transaction cap is ֏500,000.

This will lead to a reduction in the shadowy economy and better protection for consumers. //


anti-corruption: State Control Service audited the judicial branch and...

SOC reports: we audited the Supreme Court staff office and discovered that 9 employees of the Judicial Department did not [visit some hotels on a working trip and didn't use services, yet they billed the taxpayers; this is an old case from earlier this year.]

The ֏33.7M sum was recovered during the investigation. //


EU local empowerment of actors for development in Lori and Tavush regions

That's the name of the EU-funded project in cooperation with Infrastructure Ministry that has just launched in Ijevan (Tavush). Guests from the EU, UN, and other international organizations were present.

EU official: we want to help develop Armenia's provinces. it's one of the priorities of the AM-EU comprehensive cooperation agreement (CEPA) and a key part of the 2021-27 action plan.

We implemented projects in Tavush to boost small and medium businesses, tourism, and agriculture. This program will also help develop settlements. It's based on the LEADER methodology that was successfully tested in the EU countries. LEADER will be implemented in Armenia for the first time. //

They discussed helping rural communities with agriculture.

Government member: this program is very important in the context of our policy of balanced territorial development. Thanks to the help from the EU and other partners, many development programs were implemented in northern parts of Armenia, and the results are tangible.

Tavush has great tourism potential. With the implementation of LEADER, it can materialize new ideas, and later expand the cooperation in the region by boosting Armenia-Georgia tourism ties. The program will form a new culture and mentality in the context of regional development. //

The goal is the creation of at least five strategic plans for development, the formation of five Local Active Groups from the communities of Lori and Tavush, giving skills to 1,000 residents so they can help their communities, retraining 70 government workers, financing 150 local initiatives.

There will also be Covid aid for 160 businesses and 3,000 residents.

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1067696.html https://www.am.undp.org/content/armenia/en/home/projects/eu-local-empowerment-of-actors-for-development-in-lori-and-tavus.html

end of report

The accused are innocent unless proven guilty in the court of law, even if they "appear" guilty.

News archive: http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki/Daily_Anti-Corruption_Reports

Donations: soldiers' families, humanitarian aid, US tax-deductible donation.

Link to original report and comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/qqddp9/news_nov92021_azerbaijan_on_damage_control_after/

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