2022 October 13

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Daily news wrap-up

Oct/13/2022: __ Army reforms: Certified contractor wages 2x; Female training; New reservist training process; Conscript to pro __ Macron's TV interview; FR & PACE vs. RU & AZ __ Landmines __ New subway station __ Lachin road soon __ Restoring Yerevan's lungs __ Census began __ "Dutch" greenhouse __
by ar_david_hh

15 minutes, 3822 words.

salaries will double for army contractors who pass a certification test, as part of efforts to build a professional army

Pashinyan: Active-duty contractors will be eligible for salary bonuses if they pass a voluntary certification test. This is a similar process to what we had earlier implemented for school teachers to encourage them to improve their skills. We've decided to implement this system in many other sectors, including the military.

Servicemembers who successfully pass the certification will have their salaries doubled, and sometimes even more. They will need to re-certify every 3 years to keep the additional benefits.

This is part of a bigger plan to switch to a professional army and attract more contractors. According to another reform adopted recently, free apartments will be given to those who graduate from a military university and choose a career in the army.

Our servicemembers' families should not face poverty, health issues, and difficulties with educating their children. These will be the main social pillars.

Defense Ministry is still working on the certification details. This has been a large package with complexities. We've been working on it since last year. This is one of the several reform packages pending adoption.

... other contractor reforms

Defense Minister Papikyan: The goal of the aforementioned program is to raise the prestige of an officer's title through better salaries (at a minimum twice higher), education, and social conditions.

Conscripts who serve 6 months will soon have a new choice. A program called "պաշտպան հայրենյաց" (homeland defender) will be discussed during the next Government session.

Economy Minister Kerobyan: Today, contractors serve 14 days and return home for 14 days. I've met many who are willing to serve longer, in exchange for compensation. Any chance you can introduce a term with 1.5x length?

Defense Minister Papikyan: Contractor service is today associated with guarding the borders. We want it to be about preparation and training as well, so yes, we will review the 14/14 system.

... the 90-day reservist retraining process will undergo major changes

Context: Recently the government launched a regular process to summon reservists for 90-day retraining, most of which is spent on guarding borders. Qualified citizens are drafted "randomly". Many have complained that 90 days is too long, can happen at an inconvenient time, and interferes with their business.

Pashinyan: We've received many letters from reservists about the retraining process. People want to voluntarily retrain for a shorter period. We plan to give them an opportunity to join a 25-day service, instead of 90: You voluntarily contact the military commissariat, you spend 25 days in the army, and the army won't "bother" you again for a while because you have done your part.

Defense Minister Papikyan: Our goal is to switch from the 90-day process to a 25-day "voluntary" process, in which the reservist voluntarily chooses when to serve within that calendar year. They will train for 7 days and patrol for 14. It will be mandatory for all reservists.

Pashinyan: I think we should explain to the public why it's necessary to retrain everyone. The country has an army and reserves. The reserves must be kept in a good shape through regular retraining. This system was neglected for many years, and we saw the outcome in 2020.

After the war, we adopted the policy of 90-day retraining for reservists. To be more precise, the practice was already on paper, but we decided to actually do it.

We soon learned that the process was too disruptive for many reservists' jobs, so the army raised the share of unemployed reservists. They were paid during the retraining, so it addressed two issues at once.

We eventually decided that it was best to reduce the retraining from 90 to 25 days but to make it mandatory for everyone, with the ability for them to choose when to come.

... training for women

Defense Minister Papikyan: Women will be able to sign up and undergo weapons training in shooting ranges. Uniform, weapons, date, and time, everything will be clarified soon.

Pashinyan: Women I part of "everyone" when we say everyone. Their training could last shorter: 7 or 15 days. Now is the right time to discuss this. You are aware that we are going through a gun reform process right now. It won't hurt if our population is trained to handle weapons.

... 90 days vs 25 days

Question: Tell us about the decision to switch from 90 days to 25.

QP MP Gabrielyan: The 90-day system was broken and did not function for over 4 years prior to the 2020 war. It's inefficient and built on Soviet logic. I welcome the fact that it will be shorter but more frequently. It's better to allow the reservist to choose during each calendar year when exactly they want to retrain, instead of summoning them for 90 days in a disorganized manner.

Political expert Armen Vardanyan: During the 2020 war, we had reservists who hadn't held a weapon for decades. The 90-day draft is problematic because it interferes with people's work, especially if they are not from the public sector with certain protections. The 25-day is much more manageable.

Military expert Artsrun: The 90-day draft was not bad per se. What's important is the content, how much resources the state spends on recruits' compensation and training, and whether the results made it worth it. We should pay more attention to the efficiency coefficient. Hopefully, the decision to switch to a new system is based on calculations.

In some countries, they train reservists for 90 days only the first time, followed by periodic 14-21-day drafts. A few weeks are enough for the already-retrained reservist to reenter the cycle. You could have reservists who guard borders, train as special services, etc. A lot depends on their background, whether they were conscripts or contractors.

[source,](https://youtu.be/9FV-WnxtzBU) [source,](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=634419608143362) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1094765.html) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1094766.html) [video,](https://youtu.be/waxqVjLk1G0) [source,](https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/246000) Tags: #ArmyReforms

anti-corruption: $2 million asset forfeiture case is launched against the former mayor of Hrazdan & associates

Ex-mayor Aram Danielyan was one of the first high-profile anti-corruption targets after 2018. His case has reached the newly formed Anti-Corruption Court. Prosecutors want to confiscate:

🔨 11 real estate properties

🔨 3 vehicles

🔨 company shares

🔨 ֏157m cash, the legal origin of which cannot be explained.

The total value of assets reaches $2 million.


anti-corruption: prosecutors formally charge judge Ani Harutyunyan with falsifying her wealth declaration papers and assisting a money laundry scheme

You already know from [October 11 news digest](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/y1l4un/oct112022_nagorno_karabakh_can_win_independence/) who judge Ani Harutyunyan is and the corruption scandals surrounding her once-influential family members.

Prosecutor General Anna Vardapetyan recently asked the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) for permission to press charges against the judge. The SJC has ruled that prosecutors don't need permission because the charges aren't related to the suspect's duties as a judge. //

Criminal charges were pressed under two articles that could end with up to 14 years in prison. The judge denies wrongdoing.


update: multiple universities will be merged as part of education reforms and optimizations

[Yesterday we learned](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/y2g7hs/oct122022_armenia_to_russia_even_random_countries/) that the Brusov's Linguistic, Pedagogical, and Physical Culture universities will merge to improve their efficiency, amid complaints that some universities have extremely low application and attendance numbers.

Figures part of the former regime recently claimed that a ruling party MP Khachatur Sukiasyan - a frequent target of conspiracy theories - plans to buy these buildings and convert them into a business, which is the "real" decision behind the planned merger. Sukiasyan family denied the rumors about buying the buildings, and said that the authors are "discrediting themselves".

Education Minister: The three universities will merge. Nothing is shutting down. The buildings will be preserved. They will eventually gradually move to better conditions when the Academic City is ready. These upcoming changes are about improving the quality and having a smaller administrative overhead: one rector's office instead of three. I urge the students not to fall for various manipulations.

It's strange that the Brusov rector presented this as a "surprise move". I had personally informed the rectors about these plans back in August. Her term is set to end in October. We are discussing the possibility of delaying the elections until the merger is over. //

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1094778.html) [source,](https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/245917) [source,](https://www.panarmenian.net/arm/news/303087/)

Government allocates ֏277 million for acquisition of equipment for 10 schools

Several schools are being rebuilt to better withstand earthquakes. The plan is to ensure every school comes with brand-new stuff.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1094771.html) [video,](https://youtu.be/9FV-WnxtzBU?t=2141)

construction of Yerevan's new subway station in Ajapnyak will begin in 2024

Pashinyan: As a reminder, we launched a public tender earlier to begin the preparatory work. The design work is already underway, and its first phase is expected to finish very soon. The design will be ready in Q4 2023, so the construction should begin in 2024.

Infrastructure Minister Sanosyan: The first phase is over. They examined the earth, air, buildings, etc. We are entering the second phase, which will last 300 days. The final 3rd stage - the construction - will begin in 2024.

... Yerevan subway stations will have new powerful air conditioners

Infrastructure Minister Sanosyan: We will allocate $1.2 million to acquire 14 powerful air conditioners to replace the 1980-era stuff. Every station will receive a new unit. Why is it needed?

▶︎ Control humidity to extend the lifespan of the equipment.

▶︎ Fresh oxygen.

▶︎ Save energy and control remotely.

▶︎ Better safety in case of fire.

Other misc. purchases include wagon parts, cables, lighting network, etc.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1094777.html) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1094773.html) [source,](https://youtu.be/9FV-WnxtzBU?t=2693)

"free ride" could soon be over for larger businesses that use deceptive tactics to use tax breaks meant for micro-businesses

As we learned on [October 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/xxh6w7/oct62022_military_expert_artsrun_returns_from/), the government plans to amend the law on microbusinesses. A few years back they adopted a law to heavily cap the taxes on revenue and salary for most self-employed tiny businesses.

They were expecting 20,000 registrations, but 35,000 have since registered. The finance ministry has identified areas of abuse, including methods used by larger businesses to "split" their business so they can appear as microbusiness. Some landlords have also found a loophole to legally avoid paying taxes on income generated from rent.

After the amendment, the tax on employee wages will be 20% instead of the fixed ֏5,000. It's expected to generate an additional ֏20.7b ($51 million) in tax revenues.


Turkish and Azeri hackers defaced several Armenian websites after breaking into a hosting server

Around 200 websites were defaced. They featured Supreme Leader Aliyev's picture from when he was still young. Among the targets were the website of Nagorno Karabakh's Finance Ministry, Gyumri municipality, South-Caucasus Railway, and Medical University.

Expert Samvel Martirosyan believes they attacked a single Armenia-based server that was hosting multiple websites. This was confirmed by the representative of South-Caucasus Railways.

[source,](https://factor.am/566231.html) [source,](https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/245992)

Armenian soldier died from a landmine explosion

Major Saribek Yeghoyan died on Wednesday, announced Armenia's Defense Ministry.


only Azerbaijan knows the location of landmines that kill Azeris in occupied territories: Nagorno Karabakh

Hundreds of Azeri soldiers have died or received injuries from landmine explosions after their occupation of Nagorno Karabakh territories in 2020. Armenians later shared the map of landmines planted by the Armenian side, as part of a humanitarian process encouraged by the U.S. and France.

Azerbaijan baselessly claims that Armenians are still hiding the location of a million landmines planted throughout the territories, and that it will take them "30 years and $25 billion" to clear them.

Nagorno Karabakh responds: False. We planted landmines only along the line of contact and not within settlements [and later shared the maps]. Azerbaijan itself had planted many landmines. After the war of 1990s, we began removing the Azeri landmines but didn't have time to complete it [due to the occupation by Azerbaijan in 2020]. Azeris who planted these landmines in the 1990s are the only ones who know their locations.

Ambassador-at-large: In reality, Ilham Aliyev makes these false claims about landmines because he needs an excuse to explain to his people and foreign players why the occupied Armenian villages have not yet been resettled with Azeris. In reality, these landmines were planted by both sides, and we had only planted them along the border and not in civilian settlements.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1094789.html) [source,](https://factor.am/566279.html) [source,](https://factor.am/566436.html) [source,](https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/245982)

President of Azerbaijan about global trade and international transport links

Aliyev: Azerbaijan has greatly contributed to the development of the North-South and East-West corridors, and today we are promoting the Zangezur corridor, which could be an important part of the Middle corridor. //

The Middle corridor is a cargo route connecting China to the EU through Central Asia. It's supported by the West because it bypasses Russia. Armenia has also expressed interest in becoming part of the "crossroads", as long as the roads respect the sovereignty of Armenia.


France's Macron explained the Nagorno Karabakh conflict to the French audience, and how Europe is pressuring Armenia and Azerbaijan to recognize each other's 1991 borders

Emmanuel Macron: A war broke out two years ago in Nagorno Karabakh, which is not an internationally recognized territory. There is a dispute around it. Armenia was in Karabakh because Karabakh is in their heart. Azerbaijan launched a terrible war with barbaric episodes and captured the territory. In September, Azerbaijan launched several attacks across the border, possibly to open a corridor from one end to the other [Nakhijevan].

Reporter: What can France do?

Emmanuel Macron: We condemned the incident and I immediately called Ilham Aliyev and Nikol Pashinyan. They came to Paris a few days later. France is one of the mediators, so I wanted to invite them to the Prague summit. This, by the way, was the first time in recent history that Armenia's Premier and Turkey's President had a chance to meet face-to-face.

Together with Charles Michel, we gathered Pashinyan and Aliyev and decided that the two sides must commit to recognizing their 1991 borders. A European commission is headed there to monitor future violations so the international community can have information and restore respect towards borders.

So what has been happening on these borders since 2020? There are 5,000 Russian soldiers there. The Russians have played Azerbaijan's game with Turkish complicity and came back to weaken Armenia which was once a country it was close to. Russia wants to create disorder in the Caucasus to destabilize all of us. France is here, France is a mediator, and we won't abandon Armenians.

Reporter: Is Azerbaijan getting away with it because of our gas deal?

Emmanuel Macron: France does not buy gas from Azerbaijan. Some European countries do, but I will look into your eyes and say this right now: our values cannot be purchased with oil and gas.

... Russia responds to Macron's accusations of destabilizing the region and helping Azerbaijan

MFA of Russia: Unacceptable. Such attacks are consistent with the anti-Russian line of the West to portray Russia as a monster. It's an attempt to transfer the logic of confrontation from Ukraine to the South Caucasus.

Paris is not interested in establishing stable peace in the region. Unlike France, we made a crucial contribution to the signing of the 2020 ceasefire, and our peacekeepers continue to guarantee the security of the region. France is harming its reputation in the region by attacking our efforts. //

[source,](https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-10-12/france-accuses-russia-of-stoking-armenia-azerbaijan-conflict) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1094770.html) [source,](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1094831.html) [source,](https://youtu.be/ma1hHuR3J1U?t=17)

Russia wants to turn Turkey into a major gas hub, export gas to Pakistan

▶︎ Putin wants to increase gas delivery to Turkey - "the most reliable gas route today" - as a substitute for the damaged Nord Stream pipelines. The plan is to turn Turkey into the largest gas hub for Europe. He wants Europe to think about it.

▶︎ Russia's Gasprom wants to export gas to Pakistan via Iran. Work is already underway to build an Iran-Pakistan pipeline to export Iranian gas to Pakistan. Russia wants to hop in.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1094787.html) [source,](https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Putin-Suggests-Creation-Of-European-Gas-Hub-In-Turkey.html) [source,](https://factor.am/566452.html)

Council of Paris adopted a resolution condemning Azerbaijan's aggression against the sovereign territory of Armenia



PACE rapporteurs: Azerbaijan has illegally invaded Armenia

Kimmo Kiljunen and Boriana Åberg: Azerbaijani troops have occupied Armenian territories, thus violating Armenia's territorial sovereignty and Azerbaijan's obligation on settling conflicts peacefully under the Council of Europe Charter.

We call on Azerbaijani authorities to immediately withdraw forces from every occupied territory of Armenia, and free the prisoners of war. //

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1094839.html) [source,](https://pace.coe.int/news/8026/monitors-urge-armenia-and-azerbaijan-to-immediately-de-escalate-the-situation-and-return-to-the-negotiating-table)

people of Nagorno Karabakh have the right to protect their existence: Armenian MP in PACE

Ruling MP Vladimir Vardanyan: I'd like to thank every faction who presented the reality with facts. Allow me to respond to the Azeri delegate now. Mr. Seidov, I understand it must be difficult for you to defend evil for so many years. In any case, that's your choice, but PACE is an institute with values and obligations. By becoming a member, Azerbaijan made a commitment to refrain from the use of force.

When Mr. Seidov talks about "Armenian forces located in Azerbaijan", I want you to understand that it is a complete lie. The population of Nagorno Karabakh has the right to defend its existence.

Look at what's happening. Dismemberment, torture, premeditated murder. People have the right to defend themselves, and they are attempting to exercise that right. //


Azerbaijan destroyed an Armenian church in Mokhrenis, Hadrut (occupied territories)

Satellite photos from Caucasus Heritage Watch show that the St. Sargis church, built in the 18-19th century, has been destroyed by Azerbaijanis after they occupied the territory in 2020.


EU's technical group arrives in Armenia to decide where to deploy the EU border monitoring mission

The location and other details will be discussed on the spot. The decision to send a mission was announced after the October 6 meeting in Prague.


we finally have a foreign minister who is independent from Kremlin: pro-Western civil society figures cheer Mirzoyan's firm stance

[October 12 news digest](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/y2g7hs/oct122022_armenia_to_russia_even_random_countries/) has the context. FM Mirzoyan held an honest conversation with FM Lavrov.

Ioannesian, Informed Citizens NGO: When you have a system in which Moscow dictates your every move and calls you a "big boy", it requires titanic efforts to exit that system. Mirzoyan essentially declared Armenia's independence during the meeting with Lavrov. He declared that Foreign Ministry is not Moscow's property anymore, and this deserves respect. Better late than never. Now initiate the withdrawal from CSTO.

Styopa Safaryan: For now, I'll just say that Mirzoyan is a good FM. Not because of his sharp and targeted statements, but because he is a very hard worker.

[source,](https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/245980) [source,](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=805450680736706)

Nagorno Karabakh delegation visited Armenia to discuss the negotiation progress

Arayik Harutyunyan and Pashinyan discussed the latest details of the negotiation process after the Prague meeting, followed by a meeting between Armenia's security council chief Grigoryan and Harutyunyan's delegation, during which Grigoryan briefed them on the details of the negotiation process.


Armenian portion of the new Lachin corridor road will open for traffic soon

The Republic of Armenia is building a 12-kilometer Tegh-Kornidzor road in Syunik. The government said it will be ready by spring, but the gravel road can be used starting next month. It will connect to the alternative corridor road built by Azerbaijan.


$9 million greenhouse opens in Gagarin (Gegharkunik), uses weaponized bugs

CEO: The state-subsidized construction of the 4-hectare greenhouse began last year and will complete soon. Half of it is already operational. We imported special seedlings from the Netherlands. Only Dutch roses will be grown here.

The automated system will grow them without the use of chemicals. We grow special bugs that fight against harmful insects.

The greenhouse will have 90 permanent employees in addition to hundreds of temporary construction jobs. This will have a significant impact on Gagarin households.


census is underway in Armenia

It's the 3rd in Armenia's history. The process will last until October 23. A combined method will be used for the first time.

Enumerators will visit every 4th household in each community and fill in the electronic questionnaire using tablets. Certain data from existing databases will be used as well.

Questions: household members, education, health, job, living standards... 44 in total. The full results will be available a year later.


colorful air balloons took to the skies of Garni | PHOTO

The international "Բացահայտիր Հայաստանը" festival is underway. Armenian and Russian air balloon operators are flying above Garni to enjoy the terrain and get drunk (on the ground). They will move to Yerevan in a few days.

Pilot Alexander Fyodorov: It's my first visit to Armenia. It looks beautiful from above. In a world full of bad news, we need more festivals like these to make new friends and explore new countries.


Russian refugees swarm the Botanical Garden in Yerevan to revamp it | VIDEO

We learned earlier this year that Russian refugees and economic migrants are pretty good at keeping Yerevan streets clean. They have launched campaigns to collect trash.

Another one has launched in the Botanical Garden, headed by a professional botanist Zoya Dutova from Pyatigorsk. They are cleaning the alleys, cutting bad branches, etc.

Zoya: No offense to my Russian people, but Armenians have a warmer attitude toward foreigners. It was easy to settle here. I haven't encountered any "you are here to take away my job". It's also convenient because there were already some botanical connections between Armenia and Russia. //

The volunteers say Yerevan is dirtier and dustier. "Plenty of things to do."


Yerevan will plant thousands of trees near Genocide Memorial as part of the plan to restore the capital's lungs | VIDEO

Municipality: Preparatory works are underway on the 8.5-hectare land to plant 3,000 trees (Japanese saphora, hatseni, tkhki, things that blossom) and 3,000 bushes. We plan to finish it in November.

The goal is to restore Yerevan's former forests wherever possible. There were efforts in Paros hills and Yerablur, while efforts are underway on a 4-hectare area in Saralanj. This is an unprecedented project. We are planting forests on 10 hectares during one season. The trees will use a new irrigation network.

[video,](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=835716047764070) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1094790.html)

scandal in Georgia after the discovery of a 1.8 million-year-old tooth

>Archaeologists in Georgia have found a 1.8-million-year-old tooth belonging to an early species of human which they say cements the region as the home of one of the earliest prehistoric human settlements in Europe, possibly anywhere outside Africa.

>Orozmani, together with Dmanisi, represents the centre of the oldest distribution of old humans - or early Homo - in the world outside Africa

The scandal unfolded when the historic tooth somehow ended up spending several days in an individual's house before being transferred to a museum. Later, the archaeologist who discovered the tooth was found dead. A criminal investigation was launched. >!We might find out what happened 1.8 million years from now, if they work as fast as Armenian investigators.!<

[source,](https://www.civilnet.am/news/679022/վրաստանում-18-մլն-տարեկան-ատամի-հայտնաբերումը-սկանդալի-է-վերածվել/) [source,](https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/oddly-enough/georgian-archaeologists-find-18-million-year-old-human-tooth-2022-09-09/)

in case you missed

Yesterday's news in English, русский (by Impossible-Ad-). Archive by Armeniapedia. Donate to Armenia & Artsakh here

The accused are innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law, even if they "appear" guilty.

Link to original report and comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/y3c33y/oct132022_army_reforms_certified_contractor_wages/

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