2022 October 26

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Daily news wrap-up

Oct/26/2022: __ Gov't members criticize Russia for aiding Azerbaijan with "corridor" & ignoring invasion; "we're almost done with you" __ Foreign debt shrinks __ New housing & roads in Artsakh; 230 km in Syunik __ Yerevan's new subway station __ Medical certification __ Bills pass __ Jobs & wages
by ar_david_hh

19 minutes, 4813 words.

Nagorno Karabakh is building lots of new housing, roads, and infrastructure

Expect many new apartments and asphalted roads this year, said the authorities, citing projects financed by the state and Himnadram.

Projects for the construction of new neighborhoods consisting of hundreds of new single-family houses and tens of apartment buildings are complete.

The new highway connecting Artsakh to Armenia will have a new lighting network.

Urban Development Minister Sargsyan: At one point we became overwhelmed with project documents and tenders, some of which were inherited from the previous year, so we had to take a break to sort it out.

Just as in Armenia, Artsakh is facing a severe shortage of construction materials and cement. The lowering of the cement import tariff is seemingly having its effect, we are observing additional deliveries.

Reporter: What projects are underway in Charektar, Shahumyan? [village bordering Azerbaijan]

Minister: Immediately after the war, the mayor informed us that the residents wish to return to their homes. We rebuilt and furnished 25 houses and the school, restored the electrical lines, and built a new artesian well. The majority of residents have not yet returned, so the work has been suspended.

Reporter: What housing projects are underway in Ivanyan?

Minister: We are building two districts with condos and single-family homes. 20 condos are under construction, 10 of which - with 120 apartments - will be ready this year. 60 of the 107 single-family homes will be ready this year. The rest should be completed in H1 2023.

This housing is for IDP families from Hadrut, Mets Tagher, and Ughtasar. We are still building utilities and lighting infrastructure. Hopefully, the weather will allow us to finish it this year. Furnishing, which is also financed by the state, will begin in December. The 3-story building next to the new district will serve as a school.

Reporter: Any other construction projects?

Minister: By the end of the year, residents will receive 100 and 50 houses in Astghashen and Hovsepavan respectively.

The single largest post-war road project is the [alternative road between Martakert and Stepanakert](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/ydl3aq/oct252022_new_artsakh_road_to_shorten_travel/). Himnadram is financing this Martakert-Nerkin Horatogh-Chankatagh bypass road. The asphalt is ready. It will cut the distance between the capital Stepanakert and Martakert by 20 kilometers, by bypassing Drmbon.

We have also asphalted the road between the highway and Astghashen/Patara, with Dahrav road being next. [these are small settlements located west of the highway that connects Stepanakert to the north]

These roads are mostly financed by Himnadram. The state is financing the connection to several communities of Martuni and Martakert.

Reporter: Have you already repaired the damage done to buildings during the war?

Minister: We opened a hotline after the war to gather information about infrastructure damage. We recorded over 7,000 damaged addresses. 90% of them have been resolved. In some cases, we provided construction materials to owners. We are still rebuilding 120 structures that were completely leveled by airstrikes.

Reporter: Some of these efforts began last year. What housing projects were launched this year?

Minister: Several buildings in Ivanyan, 32 in Խաչմաչ [nice name, my lazy bros], 64 in Karmir village, and more housing for hundreds of families in Khnatsakh and Noragyugh.

The goal is to asphalt every road that connects settlements to the highway, and to provide housing to all IDPs, disabled veterans, and families of fallen soldiers, by 2025.

Reporter: Can you tell us about the overall scale of housing projects?

Minister: Construction of 4,000 housing units began after the war. This is the largest-ever construction since the 1st war. We are facing a labor shortage, and more financial resources could always help.

[donate here](https://www.himnadram.org/)


230 km of roads are being built in Syunik this year, foreign companies want to build the Kajaran tunnel: Infrastructure Minister

Sanosyan: Special attention is being paid to roads of strategic importance. 130 km is still under construction. The roads leading to border villages Shurnukh and Bardzravan will be ready this year.

The Khot-Vorotan section is facing complications due to landslides, so the asphalt will be ready next year.

North-South is under active construction. We are reviewing bids for the construction of the crucial Sisian-Kajaran section. Foreign companies have submitted a bid to build the Kajaran tunnel.

The tender for Kajaran-Agarak will be announced soon. //


construction of Yerevan's new subway station enters next phase | VIDEO

Last year the government hired the Russian company MetroGiproTrans to design it. Once the final design is ready, the construction of the 11th subway station will begin in 2024. It will connect Barekamutyun station to Ajapnyak.

This station in Ajapnyak was supposed to be built during USSR but the project was shelved. Every Yerevan mayor has since promised to build it.

MetroGiproTrans's Valeri Abramson visited Yerevan to meet deputy mayor Avinyan. The company recently used 3D scanners in the tunnel and will calculate the approximate cost. A team of engineers will arrive soon.

The city will choose between two options proposed by the designer.

Avinyan: If the daily ridership of the Metro increases by 15,000, that's about 20%. We will increase the Metro's load by 20%. The biggest winners will be the residents of Ajapnyak and Davtashen. //

The station will be ~152 meters. It might be on a bridge, or begin from the edge of the bridge.


the average monthly number of taxable jobs in January-August

663,000 taxable jobs, or +6% vs 2021 period.

Taxable income was ֏159.4 billion, a +20%.

Income per job was ֏240,000 ($600), a +13%.


parliament discusses Armenia's public and foreign debt

QP MP Bagratyan: Armenia's debt is approaching $10 billion. It is worth noting that 60% of it is foreign debt, whose share has significantly declined.

Our foreign debt has declined by $152 million since January. This is an important process that should continue, we must balance it with the help of internal debt. This was aided by the dram-dollar exchange rate.

If the trend continues, shouldn't we form a safety net and increase our foreign currency reserves?

Finance Minister Khachatryan: The Government will submit the 2023 budget resolution to Parliament next week. There will be thorough discussions about the microeconomic environment, monetary policies, etc.

This year we had to revise our economic projections every 3 months due to unpredictable events, and topics relating to debt were no exception. Earlier this year we were not expecting the debt-to-GDP ratio to improve this much.

(1) Economic activity was a lot better, it was 14.1% in January-September. That's approximately how the year will end.

(2) On top of that, the dram has strengthened against the dollar. If in January around 70% of the debt was in foreign currency, by the end of the year we expect it to be 50%.

In our internal discussions, we consider scenarios in which dram won't maintain its strength. We see no major risks in these medium-term predictions. There is a plan for every scenario, including with a strong dollar.

Regarding the "safety net". The Government has "կայունացման հաշիվ" in the budget, in which we store additional financial reserves for emergency situations. We have decided that a legislative regulation is necessary for this fund, so a resolution will be introduced soon.


bill approved: to boost demographics, unemployed mothers in Yerevan will also receive monthly child aid until the child turns 2

The Parliament voted 61-4 to approve a resolution submitted by the Government. Four opposition MPs voted against.

The assistance is currently only provided to unemployed mothers if they live in villages. It will become available to everyone and will apply to children born after January 1, 2023.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095700.html) [source,](https://youtu.be/vojFPS8LWoc?t=1600)

bill approved: €22.6 million loan from EBRD to build STEM labs in thousands of schools, and open dozens of new preschools in provinces

The Parliament voted 61-4 to approve a resolution submitted by the Government. Four opposition MPs voted against the bill.

▶︎ 4 high schools in Yerevan and provinces will be rebuilt.

▶︎ 200 schools will receive modern lab equipment.

▶︎ 80 new preschools in villages that have none.

▶︎ Grants for universities for innovative stuff.

The end goal is to re/build 300 schools and 500 kindergartens by 2026, and create modern STEM labs in every school.

[source,](https://youtu.be/vojFPS8LWoc?t=1463) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095703.html) [source,](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/v8u1o3/your_daily_news_digest_from_armenia_jun92022/)

Russia complains, U.S. responds

Reporter: Russia's foreign ministry accused the West of being engaged in self-promotion and trying to squeeze Russia out of Transcaucasia.

U.S. State Department: It's not self-promotion to put an end to years of conflict. Our only goal is to help Armenia and Azerbaijan to achieve comprehensive and lasting peace.

We’ve encouraged both leaders to meet in whatever format is most useful to them. We believe direct dialogue is key. That's why Anthony Blinken invited AM and AZ colleagues to New York City in September. It was their first meeting since the September flare-up.

It’s ultimately for Armenia and for Azerbaijan to decide whether President Putin’s [October 31] invitation would be helpful to them in pursuit of that lasting peace. Russia’s 2008 invasion of Georgia and its ongoing invasion of Ukraine suggests that Moscow has little respect for its neighbor’s sovereignty and is hardly a reliable, long-term partner. But ultimately, this is going to be a decision that Armenian and Azerbaijan will have to reach.

The restoration of Armenia, Azerbaijan’s, and Georgia’s independence in 1991 from the Soviet Union was a seminal event that guaranteed each of these countries the right to pursue their own foreign policy interests independent of Moscow or any other country. //

[source,](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1095713.html) [source,](https://www.state.gov/briefings/department-press-briefing-october-25-2022/)

peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan; direct negotiations between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan

QP MP Badalyan: We had an interesting situation yesterday. Opposition MPs decided to participate in the session. They put up a show and even ripped a negotiation document by Washington [after September aggressions, on the need to establish a ceasefire and sign a peace treaty this year]. It was widely covered by Russian media. Can you tell us more about the negotiation progress and our expectations? Is a peace treaty realistic, and can it be signed this year?

Pashinyan: Our wish is to sign it by the end of this year. Is it realistic? We are doing our part to make that happen. But we must finish the border delimitation this year before the peace treaty is signed. Is that realistic? Considering that we have already reached an agreement in Prague to conduct delimitation based on the 1991 borders, we consider it possible.

The negotiations... It's important to launch an internationally-visible public dialogue between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan. This is very important. Mechanisms for the protection of the rights and security of Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh must be present.

Q: Is Armenia attempting to damage relations with Russia?

Parliament Speaker Alen Simonyan: No. Armenia wants to be treated fairly, it wants the obligations regarding its borders to be fulfilled. And for this, Armenia will do anything. There are no emotions here, it’s not a matter of liking or disliking. There are obligations and we will follow the implementation of those obligations.

Reporter: Russian media writes that Armenia is changing its political course towards the West.

Alen Simonyan: Excuse me but perhaps it is Russia that wants to change its political course because Armenia hasn’t done anything in that direction.

After the revolution, there was a lot of speculation about the withdrawal of the Russian military base, withdrawal from the CSTO, and other things. Have any of those things ever happened?

It is a fact that CSTO itself has withdrawn from Armenia, and not Armenia from the CSTO. If the CSTO has left, they should notify us about that so that we’ll be able to protect our borders with other mechanisms.

I can't discuss everything, but our public knows very well how everyone behaved after the aggression, what real steps were taken, and what was supposed to be done that hasn't happened.

Reporter: Do you have any expectations from October 31 meeting between Putin, Pashinyan, and Aliyev?

Speaker Alen Simonyan: I expect Russia to realize that Armenia's [interests cannot be sacrifized] anymore. Armenia cannot take another step backward. We are going to do everything to protect our interests and the interests of Nagorno Karabakh.

Q: Has Russia's CSTO responded to Armenia's call for military assistance?

Pashinyan: CSTO recently sent an assessment group. CSTO's council will soon discuss its findings. We expect CSTO to 1) give a clear political assessment of the September aggression, and 2) form a roadmap for restoring Armenia's territorial integrity. These are the expectations of the Armenian public and our Government.

Pashinyan criticizes "certain circles" in Russia for supporting a "corridor" for Azerbaijan

Question: Can you confirm that Putin has invited you and Aliyev to Sochi for a tripartite meeting on Monday

Pashinyan: Yes. The previous meeting under this format took place in November 2021. We will likely discuss the events that have unfolded since then, as well as the implementation of the Nov. 9 statement. We need to clarify and discuss certain topics known to you.

We will discuss Azerbaijan's invasion of Nagorno Karabakh territory which was under peacekeepers' control, in March 2022. We still don't understand the lack of response by Russian peacekeepers, and what steps are being taken.

Certain statements are still being made about a "corridor", including by some individuals in Russia who want to develop that narrative which, by the way, goes against the Russian government's official statements and the signed documents. So we need to discuss this.

Pashinyan criticizes Russia for not delivering promises on border stability

Pashinyan: Last year we were discussing the implementation of steps to stabilize the AM-AZ border. Initially, we insisted for steps be taken to secure the border first, and only then proceed with delimitation. But our Russian colleagues assured us that the delimitation itself would be the stabilizing factor.

Although we disagreed with them, we agreed to accept their offer in order not to be the blocking party. The aggression on September 13 took place after the formation of this delimitation commission.

So it's strange that our Russian partners, who were assuring us that the delimitation commission would ensure stability, to this day have not made clear statements condemning the aggression. I will raise these issues in Sochi and during a separate meeting with Putin.

[source,](https://youtu.be/cKIJDqs7334) [source,](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1095722.html) [source,](https://youtu.be/TbPGHkzr5Ts)

Pashinyan is again running his mouth about "dysfunctional" Russian missiles

It has already gotten him into big trouble once, in early 2021, when the now-former army chief Onik Gasparyan threatened a coup, after Pashinyan accused Russian-supplied Iskander missiles of not functioning during the war. At the time, the U.S. warned the Armenian army against making any bloody moves. Pashinyan went on to fire the army chief and win reelection.

[On Monday](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/yctv19/oct242022_360_million_for_artsakh_interview_w/) Pashinyan visited the Anti-Corruption Committee, where he spoke about the ongoing fight against corruption, including in the army.

This time, without giving Russia's or Iskander's name, Pashinyan stated that some "scary-sounding" big-name missiles were not functioning during the war because someone had stolen components made out of gold.


Was it Alen դզյա who banned Margo տոտա from entering Armenia? Parliament Speaker threatens to disclose content from "disrespectful" conversations.

Yesterday Armenian parliament informed Russian Parliament official Konstantin Zatulin and Russia's RT media outlet's Margarita Simonyan that their entry to Armenia is prohibited. [It's explained here]( https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/ydl3aq/oct252022_new_artsakh_road_to_shorten_travel/). Critics have also pointed out that a few years ago Margarita Simonyan stated that Russia had the moral ground to "spit on Armenia".

Reporter: Tell us about the entry ban.

Speaker Alen Simonyan: Statements against the sovereignty of Armenia and disrespectful conduct against Armenia will receive a response.

Reporter: [10 reporters shout at the same time so I have no clue what the question is]

Alen Simonyan: I have no such information but I won't rule out that [Margarita Simonyan's] husband and other individuals with Armenian last names are also on the ban list. [likely referring to Margarita's equally controversial husband Tigran Keosayan, another staunch supporter of the Kremlin, part of a wider group that always accuses Armenia of being ungrateful and being in debt to Russia]

There are many such foreign agents who disrespect Armenia and its sovereignty. ~~By the way, they often meet the members of Armenia's former administrations and make very insulting comments during these meetings.~~ [Correction: Simonyan said the insults were used against members of former administrations during conversations with others.] Your colleagues [outlets owned by the former regime] want to defend this conduct, so perhaps one day I will be so angry that I will disclose the content of their private conversation for you to see.

Reporter: Isn't it dangerous to ban Zatulin, couldn't it add tensions to Armenia-Russia relations?

Alen Simonyan: Armenia and its security system are under attack, so I don't care what anyone feels about Zatulin's ban. We must defend Armenia's borders. The contractual obligations assumed by Russia must be respected. Yet we keep hearing fairy tales by these people on [Russian state media]. We are not going to remain silent after losing hundreds of soldiers and territories for the sake of not harming relations with Russia. It's not about loving or hating Russia.

Reporter: Ruling party MP [stated yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/ydl3aq/oct252022_new_artsakh_road_to_shorten_travel/) that Russia is helping Azerbaijan to get a "corridor" from Armenia.

Alen Simonyan: There are various comments around this topic. The fact is, we have a November 9 tripartite statement. And although many view it as "capitulation" document, it contains several very beneficial paragraphs for Armenia. For example, Nagorno Karabakh and the conflict exist, it has LoC, there must be a Lachin corridor, there is no other "corridor" via Armenia, etc. The follow-up statement on January 11 was also adopted with the direct help of Russia. These are fundamental documents.

We are waiting for CSTO to act, to make targeted statements just as many non-CSTO states have made. But we cannot wait forever. Not much time has left. //

[source,](https://youtu.be/TbPGHkzr5Ts) [source,](https://youtu.be/TbPGHkzr5Ts?t=275) [source,](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/ydl3aq/oct252022_new_artsakh_road_to_shorten_travel/) [source,](https://youtu.be/c9KTVH17vns?t=189)

Pashinyan's brother-in-law hopes that Russia will end attempts to secure a "corridor" for Azerbaijan

Reporter: Russian official Konstantin Zatulin and RT's Margarita Simonyan have been banned. They've been making various statements about Armenia for years, so why were they banned only now?

QP MP Hrachya Hakobyan: Zatulin claimed Armenia has signed a corridor for Azerbaijan. That is false, Pashinyan has not signed any such documents. So we must understand what these foreign officials are pursuing. Perhaps certain circles in Russia guide them.

Reporter: Your fellow QP MP yesterday stated that Russia is attempting to open a "corridor" through Armenia.

Hakobyan: Several meetings were held in Washington and Europe, in which we promoted our stance regarding the absence of the "corridor". Eventually, Russia might come to terms with the fact that they cannot make the corridor happen, especially now that they see the determination of our government and Pashinyan.

Reporter: Were there any direct demands for a corridor during negotiations with Pashinyan?

Hakobyan: I doubt it. It appears they are doing it more subtly.


interview with political expert Richard Giragosian about AM-AZ conflict, West, and Russia

Reporter: Your thought on the EU border mission.

Giragosian: I'm impressed because the EU as an organization is not known for a rapid response like we've seen here. It's further significant because it's a robust response in terms of deploying into Armenia's most sensitive areas, which means these civilian observers are very much hostage to the security of sovereign Armenian territory.

Azerbaijan gravely miscalculated in refusing to accept EU monitors on their side of the border. So even with limited duration and size, this is significant, it reflects more Western investment in Armenian national security.

Reporter: OSCE has also sent a needs assessment team. CSTO could send one as well. To what extent these missions will deter aggression?

Giragosian: Anything that will discourage Azerbaijan from resuming hostility is a welcome development. There is much more of a heightened significance of Armenia, and Azerbaijan is increasingly isolated.

Regarding OSCE. It is a consensus organization, but the OSCE leadership decided to send an assessment team without asking Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has threatened to block OSCE's budget discussion if OSCE goes a step further with the border mission.

However, what's most important here is the death of the Minsk Group. This decision and the deployment by the OSCE do not involve the Minsk Group, which is now increasingly irrelevant and in many ways replaced by OSCE's organizational commitment. The Minsk Group has had and continues to have the opportunity and mandate to monitor and conduct its own needs assessment, but the decision by OSCE was not to engage the Minsk Group.

Reporter: Russia remains a critical security guarantor for Armenia. The Kremlin has expressed displeasure with the EU mission and accused them of attempting to oust Russia from the region. How should the Armenian government navigate this?

Giragosian: What impresses me is that the Armenian government is successfully navigating. Even the negative reactions coming from Kremlin are not directed against Armenia. It's more of a confrontation with the West. Therefore the Armenian government has been fairly skillful in avoiding retribution.

For Armenia, Russia poses a new challenge as an unpredictable and unreliable friend. That's a different challenge than a predictable enemy.

Reporter: About Iran...

Giragosian: Iran's new Consulate in Syunik and military exercises on the border with Azerbaijan are demonstrating that Iran's interest is really more geared toward internal vulnerability. I see these moves as a challenge to Azerbaijan, rather than just an endorsement of Armenian security. Iran fears that Azerbaijan can be used as a platform to support internal disturbances in Iran.

Iran has not yet fully returned to the region. They are still looking for a nuclear deal with the West to ease sanctions, and have not yet returned to counter Turkey and Russia in the region. Iran's involvement should be welcomed but not overestimated.

Reporter: What do you think of the entry ban for Zatulin and Margarita Simonyan? Does this help Armenia?

Giragosian: I welcome the news. Zatulin and Simonyan were part of the problem, never the solution. Both of them are useful idiots and serve as Kremlin agents. This is a demonstration of Armenia standing up for itself, sending a message to Moscow that Armenian challenges cannot be ignored by Moscow. This is about Russia's arrogance for taking Armenia for granted.


Foreign Minister Mirzoyan's trip to the Vatican continues

The Holy Mass for Peace to Armenia, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations, was held in the Papal Basilica presided by Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, and attended by FM Mirzoyan.

Mirzoyan: Your Eminence Cardinal Parolin. We are deeply touched by your decision to preside over this Holy Mass and celebrate with us the 30th anniversary of the fraternal relations. I am grateful for your inspirational words and prayerful wishes on this joyful occasion.

My country has never lost its belief in the ideals of humanity even despite facing many challenges triggered by conflicts and particularly the recent deplorable use of force by our neighbor.

The Armenian people and Government greatly appreciate the Holy Father's blessings for strengthening our relations. // [full speech,](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1095707.html) [watch the ceremony,](https://youtu.be/w_qAIUnXXWs)

Mirozyan met Edgar Peña Parra (Substitute for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State) and recalled his visit to Yerevan last year. He awarded Edgar Peña Parra with an Order of Friendship for his significant contributions to the development of inter-state relations. They discussed humanitarian issues in South Caucasus.

Mirozyan [met Pope Francis](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1085597132155445) and discussed various topics.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1095711.html) [source,](https://youtu.be/EkEtKjIcdWY) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095747.html)

Kazakhstan president orders the modernization of the army to protect the country's sovereignty

>In the face of unprecedented external challenges, we need to ensure the inviolability of state sovereignty and the integrity of the country.

>the military will be provided with modern weapons and equipment

>A day earlier, US President Joe Biden, in a congratulatory telegram to Tokayev on the Republic Day, noted Kazakhstan’s leadership in bringing peace, stability and prosperity to Central Asia for three decades.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095715.html) [redacted]

Armenian community of Ukraine installs a khachkar in memory of Armenians and Ukrainians killed during Ukraine war | PHOTO

It's located in Shepetivka, Khmelnytskyi Oblast. The Armenian Church sent a priest to anoint the new monument. This is one of >40 similar monuments installed in every province of Ukraine, said a community member.


number of Russian citizens applying for Armenian passport in Russia has increased seven-fold

They are likely mostly ethnic Armenians trying to repatriate after the war in Ukraine.

Armenian Embassy: The number began to climb starting in February. There were 290 applications last year and 2,000 so far this year.

Last year's legal reforms in Armenia made it easier to obtain citizenship. If in the past you had to wait 6 months, today it's 3 months + 15 days. Overall, from submitting the official application to the President's decree it's 3+ months. It's followed by other processes which have also been simplified. As you know, starting this June 25, a person who has received Armenian citizenship can pick up the passport in a foreign country, at the Armenian Consulate/Embassy. No need to visit Armenia in person anymore.

[source,](https://youtu.be/EGiI6vK2i-w) [source,](https://www.1lurer.am/hy/2022/10/27/Կտրուկ-աճել-է-ՌԴ-ում-ՀՀ-քաղաքացիություն-հայցող-անձանց-թիվը/821552)

Russia has been financing school meals for thousands of students across Armenia

Russia's Deputy Finance Minister Timur Maximov visited Armenia to learn details of the UN-organized program that delivers hot meals to students in Armenia. A few years ago they launched a process to transfer the duties to the Armenian government.

Simultaneously, students were being taught about healthy diet, hygiene, nature protection, and other skills.


Turkey arrests top doctor who called for an inquiry into allegations that the Turkish army used chemical weapons in northern Iraq

Dr. Sebnem Korur Fincanci was detained on charges of “disseminating terrorist propaganda”. Turkish army denied having such weapons, but the doctor inspected a video of the alleged use and called for an investigation. "Obviously, one of the toxic chemical gases was used that directly affects the nervous system."

[source,](https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/turkish-doctor-detained-proposing-chemical-weapons-probe-92107576) [source,](sebnem-korur-fincanci/turkish-top-doctor-arrested-proposing-chemical-weapons-investigation)

central water pipe rupture floods the streets of Baku | VIDEO

Assad Ahemdov St. went to meet Spongebob.


certification will become a requirement for medical workers in Armenia starting January 1

Health Minister Avanesyan: The credit system and continuous education are great opportunities for medical staff to refresh their knowledge and skills. The requirement applies to medical workers who perform clinical activities. //

The certification began in June and has already processed 8,000 employees.


biologists at Yerevan State University have obtained organic fertilizer from coffee waste

A group of biologists at YSU have founded MiCoFe startup and begun recycling organic waste. Using coffee waste, young biologists have created organic fertilizer stimulating crop growth.

The startup took part in the AgriTech agricultural startups competition and was declared the winner.

[more,](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1095735.html) [video,](https://youtu.be/RhGDWd2IN98)

Armenian tech startups are entering the Dubai market

Hans Christensen, a Senior Director at Dubai Silicon Oasis, is in Armenia at the invitation of the Made in Armenia NGO. They plan to cooperate with Armenian startups.

Christensen: We will assist Armenian startups to open branches in Dubai, without a full relocation. Armenian techies will have the ability to work in Dubai. There is great potential for cooperation. Dubai needs IT outsourcing today, the goal is to hire 1 million programmers.

Blockcentro's Hayk Vardanyan: We have signed an agreement with Dubai Silicon Oasis to create the world's first blockchain ecosystem. It is planned to build a corporation with equal shares with the government, which will be the first in the world to implement tokenization under state management.

Tokenization and blockchain will open up new opportunities for Armenia. It can greatly benefit its economy. //

Christensen visited TUMO and met the representatives of the Government and IT field.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095749.html) [source,](https://news.am/eng/news/727001.html)

international mobile game publisher AppQuantum is relocating some of its Russian employees to Armenia

They are headed to Armenia, Cyprus, and Kazakhstan. "There are no legal entities affiliated with AppQuantum left in Russia."

AppQuantum is known for Dragon Champions and Gold & Goblins: Idle Merger

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095781.html) [source,](http://telecom.arka.am/en/news/telecom/mobile_game_publisher_appquantum_relocating_part_of_russia_based_employees_to_armenia/)

SURVEY: top-3 most and least corrupt institutions in Armenia

Most corrupt

Media outlets 69.5%

Judges and Courts 66.6%

Parties/alliances 64.6%

Least corrupt

Human rights office 21.3%

Audit chamber 30.2 (most don't know what this is)

Corruption Prevention Commission 30.2%

By CRRC, taken in November 2021.


Yerevan Jazz Fest 2022 will begin with a concert by Grammy winner Judith Hill

November 15.


Armenia's Eurovision star Rosa Linn will perform during James Corden's show on October 31

Her song exploded in popularity on streaming services after going viral on TikTok.


23 Armenian weightlifters won 14 medals during the European U23/U20 championships

6 gold: Gor Sahakyan, Milena Khachatryan, Liana Gyurjyan, Suren Grigoryan, Garik Karapetyan, Ara Aghanyan.

Others won 4 silver and 4 bronze medals.

>Վահրամ Դումանյանն ընդգծեց, որ վերջին տարիներին մաքսիմալ թվով մեդալներ ունեցել ենք 2019 թվականին: 222 մեդալ, երեկվա դրությամբ ունենք արդեն 285 մեդալ, որից 100-ը` ոսկե


in case you missed

Yesterday's news in English, русский (by Impossible-Ad-). Archive by Armeniapedia. Donate to Armenia & Artsakh here

The accused are innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law, even if they "appear" guilty.

Link to original report and comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/yeb6pc/oct262022_govt_members_criticize_russia_for/

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