2019 February 20

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Anti-Corruption Daily

Anti-Corruption Feb/20/2019: "clickbait title"
by ar_david_hh

All the accused are innocent until proven guilty by the court of law. Currency in Armenian Drams unless specified otherwise.

The Police: Yerevan State University rector Aram Simonyan took 4.8mln in bribes. Other crimes worth 18mln and involving 400mln deals were found.

The State Oversight Committee earlier audited the University and found numerous violations, and contacted the prosecutors.

The investigation has revealed that 18 employees never attended to work but 18mln worth salaries were written off under their names, and allegedly embezzled by several administrators during 2015-2018. (some have disputed this saying it could have been professors working remotely and getting paid)

9.2mln was stolen from the rent money paid by companies leasing a land from the University between 2008-2012.

University chief signed a 400mln construction agreement with a company after taking 4.9mln in bribes and convincing the company to repair his home and dacha for free, on 2015, says the police.

Felony bribery, forgery, abuse of power charges have been filed (possibly against the construction company too, by judging from the article).

http://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/155071 - - - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBSyeqE0OgM

Noravan school director has been charged with felony embezzlement and abuse of power for stealing 1.8mln from the school budget by falsifying employee lists and drawing their salaries from the budget.


Lawyer Vahe Grigoryan: The media reports that the ECHR has ruled that Kocharyan's detention was unlawful, and that Ter-Petrosyan's complaint over 2008 events was thrown away, are false.

He says someone spread the rumors while attaching a different case to the social media post. Some media outlets begun to spread it for clickbait.


Anthem debate

Deputy Parliament speaker Alen Simonyan says there is a group consisted of musicians and other representatives of arts, who will accept and hear new lyrics for Aram Khachatryan's music. (they want to keep the Soviet Armenian music and change the lyrics)



Azerbaijan's Parliament has made it a felony to:

a) Perform the Azeri anthem on other languages.

b) Not to sing or stand during the anthem (applies to foreigners too)

c) Place the national emblem on an area where people sit or walk.


Health Minister Torosyan:

All hospitals, except two in Yerevan, have received more subsidy funds to treat patients. The two hospitals were St. Gregory Illuminator (caught with massive embezzlement) and Norq Marash for a poor performance (subject to review after each period).

Hospitals which have more paid patients are now receiving more subsidy for patients, to encourage all hospitals to improve their care.

He also spoke about the false reports about him owning a hospital. Said the MIBS hospital in question, directed by his wife, never received subsidies to help poor patients on 2017. On 2018 it received just 25mln, and 2019 it'll be 50mln, as part of the general trend to increase subsidy for hospitals. Some hospitals, such as Gyumri and Goris, will receive more because they provide hard-to-find care.

Minister says all hospitals combined will receive 10bln more this year as a result of government increasing healthcare expenditure.


Trade with EU grew 19% on 2018. Exports rose 8%.

Germany is the biggest EU trade partner, grew 28%. Biggest export destination was still Bulgaria after a 24% decline. Exports to Holland grew 49%, German grew 2.2%.

Large portion of exports are mining products and alcohol.


We learned earlier that the theft rose by a third. Third of all theft cases were solved. A third of all thefts took place in public areas like buses, in the form of pick-pocketing.

Yerevan administration is looking into installing cameras in buses, and to place placards reminding passengers to take care of their belongings.


Armavir city to begin cleaning up car skeleton dumps and other trash from the city.


Businessman Armenak Khachatryan is unhappy with the government's lack of financial or legislative support for his bankrupted chicken/egg factory. Says Pashinyan government should do something to solve the situation.

He used to operate Baghramyan Poultry which was shut down on 2016 after financial problems. At first, HayRus-GazArt (predecessor of GazProm-Armenia) shut down its gas supplies for unpaid bills. Many of the 400,000 chicken worth $700,00 died from cold. This didn't allow him to compete against the imported poultry. To make things worse, the dollar value rose, which made the loaning situation worse.

Businessman then said the factory would need 1.5 billion in aid. In return, he would provide hundreds of jobs with minimum $200 salary. He now says he understands that the government might not have the financial means to support his business, but they could have helped by other means such as forcing banks to forgive the debts [is this possible?]. Some facilities had to be sold to pay off the debt, complains the businessman.



A fire broke out on Artsakh front lines, on the Azeri side. Video:


Russian investigative journalists: Ilham Aliyev used his father-in-law Arif Pashayev to register [his] $35mln house and 7,000m2 land under his 9 year old son's name in Russia's prestigious Ryublovka district. Some of their notable neighbors are Vladimir Putin and Aliyev's daughter Leila [the chick who was taking duck-face selfies while his dad was crocodiling over "Khojali injustice" on a United Nations summit]. End of quote.

Pashayevs (1st lady's family) and Aliyevs (president's family) are the two largest mafia clans in Azerbaijan, per transparency organizations and opposition reports. Pashayevs run an organization called Pasha Holding, which manages the 1st family's known $4bln assets.

http://www.panarmenian.net/arm/news/265683/ ---- https://www.proekt.media/investigation/aliev-podmoskovye/ ---- Analysis: https://www.lragir.am/2019/02/20/419533/

Armenia is negotiating with Iraq to send tech experts to Iraq to help them improve their internet, and to implement Armenian-style electronic platforms for gov-private communication such as e-signature, e-government etc.


Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urban Development will repair St. Kirakos Armenian church in Diarbeqir, one of the largest in Middle East, after it was damaged on 2015 during the Turkish military operations against Kurdish separatists.


Chess Grandmaster Hovhannes Gabuzyan wins another competition in US, this time the Southwest in Texas, held among 84 players.


Azeri media personality Faud Abbasov has spread fake news about an Armenian business owner being involved in a fight that broke out between Azeris and Chechens in Russia earlier. The Armenian man's passport was circulated incorrectly and presented as part of the group involved in the local mafia conflict. The Azeri media is attempting to blame their citizen's problems on Armenians again, says the man.

Earlier, a fight broke out between Chechens and Azeris. The Azeris abducted a Chechen, humiliated him for hours on front of the camera. Angered by it, Chechens retaliated. One person was murdered, hundreds participated in fights. This has caused an inter-ethnic tension between the groups.

https://en.crimerussia.com/gromkie-dela/mass-brawl-between-chechens-and-azerbaijanis-in-pechatniki-ended-with-murder-of-crime-lord/ ----- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPn7pukYa38

Kocharyan-allied Politik.am has been called out by FIP for spreading another misinformation.

Politik said Pashinyan used a helicopter and not a car to travel between Dsegh and Yerevan, because he wanted to avoid driving through Alaverdi so he wouldn't meet factory workers who lost their jobs after the factory faced financial hardship with its bank. Politik says Pashinyan knew that Alaverdi workers would close the roads for his car, so he flew instead.

FIP says the rumors don't add up because Alaverdi is north of Dsegh. In other words, Pashinyan's car fleet would not have traveled through Alaverdi. In addition, even if there was a planned closure and Pashinyan knew about it, the car fleet could have taken one of the other routes to reach Yerevan.

Prime Minister's office responded to rumors, saying the PM had to fly to save time and meet his schedule. (should have gotten a donkey indeed).

PM's office had earlier informed the Alaverdi factory workers about the work that was being done to help them get their jobs back. The factory shut down last year after it defaulted on its debt due to financial problems with its bank. It also broke numerous environmental laws which was neglected by the previous administrations for years.

PM's office negotiated a new deal with the factory's bank VTB, but the process was frozen by another debt owner. There is a need for a new deal now.


Link to original report: https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/asu6ly/anticorruption_feb202019_clickbait_title/

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