2022 May 31

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Daily news wrap-up

May/31/2022. Your daily news digest from Armenia.
by ar_david_hh

~14 minutes. 3800 words.

Government met to discuss budget and expenditures

Heads of departments were invited to discuss expenditures, taxes, etc. for 2021 and beyond.

... last year the budget revenues were ֏147 billion ($327 million) higher than projected: Pashinyan

PM: One of the reasons was legislative changes, such as the copper export duty, which alone generated ֏24 billion. The projected economic growth was 3.1%, but t year ended with 5.3%.

We had an unprecedented taxes-GDP figure last year, when we registered the 22.7% of the GDP in the form of tax revenues. In the medium run, the goal is 25%.

... we returned ֏146 billion ($325 million) to taxpayers in the form of VAT refunds last year: Pashinyan

PM: This number was only ֏60 billion in 2017. When a Tax Code was adopted in 2017, the government put aside the previous debts of ֏125 billion and would not address it. In 2019, when we were already overfilling the budget revenues, we decided to return the overdue VAT refunds that were accumulated since the first days of independence. This was a "hopeless debt" that we refunded to our economic entities.

Income tax refunds also grew sharply. Last year we returned ֏33 billion. That's up 1250% compared to 2017.

... about the decision to replace progressive income tax with a flat tax

Pashinyan: As of 2018 we had a 3-bracket progressive income tax. We switched it to a flat tax, with a plan to further lower it to 20% over the years. Right now it's 21%.

When we made the switch, there was criticism that it would lower the budget revenues. In 2017 some ֏344 billion in income tax was collected under the higher tax rate. In 2021 we collected ֏459 billion (up 33%). In other words, we collected more income tax despite lowering the rate.

... we expect tax revenue projections to be outperformed by ֏45 billion ($93 million) in the first 5 months of this year: Pashinyan

We expect to collect ֏715 billion in tax revenues in the first 5 months. That's ֏141 billion more than the first 5 months of last year.

... every citizen will be required to file income taxes starting 2024: Pashinyan

PM: We are determined to introduce the universal income tax declaration system in Armenia. In 2024 the citizens will be required to declare their 2023 revenues. This has a very important economic, political, and civilizational significance. //

In case you forgot, Finance Minister explained details in the [February 28 news digest](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/t3u7iw/news_feb282022_1_armenia_to_implement_universal/). The preparations began in 2020. I'll copy the Minister's Q&A here:

Reporter: Why is a universal income tax declaration needed?

Khachatryan: In Armenia we already have legal requirements for employers to calculate and pay workers' salary taxes. So why is this new universal tax declaration needed?

Our citizens participate in the economic life as consumers. They not only work and earn salaries, but they also use their salaries to purchase goods and services. Today there are mechanisms to refund taxes, via mortgage subsidies, university tuition, etc.

One of the benefits of these tax refund programs is that workers began to urge their employers to exit the shadow economy and declare their real salaries, so they [workers] can get these tax refunds. We saw more transparent registrations in the construction field. The more income tax refund scenarios we have, the more transparency we will have.

Today, when you seek paid medical services, are you sure the hospital properly informs the IRS about the taxable service it provided to you? With the tax declaration system, the citizens will be motivated to declare their medical expenses so they can take advantage of tax deductions. [this discourages service providers from falsifying their records to evade taxes]

While the income salary of a worker is more or less already taxed, the new system will combat the shadow economy in the service sector.

Reporter: So people will receive certain compensation after paying for certain services?

Khachatryan: That will be one of the components of the system.

Reporter: Will everyone be required to file taxes?

Khachatryan: TBD. Eventually, it will be beneficial for everyone to participate in this system. We'll do this in phases. We'll explain which groups will benefit the most and make a decision. The lines between "beneficial" and "required" will be eventually blurred.

The declaration system should be simple enough for everyone to understand. In many cases, the IRS itself can do the calculations and send the document to the taxpayer for confirmation, so not a lot will be left to do.

Reporter: Will the remittances coming from abroad need to be declared for taxation?

Khachatryan: Gift/aid transfers are not taxable. No plans to change that. You can declare that you've received it, but it won't be taxed.

Reporter: What about workers who receive salaries from abroad?

Khachatryan: Today many Armenians physically work abroad, even though they are registered as Armenian residents and taxpayers. They transfer remittances to Armenia. In general, the issue of remittances applies to workers and not the people who receive the remittances in Armenia.

But if these workers have already paid taxes in the country where they work, or if that country has taxes that are not lower than in Armenia, then they don't have to pay income taxes in Armenia because we'll consider that they've already paid taxes. The reforms will be written in a way not to create burdens for these workers.

Reporter: When will this be implemented?

Khachatryan: A meeting was recently held by the council consisting of government, international, and NGO representatives to discuss the reforms and implementation timeframes. If we implement this for 2023, you'd have to declare the 2023 taxes in 1Q2024. We'll have more info by the end of May.

... the law on electronic transactions meant to combat the shadow economy goes into effect in July

PM: Also, in the future, house and vehicle purchases must be made electronically. Otherwise, if the transaction is in cash, it won't have a legal value in the event of a dispute.

... the new property tax code went into effect this year: Pashinyan

PM: This will significantly strengthen our provincial communities by generating additional revenue for them. It will also have an impact on our culture. Making calculated decisions will become part of our life.

You see how nice and tidy the villages are in many countries. The property tax system plays an important role there. People don't just build a house. They make design decisions based on the expected property tax payments.

We also plan to subsidize home renovations if at least 30% of the loan is meant to be spent on raising the home's energy efficiency.

... 73% of Artsakh's budget was provided by Armenia last year: Pashinyan

PM: Artsakh's budget grew 48%. The assistance grew by 122% or ֏70 billion. Since the end of the war, we've implemented projects worth ֏136 billion to subsidize utility bills, pay public salaries, etc.

2019 Artsakh budget: ֏118b (֏58b from Armenia)

2021 Artsakh budget: ֏174b (֏128b from Armenia)

2022 Artsakh budget: ֏TBD (֏144b from Armenia)

This is the largest budget Artsakh has ever had, and this is the largest assistance Armenia has ever provided to Artsakh.

... Finance Minister about 2021:

We had a real GDP growth of 5.7% last year. Services +7.8%, industry +4.2%, construction +2.6%, agriculture -1.4%. The inflation was 7.2%.

The pandemic and war led to higher expenditures and borrowing in 2020; the debt-to-GDP ratio reached 63.5%. By the end of 2021, it was down to 60.3% because of lower expenditures and retraining policies.

... the inflation will reduce later this year: Central Bank

CB: It will lower throughout the year. When we made our previous prediction in March, it was already dropping to 6.5%. Nevertheless, there are shocks associated with geopolitics. Most of it is coming from global energy prices, supply chain disruptions, and global logistics expenditures. We are still calculating their impact. The aforementioned global factors led to higher inflation in the previous month, but we expect it to reduce again during the next quarter.

... the economy recovered faster than expected: Central Bank

CB: After the deep decline in 2020, the economy restored at a rate faster than expected 5.7% rate, mainly thanks to the restoration of external demand and some factors that increased the domestic demand. The internal growth is connected with the growth in consumption in the private sector, which was contributed by the high level of savings collected last year and remittances.

Tax revenues grew 14.6% thanks to improved administration and amendments to the tax code. The tax revenues in GDP increased by 0.3%, lower than forecasted.

... the average monthly nominal salary grew by 9.8% to ֏217K in April YoY

It grew 11.4% in the private (֏236K) and 4.3% in the public sector (֏174K).

[article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084683.html) [article](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1084685.html) [article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084687.html) [article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084694.html) [article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084699.html) [article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084695.html) [article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084700.html) [article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084707.html) [article](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1084715.html) [article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084722.html) [article](https://factor.am/517463.html) [article](https://www.panarmenian.net/arm/news/300617/) [article](https://www.panarmenian.net/arm/news/300622/)

authorities arrest 8 protesters, including sons of prominent former regime figures, over alleged hooliganism during yesterday's clashes that left "over a dozen officers injured"

ARF-led opposition activists gathered in front of a government building yesterday. The clashes with police led to 111 people being detained. Several people, including some officers, sustained injuries.

8 protesters have been arrested. Among them were ex-president Serj's nephew Hayk, and ex-Syunik governor Surik Khachatryan's son Tigran.

Authorities report: The Resistance movement organized a rally in France Square yesterday. They marched towards a government building with demands for ministers to express their stance on Artsakh status. The opposition MPs attempted to enter the building but were informed that the ministers could not meet them at that time.

The organizers encouraged the protesters to break through the police lines and enter the building. The attendees clashed with the police, broke through the lines, vandalized the building's exterior, and entered the building hall.

The organizers then decided to leave the area and march towards Tigran Mets avenue as a deception tactic to leave the government building unguarded. While they did so, groups of protesters ran towards the government building and attempted to enter again. Facing resistance, they assaulted police officers and disobeyed commands.

Additional officers were deployed to control the situation. Over a dozen officers sustained injuries. 8 participants have been arrested. The investigation continues. //

Human Rights Ombudsman recorded instances of excessive force used by police during detentions, as well as protesters assaulting police officers.

A similar march was held today towards the government building, but this time the protest leader asked the followers not to clash with the police and said that they wouldn't be encircling the building today.

[article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084688.html) [article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084696.html) [article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084702.html) [article](https://factor.am/517337.html)

parliament president supports stripping opposition MPs of their mandate for not coming to work and missing too many voting sessions

Alen Simonyan: I'd like to apologize to our residents for the traffic jams caused by the opposition's road blocks. Everything will be resolved soon.

Protest leader Saghatelyan has been giving promises about Pashinyan having only "days left" in power. Don't they understand that statements like these will only make their situation more difficult when the predictions don't come true? Their speeches astonish me every day. How can someone fall into the same cycle of mistakes for 20-30 years and repeat them? I wish them the best of luck.

Now they are trying to save face by summoning an extraordinary parliament session on June 3rd with a false agenda. They had earlier announced that the street struggle is permanent and they won't be returning to parliament.

I do support the idea of petitioning the Parliamentary Council to strip the opposition MPs of their mandates. There is no final decision yet on this. You can't skip work whenever you want. They have crossed the line a long time ago. //

[article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084691.html) [article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084708.html) [article](https://factor.am/517139.html)

Ireland's national soccer team is concerned for players' safety due to street protests in Yerevan, ahead of June 4 match

The Irish will send their security delegation to Yerevan to analyze the situation amid "escalating protests in recent weeks", reports the Irish press.

The Sports Minister urged the fans intending to travel to Armenia to exercise caution and be aware of security updates. Most of their concerns, however, were related to the team's performance and the performance of their opponents in the same group.

Armenia's soccer federation gave security assurances. "The security of the football players and staff of Ireland’s team will be ensured, just like it is being ensured in case of all other teams."


[article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084723.html) [article](https://www.rte.ie/sport/soccer/2022/0530/1302117-security-plan-in-place-as-ireland-head-east-to-yerevan/)

PHOTO: Armenia's soccer team has a new uniform

This is what they will use while playing at home.


PHOTOS: U.S. ambassador Tracy took her family to Syunik

She has been traveling through the southern province a lot lately, now with her family. Look at these beautiful photos and don't forget to include Syunik in your list of this summer's destinations, she wrote.


Armenian diplomats criticize the UN for lack of assistance to Nagorno Karabakh as part of a "leaving no one behind" program

Armenia was invited to participate in the 78th session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). The main topic was the economy and social conditions.

Armenian delegation took the opportunity to criticize the UN and the international community for ignoring the principles and leaving behind Nagorno Karabakh as part of a program with the motto "leaving no one behind".


DAY-2: President Khachaturyan's Georgia trip continues

Today he met representatives of the Armenian community, the parliament President, and Premier Gharibashvili. They discussed the activation of contacts between various departments, historical ties, the North-South trade corridor, etc.

[article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084772.html) [article](https://factor.am/517545.html)

customs agents intercept $200,000 worth of opium that was traveling to Australia

The nacro was discovered while the parcels were going through customs clearance at a postal office. The consignor of the parcels was an Iranian citizen.

Silver tube shafts were found in each of the parcels. The shafts had been cut with a special tool and a total of 3.7kg of opium was placed inside them.


courts have convicted dozens of people accused of illegally smuggling war weapons and explosives from Artsakh to Armenia

Hundreds of cases were launched during and after the war. In the end, a decision was made to pursue charges against 93 people. 32 of them have been found guilty. Trials continue for others.


how many foreign students are studying in Armenia's educational institutions?

3.8k foreigners and 4.2k diasporans. Hundreds of them are studying in universities and secondary vocational institutes.


serpents are invading cities

From May 29 to 31, the Emergency Ministry received 11 calls from residents of several cities about snakes in their homes. It was mostly լորտու.


Emergency Ministry will replace the aging firetrucks with modern ones

An investment program was developed to revamp the firefighting equipment. 49 units of equipment worth $7.6 million will be acquired for rescuers and firefighters.

Additionally, they signed contracts for cooperation and mutual assistance with the Red Cross and Austrian colleagues. Volunteer units were established in several settlements in provinces. Their job is to organize evacuations and prevent disasters before the arrival of professional rescuers.


Yerevan Zoo will soon have a new Amur tiger and other animals

119 various types of furries live in Yerevan zoo for your entertainment. The number has been dwindling, so the administration has decided to import new animals.

Three African ostriches were imported yesterday. An Amur tiger will be brought soon. You [may remember](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/ur9sqa/may162022_your_daily_news_digest_from_armenia/) that the zoo made a decision to put the Bengal tiger to sleep due to health issues.

It's a birthing season. Dozens of European deers will give birth soon. The Armenian mouflon, lion, and other animals have already given birth.

... elephant

They plan to renovate the elephant's enclosure to make it larger, but that requires the adjacent monkey cages to be revamped first. Once that's done, the zoo will import a female elephant to hang around with Bunka. >!You will finally see how big its ճուճուլ is.!<

... EAZA

The administration wants to bring the zoo to international standards. This will require the reconstruction of some enclosures and barriers. Works are underway.

It will be followed by staff retraining, and an official application to join the EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria).

... tickets

The admin. said they aren't "raising" the prices, but they will be charging the averaged fee of $2 from now on (was ~$1 for most). It will be free for some groups, with discounts for others.


what percentage of Armenian residents above the age of 16 are smokers?

Around 28%. The vast majority of smokers are men: 51% of men, 2% of women.

Among teenagers, 21% of boys and 3% of girls have reported smoking.

Smoking kills 5,500 Armenians every single year. An anti-smoking law was adopted and went into effect recently to ban it in public areas like restaurants, cafes, and other non-open-air facilities.

... today is the international "World No Tobacco Day"

A cigarette has 4,000 types of chemicals. 250 are bad for you, and 50 are carcinogenic.

[article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084679.html) [article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084728.html)

Healthcare Minister Avanesyan visited Lithuania to study their healthcare model and experience

They spoke about the reforms and the results in Lithuania, the expenditures, etc. Don't miss [Monday news](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/v1atcm/may302022_your_daily_news_digest_from_armenia/) for the latest updates on the "universal healthcare" reforms planned in Armenia.


PHOTOS: this is Kim Kardashyan after losing 16 pounds in 3 weeks


infrastructure is being improved to boost tourism in Yerevan's archaeological site Karmir Blur (Red Hill, Teishebani)

Karmir Blur was founded ~650 years before Jesus. The hill has since been covered in trash. 4.2 hectares have already been cleaned, said the Erebuni museum director.

Director: The infrastructure will be improved with a new parking lot, guards, bathrooms, benches, a lighting network, security cameras, and signs in multiple languages. This will help increase tourism.

We're cooperating with a group of archaeologists from Austria. The excavations uncovered a unique structure resembling an architectural plan of medieval caravans [whatever that means]. The excavations will resume this year.

Another important project is the launch of a brick workshop. With the help of foreign experts, several of our employees will take classes for professional production of bricks. Armenia has many monuments made with bricks that are crumbling. It's necessary to fix them, but it should be done by experts. Our employees will be retrained. //

[article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084746.html) [video](https://youtu.be/ntRWvST3b-4)

PHOTOS: Gyumri has imported taller microbuses with coin machines, as part of public transport reforms

It's not just Yerevan that's revamping the public transport network and vehicles.


VIDEO: Gyumri welcomed its native Hovhannes Bachkov, a triple-European boxing champion

The city administration and residents went to welcome the athlete who arrived from Yerevan. He won the fight for gold despite a hand injury.

Bachkov: I learned that I would be participating less than a week before the launch. I had an injury and was thinking there would be surgery. Then I accidentally learned that a Turkish athlete was considered a favorite in my weight category, so I decided to compete. A day before the launch we learned that the Turkish opponent wouldn't participate. Every victory was difficult. I'll get the surgery now. //

[video](https://youtu.be/z9276zLksCw?t=11), [article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084734.html)

a $4.7 million high-tech production center will open in Abovyan

High-Tech Ministry held an auction to sell a property in Abovyan. Avangard Invest will buy it for $2 million to build a high-tech production and development center. It will also serve as a parking station for imported semis.


VIDEO: Armenian engineers created copter drones to deliver cargo

The new engine and design allow the larger model to fly at 100km/h, with a maximum distance of 300km. They are working on several models. One of them can transport a 25kg cargo for 50km. There are also smaller ones, designed for emergency deliveries like medicine.

Some of the components are imported from Germany and China. It takes 3 months to build and test one. Virtual simulators are used in tests before a physical test.


tech summits in Yerevan

Synergy Hackathon 2022 was organized in Yerevan. Hundreds of techies gathered to present new ideas around voice assistants, smart home systems, collaboration tools for employees, etc. One developer created a voice assistant that scans for available venues and reserves them for business meetings, finds available parking spots, etc. [more](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084692.html)

Orion Summit 2022 will be held in Yerevan on June 22. You can register now. There will be gusts from the tech, finance, and business world. [more](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084693.html)

TEAM Telecom borrows $45 million to wire fiber-optic internet to 450,000 households in Armenia

TEAM ISP: We gathered $45m from EBRD, Ameriabank, and IFC. It will go towards the expansion of our unique 25Gbps Next Generation Network into Armenia's cities and villages, fiber optic for 450,000 households, and the expansion of a high-speed 4G cellular network to 1.1 million residents.

IFC's Cheryl Edleson: This investment will help revamp Armenia's cellular and internet network, boosting the country's post-pandemic recovery and digital economy. //


today in history

1883: Drastamat Kanayan is born, one of the founders of the first republic.

2016: SDF forces (Kurds, Armenians, Arabs, Assyrians, etc.) launch an offensive in Syria to capture the city of Manbij from ISIS.

[article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1084650.html) [article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_31)

in case you missed

Yesterday's news in English, русский (by Impossible-Ad-). Archive by Armeniapedia. Donate to Armenia & Artsakh here

The accused are innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law, even if they "appear" guilty.

Link to original report and comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/v1zkh4/may312022_your_daily_news_digest_from_armenia/

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