2022 October 20

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Daily news wrap-up

Oct/20/2022: __ Armenia's Gulf-to-Sea trade __ EU's $2.6 billion __ "Unobstructed" corridor __ OSCE, France, & Iran rattle Azerbaijan __ Artsrun __ Traffic cameras "nationalized" __ No border VAT __ Prove your skills, double your salary __ Construction boom; worker & cement shortage __ Arbitration
by ar_david_hh

18 minutes, 4478 words.

EU's €33 million grant will help the ongoing reforms in police, migration, formation of Interior Ministry, small-medium enterprises

Pashinyan: We are cooperating with Europe to reform our justice, police, and migration services. Today we are voting to approve the financial assistance.

Deputy PM Mher: We have two agreements to receive grants from the EU. The €10 million grant:

▶︎ Expand the new Police Patrol Service.

▶︎ Launch the Interior Ministry.

▶︎ Improve migration policies.

▶︎ Inform the public about their rights.

The second grant, worth €23 million, will be spent on inclusive social programs:

▶︎ Create new SMEs in Syunik Province and develop existinig ones.

▶︎ Around 1,500 microbusineses and individuals will receive assistance.

▶︎ 200 microbusinesses will receive grants to boost their productivity and export to the EU market more easily.

▶︎ Female and young entrepreneurs will be encouraged.

▶︎ Make pasture more accessible to farmers in Syunik.

▶︎ Co-finance the creation of a culinary/hospitality school in Gyumri.

▶︎ Improve the professional skills of social security department workers.

▶︎ Targeted assistance to Nagorno Karabakh IDPs for better integration.

▶︎ Formation of the new disability assessment system with international standards.

Pashinyan: Thanks for listing the details. Last year we reached an agreement with the EU around €2.4 billion in assistance. Are these all part of that assistance?

Deputy PM Mher: Yes, with the exception of the justice and police reforms.

Pashinyan: These programs envisage support for SMEs in Gyumri and Shirak. How does an ordinary person apply for assistance if they already have a business plan?

Deputy PM Mher: After we ratify the grants, the EU will select the program operators. We will launch a public awareness campaign once we ourselves have the details. Two of the operators, for some of the aforementioned programs, are already known: Austrian Development Agency and TUMO. Provincial governors will "deliver" the programs to residents.


why is a new Arbitration Center being created in Armenia?

Justice Ministry has formed a 26-member council, consisting of local and international experts, to help establish the new Center. The Ministry organized the first meeting today, attended by EU ambassador Wiktorin, Central Bank president, and others.

Acting Justice Minister: The Arbitration Center will hear domestic and international cases, reduce the load on courts, improve Armenia's investment atmosphere, and raise the country's image. Its creation is part of the 2022-2026 reform strategy. Our international partners, in particular the EU, will assist us financially.

EU Ambassador Wiktorin: Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is very important for courts. Its foundation should be a priority. We are ready to assist the government.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095343.html) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095341.html)

new Interior Ministry... soon | Double the salaries in army and defense departments

The Government is in the process of forming a new [Interior Ministry](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/vxknex/jul122022_news_gambling_will_be_outright_banned/) with the help of Western partners. It's part of the ongoing police and justice reforms.

Pashinyan: We are reaching the final phase. The package is ready and is waiting for implementation. Simultaneously, there are reforms in the police.

We consider it a priority to raise the standards in NSS, police, rescue service, etc. This includes higher salaries, including in the army. We have addressed the budget part. Agencies tasked with defense will double their salaries in the coming years, but it requires the staff to undergo a certification process to prove their skills.

We don't "doubt" they are great, but we need to establish an institute that verifies this. It will also make the salary raise and career more predictable for staff.

Over the next 3 years, any worker can improve their skills, take the certification exam, double their salary, and retake the certification every 3-5 years to keep the benefits.


management of traffic cameras has been "nationalized" to save funds, amid corruption scandals surrounding the private firm tasked with their operation

Speed cameras were managed by a company called "Security Dream", linked to Serj's family. The company would receive 10% of each ticket. After the revolution, a whistleblower came forward, accusing the company and police of corruption schemes. Criminal charges were pressed.

Pashinyan in July: We are done with them. The last straw was the latest shenanigans during a tender process. We are establishing a state non-profit to handle the cameras and tickets. It will be fully public and all the revenues will enter the budget.

We will save millions. Not only do the police compensate the company's expenses, but they give them 10% of all the revenue generated from citations. It was ֏715m ($1.7m) in 2021. //

Police chief: The new Center will combat crime and traffic violations. Moreover, the fines collected from traffic violations will properly enter the budget.

The Center will also fight crime by cooperating with high-risk facilities like gun shops, parking lots, malls, gambling centers, etc. by using their security cameras. //

Pashinyan today: The transition to a state non-profit is complete. This is one of those rare situations we had to "nationalize" something. We waited for the company's contract to end, and even launched a public tender to see what other private companies would offer, and only then decided that it was best for a state non-profit to handle it. Later we could try to privatize it again, depending on the results.

Police chief: Correct. The traffic cameras operate fully under the police department's new Center now. We hired over 90% of "Security Dream" company staff.

[source,](https://youtu.be/3vIPGlhZmZY?t=1081) [source,](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/vytgyh/arf_murad_papazyan_was_recognized_as_an/ig69a9e/?context=3)

we have an unprecedented volume of construction in Armenia: Premier Pashinyan

Pashinyan: There is so much construction, the companies began to run out of cement. A decision was made to drastically lower the import tariff on cement from ֏14k to ֏2k because our domestic producers can no longer keep up.

Infrastructure Minister Thanosyan: We not only have a deficit of construction materials, but also construction companies and construction workers.

Pashinyan: I want the Labor Ministry to connect potential job seekers with employers.

... we need more qualified construction companies to fulfill the capital expenditures: Pashinyan

Pashinyan: Many private companies have opened in Armenia in recent years, but their capacities do not meet the benchmarks set by the government. A note to private investors: this is an area where you can invest and get profits.

Economy Minister Kerobyan: We are encouraging companies under the "economic modernization" program. If they purchase new equipment, the government will subsidize most of the interest costs. Over 320 companies, including some from the construction field, have taken advantage of this program. I call on the companies to enhance their potential by using the strong exchange rate of the dram.

... speaking of "cement shortage"

Competition Protection chief: There are indicators that the cement shortage was caused artificially, leading to higher prices. We will investigate it.

Pashinyan: Please do. That doesn't change the fact that we have a construction boom and likely some natural shortage of construction materials and workers.

... construction companies can't find workers even after raising wages: Infrastructure Minister

Sanosyan: Companies often look for a worker at any salary, just to get the job done, yet they still have difficulty finding one. The second issue is the shortage of construction materials: cement, curbstones, tiles, etc.

One of the ways we plan to optimize the public tender process is by introducing higher standards and minimum requirements for companies. A "company" with only two shovels should not bid on a $5 million project. This became a problem after we simplified the participation of construction companies to attract more. The issues that arose will be addressed over time.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095306.html) [source,](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1095302.html) [source,](https://youtu.be/3vIPGlhZmZY?t=2819)

infrastructure programs

▶︎ Government allocates ֏152m to rebuild and re-equip the Infections Center at Armavir hospital. Residents who need care will no longer be forced to travel to Metsamor.

▶︎ Government allocates ֏146m for the construction of a new captage and underground pipes in Artsvanist (Gegharkunik), renovation of Akunq's culture center, renovation of Martuni's children's art school, new street lighting networks in Martuni and Chambarak, reconstruction of the drinking water network in Lchavan, asphalting of the graveyard and roads in Gavar and Shoghakat.

▶︎ [more](https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/246396)

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095327.html) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095309.html) [source,](https://youtu.be/3vIPGlhZmZY?t=2326)

Government wants to phase out the collection of border VAT on most products, to assist the manufacturers

Economy Minister Kerobyan: As you know, VAT has to be paid for certain categories of products immediately at the border. With these reforms, new exceptions will be made for certain products in agriculture, textile manufacturing, chemical, and metallurgy.

In other words, manufacturers will eventually pay the tax when their product is sold, and not when they import goods. This will make them more competitive. For example, the yarn factory in Maralik is not competitive because they pay border VAT while importing cotton from Uzbekistan, whereas their competitors avoid this VAT when they import thread.

This is part of our wider strategy to assist the industry. Over the past few months, the YoY growth in the manufacturing industry has been 35%.

Finance Minister: The transition will be slow and there will be exceptions. The border VAT could remain if you import something that's already available from a domestic manufacturer.

Pashinyan: Border VAT in general is problematic. It appears we have an agreement about the need to abandon the practice through multiple phases, while considering the aforementioned scenarios.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095298.html) [source,](https://youtu.be/3vIPGlhZmZY?t=1446)

Azerbaijan inaugurated a new airport in Artsakh's Kovsakan

Erdogan was invited to attend the opening ceremony of the international airport. Another airport was opened last year in Varanda.


Azerbaijan violated the ceasefire on Thursday

Defense Ministry: Shots and mortars were fired toward Armenian positions on the eastern border. Armenian forces returned fire to silence the opponent. No injuries on the Armenian side.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095334.html) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095278.html)

if there is an opportunity or a need to keep the EU border mission for longer than 2 months, we will discuss it: Pashinyan

Pashinyan: EU was very quick with sending the advance team, they are already working. The main 40-member mission will arrive soon.

The initial plan was for them to work for 2 months. Expert circles believe it should be extended or made permanent. I'm not sure on this matter, but if we see an opportunity or a need for that, we will discuss it.

[source,](https://youtu.be/3vIPGlhZmZY?t=1297) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095295.html)

Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan threw a tantrum after learning that OSCE, too, will send a border mission

The Armenian government invited OSCE yesterday. The mission will arrive on October 21-27.

Azerbaijan: This was rushed and was never discussed in any of the political bodies at OSCE >![suddly care about OSCE?]!<. This group has no OSCE mandate and cannot be associated with OSCE >![suddly care about OSCE?]!<. Its report won't be accepted as an OSCE document >![suddly care about OSCE?]!<. It is a one-sided initiative and a private visit of a group of people. OSCE is biased. >![suddly care about OSCE?]!<


the ultimate goal is a peace resolution between Armenia and Azerbaijan: United States

Question: Can The EU monitors move the needle to bring long-term peace to the region?

State Department: That is our hope. And that is something that Blinken, Reeker and others continue to push for as they discuss this issue. I don’t want to get ahead of that process, but of course, our ultimate goal here is a peaceful solution and resolution between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1095280.html) [source,](https://www.state.gov/briefings/department-press-briefing-october-19-2022/)

Nagorno Karabakh president discloses details from the recent high-profile meetings in Yerevan

President Arayik Harutyunyan: We discussed the developments of the past 1.5 months. Today the West is focused on the Armenia-Azerbaijan peace treaty, but the topic of Nagorno-Karabakh is also discussed during the conversations.

If before 2020 the focus was the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, today it's the need for peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The world powers have de-prioritized the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict today, their offers are not very favorable for us. We must assess this and determine the most favorable political course for us, without deviating from our right to self-determination.

We returned from Yerevan with a lot more information, even though everything was already clear because I've always maintained regular contact with Pashinyan, Mirozyan, and Grigoryan, who are tasked with negotiations.

We value the Russian peacekeepers' role in our region. Our de facto independence is not negotiable. It must continue that way. It will take decades and hard work to secure it de jure, with the help of various friends, with the help of democratic states that value human rights.

Reporter: Armenia and Azerbaijan agree to recognize each other's territorial integrity per 1991 agreement. What does that mean for Nagorno-Karabakh status?

Harutyunyan: That agreement is not about Nagorno Karabakh's future. The right to self-determination is as important as territorial integrity. Of course we want Armenia and Azerbaijan to improve their relations, but it cannot hinder our efforts.

Reporter: Tell us about direct dialogue with Azerbaijan.

Harutyunyan: We are not against it, as long as we maintain our de-facto independence, without giving up our right to de-jure independence.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095363.html) [source,](https://www.civilnet.am/news/679818/արցախի-ապագան-առանց-ռուսաստանի-դաշնության-չեմ-պատկերացնում․-արայիկ-հարությունյան/) [source,](https://www.facebook.com/ArayikHarutyunian/videos/614115893751562/)

Foreign Minister of Iran again subtly threatened Azerbaijan and Turkey: do not try to change the Armenia-Azerbaijan border

This time he did so during a meeting with his Armenian counterpart Mirzoyan in Yerevan.

FM Abdollahian: Changes to borders in the region are unacceptable for Iran. That's our red line. We will take all steps to resist even such an intention.

Iran and Armenia have common interests, opinions, and also concerns in the South Caucasus. The Iranian side is completely against the presence of foreign representatives in the region, either on the territory of Armenia or Azerbaijan. //

FM Mirzoyan: Armenia and Iran both agree that the regional conflicts must be resolved exclusively diplomatically. We value friendly Iran's principled stance regarding the territorial integrity of Armenia.

There have been numerous diplomatic meetings lately. While Armenia has adopted a constructive stance, Azerbaijan continues to display a maximalist approach, which is the main barrier preventing us from achieving big progress in every direction.

Armenia is ready to provide passenger and trade communication between Azerbaijan and Nakhijevan, with the use of a modern and fast electronic declaration system, as long as the routes operate under our jurisdiction and sovereignty. //

... some concerned Azerbaijanis want to build a wall on the border with Iran

This comes amid Iran's military exercises on the border with Azerbaijan, which - according to Iranian officials - is a message to Azerbaijan and Turkey not to invade southern Armenia for a "corridor".

Iran's embassy in Baku rushed to comfort Azerbaijanis by stating that they had properly informed the government of Azerbaijan ahead of the military exercises. Similar exercises were organized last year, around the same time.

What particularly concerned the Azeri circles was Iran's use of mobile bridges on the river. (creeping up closer every time, eh?)

... Europe-Armenia-Iran-India trade corridor

FM Abdollahian: Armenia, India, and Iran agree on the need to establish a tripartite platform to implement the Gulf-to-Sea trade corridor. We held a long discussion with FM Mirzoyan.

FM Mirzoyan: We are truly interested in the Gulf-to-Sea corridor. An agreement was signed with Bulgaria and Iran, negotiations are underway with new countries as well. India will be greatly interested in this corridor. //

Iran's newly appointed Consul General in Kapan (a brand new office) met the deputy mayor to discuss cooperation in trade, education, healthcare, and culture.

[source,](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1095353.html) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095352.html) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095357.html) [source,](https://factor.am/569312.html) [source,](https://factor.am/569123.html) [source,](https://factor.am/568716.html) [source,](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/y8id3n/oct192022_armenia_negotiating_w_us_to_retrain/) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095359.html) [source,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1095360.html)

that one time when Armenia offered Azerbaijan an overpass highway to Nakhijevan, without any customs and obstruction

Part 1 is in [Wednesday news digest](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/y8id3n/oct192022_armenia_negotiating_w_us_to_retrain/), in which journalist Tatul Hakobyan disclosed details of a secret meeting with Pashinyan.

Tatul Hakobyan in Part 2: The topic of the "Meghri Corridor" for Azerbaijan was discussed thoroughly by President Kocharyan and FM Vardan Oskanyan. Here is the content of several documents and closed-door meetings:

July 2001. Deputy FM of Russia Vyacheslav Trubnikov visits Yerevan to meet Kocharyan. They discussed:

(1) The return of ethnic Azeris to Shushi.

(2) Establishing a connection between Azerbaijan and Shushi.

(3) Azerbaijan's connection to Nakhijevan via Meghri.

During another meeting with U.S. Secretary Colin Powell, before the Key West, the government discussed:

(1) Nagorno Karabakh status.

(2) Armenia's connection to Nagorno Karabakh.

(3) Azerbaijan's connection to Nakhijevan.

(4) The return of the ethnic Azeri population to Shushi.

Armenia demanded a 20-kilometer-wide corridor to connect to Nagorno Karabakh. In exchange for these additional territories in the corridor, Azerbaijan would be "compensated" by receiving certain territories from the surrounding 7 regions.

Azerbaijan demanded a corridor to Nakhijevan. The Armenian government was against this because Nagorno Karabakh and Nakhijevan are not in the same position, one is fully encircled by a country with no border with others, while the other has borders with Turkey and Iran. Moreover, the Lachin Corridor does not split Azerbaijan into two halves, whereas Meghri Corridor would split Armenia, and the latter would lose the border with Iran.

Instead, Armenia offered Azerbaijan to build a 40-kilometer overpassing elevated road, that would be owned by Azerbaijan.

A few months later the Armenian government presented the topics discussed during Key West:

(1) Nagorno Karabakh status.

(2) Armenia's connection to Nagorno Karabakh.

(3) Azerbaijan's connection to Shushi.

(4) The return of population, mostly about [Azeris to] Shushi.

Armenia's Foreign Ministry: We thought we had reached an agreement in Paris, but Aliyev suddenly made new demands. In exchange for the Lachin corridor, Azerbaijan would get free and unobstructed access to Nakhijevan, but their access status would differ from ours.

Free and unhindered traffic meant that Azerbaijani cars would not be stopped on the road and would not pass through the Armenian customs service. Since certain sections of the overpass road would be directly on the ground, the territory of Armenia would be shortened by 8 meters. //


UN's World Court requires Azerbaijan to protect all Armenians captured during September 2022 attack

International Court of Justice issued an Order on Armenia’s request for the modification of the Court’s Order of 7 December 2021 indicating provisional measures in the case of Armenia vs Azerbaijan.

Court: The situation that existed in December 2021 is ongoing. Ethnic Armenians detained by Azerbaijan remain at serious risk of irreparable prejudice. Azerbaijan must protect all Armenians detained in September 2022 as well.


interview with military expert Artsrun Hovhannisyan about weapons and drones and shit that flies

(Presenting only the stuff he did not discuss in [yesterday's](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/y8id3n/oct192022_armenia_negotiating_w_us_to_retrain/) interview.)

Reporter: Where were you deployed?

Artsrun: Vardenis direction. It's relatively more stable today. Overall the situation is normal, the soldiers are motivated and in high spirits. I often don't understand the source of this spirit. It's a completely different aura on the front lines.

Reporter: Are you lying? Is this propaganda?

Artsrun: Spend 30 minutes in the front and you'll see for yourself.

Reporter: Do they have a weapon shortage?

Artsrun: They have plenty of small arms but there is a shortage of larger weapons, as you may know by now.

Reporter: Kherson is in turmoil. What's happening there, and how will this end?

Artsrun: It's difficult to predict the future, but Russians are evacuating. Soldiers are apparently preparing to cross the river, and that may be the reason why they are evacuating civilians as well. There is a belief that they are evacuating civilians so the soldiers can stay and put up fierce resistance, but I doubt it, it'll be difficult. This Russian group is cut off logistically by Ukrainian strikes on the river. And it's not like the mobilization, which was announced too late, will do miracles. It's late and poorly organized. Russians will leave.

Reporter: What about the other fronts?

Artsrun: There will be lengthy stability on the fronts.

Reporter: Is the war entering a cold phase?

Artsrun: Perhaps we'll witness more attrition, unless something interesting happens now and they sign a peace agreement.

Reporter: Tell us about the Pinaka missile system made in India.

Artsrun: It's almost like Smerch, 60 km is not bad if we get it. But I'm more interested in SU jets, and India's ability to equip them with Western tech. They have the best experience with equipping SU. India has immense experience with using SU. They've been flying them for many years.

We could lease SU jets from India. It could lead to legal problems with Russia, but it's solvable. We could form 1-2 squadrons in Armenia.

Reporter: Are you saying the SU jets we purchased earlier are useful and...

Artsrun: Not only am I saying that, but I insist on that, ignore the baseless criticism.

Reporter: What about drones?

Artsrun: Indians have excellent drone projects with the West.

Reporter: How do they compare to Turkey's TB2?

Artsrun: It's difficult to compare Rustom to TB2 because they haven't been widely used in major conflicts, but since the tech is coming from the same Western sources, at a minimum it shouldn't be bad.

Indians also have projects with Israel. TB2 has to eat a lot of bread and cheese to come close to Israeli ones. Armenia would need 100-200 drones (not tiny ones) and a few other precision weapons to completely change the situation.

Reporter: Tell us about India's ballistic missiles.

Artsrun: Prithvi is one of the 5 best in the world. It's more powerful and has a longer range than Iskander. The Prithvi-3 is 4,500 kg and reached 600 km, as opposed to 300 km.

Its latest generation ship-launched version is called Dhanush. It is the ideal ballistic missile for Armenia: 1,000 kg flies 300 km, and 500 kg flies 600 km. That's pretty serious for us.

Reporter: What about artillery?

Artsrun: India has a great platform done jointly with France. They have excellent 155mm Howitzers that are self-propelled, semi-self-propelled, or towed. I'm not even talking about the familiar Soviet-era platforms which can be found everywhere, India has all of them.

Reporter: What about air defense?

Artsrun: As I've always said, don't expect miracles from the air defense systems. But still, India has great platforms including Akash. More specifically the latest model of Akash.

Akash was born on the Soviet "Kub" missile system that's outdated. We had one of those that did not function during the war. But its latest model from 2021, called Akash-NG (neg-gen) is similar to U.S.-Norway "NASAMS". It's based on the American AIM-120C missile, a very good missile, localized by India for domestic production.

Reporter: What about the quantity and quality? Can the balance of power change?

Artsrun: We could see a sharp change if we're talking about a few hundred million dollars of weapons that I just listed, if it's delivered quickly.

Reporter:... and if we get the hang of it...

Artsrun: Sure. Education is always necessary.

Reporter: What about Iranian weapons and drones?

Artsrun: Indian weapons have much higher quality. After all, Iran is under sanctions and has issues with technology. We see these shortcomings in Ukraine. Still, considering the situation we are in today, if it's an option, then it's an option. Even if every 4th Iranian drone hits the target, it would be better than nothing.


🔨 anti-corruption: authorities charge several deputy prosecutors with helping a suspect avoid prison

Authorities: K. N. was a deputy prosecutor in Yerevan's Shengavit district. With the help of two fellow deputy prosecutors, he took $6,000 in bribes from a suspect in January, in exchange for ensuring that his charges would be light enough to qualify for the 2018 mass amnesty.

K. N. used his influence among the judges and prosecutors to carry out the task. In the end, the suspect was sentenced to a term that made him qualify for the mass amnesty.

K. N. and his accomplices have been arrested. The bribe-giver is also charged with crimes. The case has reached the court.


banks have made $466 million in pure profit this year, 3x the last year

QP MP Tunyan: Profits (after taxation) were ֏188b from January to September. In Q2 it was ֏77b. Most of it came from "non-traditional" sources such as commission fees, currency trading, etc. This is not a bad thing per se, but it's worth discussing in the parliament.


police officer breaks the world record in the number of fuckups

Helsinki Vanadzor NGO: A resident of Abovyan city was given a $100 citation for smoking. The only record was the note written by the officer, disputed by the citizen. The officer was required to inform the citizen within 3 days about the incident details, date, time, and location. The case was filed on August 1, the officer sent the notice on August 4, the post office delivered it on August 17. The notice claimed that the incident occurred on July 22, while at the same time stating that the incident was investigated on July 12. The size of the penalty was different on various parts of the notice. The case was closed after we filed a complaint with the police chief.


women in leadership roles

Freedom of Information Center organized a forum to discuss gender equality in Armenia. They invited the Human Rights Ombudsman Kristine Grigoryan.

Question: What's the situation in businesses?

Ombudsman: Women-owned businesses have less access to loans and capital, these companies are "younger". Only 36% of businesses are co-owned by women, and only in 24% of companies women hold senior management positions.

The vast majority of women who own a business are either divorced or have never been married. The trend that married women are not as economically active is confirmed by these findings.

Question: In 2018 the government made a commitment to raise transparency by ensuring that the real owners of businesses are known. Has there been any shift after 2018?

Ombudsman: That information can help us refine the policies. There has been a significant qualitative change in the appointment and promotion of women to political or decision-making positions after 2018. Most of these efforts were led by women. Men continue to dominate when it comes to "representing the public".


soccer star Lionel Messi's new investment fund will be managed by an Armenian dude

Razmig Hovagimian from "Graph Ventures" will lead Messi's "Play Time Sports-Tech HoldCo LLC".

>The company will explore “stage agnostic” opportunities that could include, for example, helping startup founders build football-tech companies or investing in teams.

Hovagimian: From the moment I met Leo in 2017 [here we go...], it became clear that he has a [go on...] bold vision for the future [disapponting...].

[source,](https://www.panarmenian.net/arm/news/303230/) [source,](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-19/lionel-messi-launches-investment-firm-targeting-sports-and-tech)

Armenian weightlifter Mnatsakan Abrahamyan wins bronze in European U20 Championship


museum staff from Armenia and Artsakh will participate in a disaster risk management workshop

The French branch of the International Council of Museums will dispatch experts from Egypt and UK to provide disaster risk management skills to their colleagues representing 26 museums in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. The classes will be held in Gyumri and Yerevan.


in case you missed

Yesterday's news in English, русский (by Impossible-Ad-). Archive by Armeniapedia. Donate to Armenia & Artsakh here

The accused are innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law, even if they "appear" guilty.

Link to original report and comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/y9dab3/oct202022_armenias_gulftosea_trade_eus_26_billion/

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