2022 June 29

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Daily news wrap-up

Jun/29/2022 news \\ Foreign firms begin paying taxes for digital services in Armenia \\ Anti-corruption: dirty cops busted, AI algorithm, first female Prosecutor General \\ Prosecutors investigating dusty air \\ Real estate stats \\ The TikTok spy \\ AM-AZ road along Araks \\ e-scooter nightmare \\
by ar_david_hh

13 minutes. 3332 words.

e-VAT system is implemented in Armenia to allow foreign companies to pay taxes on digital services

IRS: Starting this January, non-resident companies that provide a paid digital service in Armenia must pay a VAT tax in Armenia.

▶︎ We have implemented the e-VAT system to streamline this process. Foreign firms can register and submit the documents within minutes, and pay the taxes.

▶︎ It is designed to be as simple as possible. There is also a simplified electronic signature process because the firms don't have representatives in Armenia.

▶︎ We will soon accept more payment methods.

▶︎ Over 30 large foreign firms have already registered with e-VAT. They paid ֏170m in Q1.

[article](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1087196.html) Tags: #NetflixTax

WATCH OUT: Corruption Prevention Commission plans to use an AI algorithm to find out if you have been a bad boy

Public officials are required to declare their income and wealth. CPC wants to reduce reliance on manual work with the introduction of automated algorithms that will analyze risks and alert about possible violations.

CPC: We collect tons of information, the analysis of which requires automation of certain processes. We will experiment with algorithms and in some cases utilize AI to warn us about hidden corruption risks.

We spent the past year studying similar systems that are already in use elsewhere, to learn about their features and usefulness. //


Armenia and U.S. sign a 5-year cooperation program to receive $120m in grants from U.S.

Read [June 22 digest digest](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/viejdu/jun222022_news_us_to_invest_120m_in_armenia/) for context.

>Considering the COVID, war, and the fair elections of 2021, the U.S. has agreed to help Armenia achieve effective and transparent management, strengthen democratic achievements, and overcome economic challenges.

>$69m to strengthen democracy and $51m for the economy. It will help the government with anti-corruption, justice reforms, and public administration reforms.

Officials from Armenia and the US, as well as USAID representatives, met on Wednesday to sign the agreement.

Armenia: Thanks for the grants.

US: We remain committed to supporting Armenia in its democratic and economic reforms.


parliament voted to approve a new Prosecutor General and judges

GP Arthur Davtyan's term is ending in 3 months. QP has nominated Anna Vardapetyan for the position.

Bio: From 2007 to 2022 she served as a deputy justice minister, senior specialist at Cassations Court, advisor to the president of Cassation Court, Pashinyan's assistant, YSU lecturer, a member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, etc.

Vardapetyan: The system has a problem with substantively incomplete investigative and judicial procedures. As a result, we have a huge number of lawsuits but very few resolved cases, which leads to a feeling of injustice.

The number one issue I will tackle will be the belated justice. With the help of effective prosecutorial oversight, it will be possible to resolve the delays in the pre-trial proceedings.

Verbal evidence should be reduced, giving way to documented activity. We can no longer rely solely on verbal evidence or victims' complaints. Today we put the entire burden on the shoulders of victims or witnesses. "Come and testify, we will protect you," is all we do today.

The system has another problem. There is no proper cooperation between prosecutors and investigators. This leads to a lengthy paperwork process, which harms the victim.

MP: You are not "from the system" because you haven't worked at the prosecutor's office. Will this cause any problems?

Vardapetyan: This fact will allow me to look at the issues from a different angle. The person and the protection of their rights will be at the center.

MP: Is it possible to resolve crimes committed 15 years ago?

Vardapetyan: In 2020 Pashinyan ordered the formation of a consultative taskforce to investigate complaints from the parents of soldiers who were killed/died under non-combat circumstances in 2008. Our goal was to understand if the parents were right about a coverup during the investigation, or if their complaint was due to an emotional perception of a lack of justice. The taskforce examined the factors that had a negative impact on the effectiveness of past examinations. We prepared a 150-page report and sent suggestions to authorities. So far we have 4 cases, and 4 suggestions were sent to authorities. In all 4 cases, the investigations resumed. Something that was only discussed on political platforms has finally moved to the legal system. The Սևազգեստ մայրերի case is evidence that it is possible to find answers to wounds inflicted as far back as 15 years ago.

MP: Will you investigate topics that concern the public, and will you review prior investigations and punish prosecutors if it turns out they had mishandled the cases?

Vardapetyan: We don't have a shortage of cases that interest the public. The role of the Prosecutor General is more organizational in nature, but I will hold meetings to discuss and make encouragements and demands. If prosecutors are caught violating the law, it won't go unpunished. We've had instances of residents filing complaints against prosecutors that led to disciplinary action.

MP: How do you fight the criminal subculture?

Vardapetyan: If the person doesn't feel that justice can be served with the help of state institutions, he seeks alternatives. We need a powerful justice system that can respond rapidly. This starts with the police and the very first call received from the person. //

The parliament voted 70-0 to approve Vardapetyan as the first female Prosecutor General. The term begins on September 15.

The parliament is also voting to appoint 4 judges nominated by the Supreme Judicial Council, to serve in the Cassation Court's anti-corruption chamber.

[article,](https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/239882) [article,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1087167.html) [article,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1087169.html) [article,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1087176.html) [article,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1087178.html) [article,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1087184.html) [article,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1087202.html) [article,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1087206.html) [video,](https://youtu.be/yQWNzcrMwCo) [video,](https://youtu.be/FUs5u23EHKI) [video,](https://youtu.be/rayhIEYxjyw?t=30) [video,](https://youtu.be/9iWTeBxJ3_8)

anti-corruption: prosecutors charge the former deputy head of road police and other officials with corruption and large-scale tax evasion

CPC and ACC report: The former deputy head of Road Police and another official conspired to carry out anti-competitive activities, causing ֏67m in damages to the state. The criminal investigation has also led to the uncovering of ֏577m ($1.4m) in unpaid taxes.

The police officials prevented competition between European and Russian companies who were bidding to deliver տրանսպորտային միջոցների հաշվառման համարանիշ (ՏՄՀՀ).

The ranking cop knew that a Russian company wanted to enter the Armenian market to deliver ՏՄՀՀ, but he decided to help the European company that had been delivering the products for the past 20 years. He intentionally set the competition requirements in a way to exclude the Russian company, ensuring a monopoly for the existing firm, which took advantage of it and set the prices high.

This is how the police official rigged the auction: the Europe-based company offered an additional layer of protection through an invisible strip, which wasn't required. The police official included this as a requirement so the Russian company couldn't compete, knowing that only the European company offered this feature.

The taxpayers paid ֏4.4m to the European firm, while the Russian was asking ֏3.3m. The total damages amounted to ֏67m.

Further investigation has revealed that people affiliated with this European company were providing accounting services in Armenia. The director, with the help of his brothers, created a financial scheme to evade taxes in 2010-2011, causing ֏577m in damages to the state.

Two ranking police officials and the company director are charged with crimes. //


air pollution is so bad prosecutors are finally taking action

Prosecutors report: Air pollution is a big problem in our cities. With the help of the Nature Ministry and the Hydrometeorology & Monitoring Center, we studied the state of compliance with the pollutant limitation requirements.

We've found numerous instances of pollutants exceeding the permissible concentrations in Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanandzor, Alaverdi, Hrazdan, and Ararat.

In Yerevan, the dust and nitrogen dioxide levels have gone up significantly compared to the levels observed 5 years ago. [article contains technical info with pollution levels]. Almost the third of samples taken during 2021 showed excessive levels of dust. It's almost the same picture in other cities.

This pollution comes from industrial activities, driving vehicles, construction, lack of forests, and certain agricultural processes.

In 2019-2021, the authorities investigated 146 businesses and individuals over air pollution. Despite these efforts, the pollution levels remain high.

Since air pollution has a direct impact on public health, we have asked the Nature Ministry to conduct more inspections to uncover illegal pollution. Companies are required to use special equipment, reduce the dust originating from construction sites, etc. //


the TikTok spy

Artsakh authorities arrest 5 soldiers for allegedly spying for a foreign nation.

Artsakh NSS reports: Foreign agents formed a spy network in Artsakh and trapped several soldiers, some of whom did not realize what they were doing.

The agents used Armenian names on social media to contact the soldiers. After a while, the soldiers gave them information about border positions, equipment, personnel info, etc.

One soldier received $200. The rest were promised to be paid.

Another soldier thought he met an Armenian woman residing in Georgia while using TikTok. They exchanged love letters via WhatsApp... and classified information about the army. [He was offered cash but didn't accept it, likely realizing it was a trap.] //

Some of them have confessed. Action was taken to prevent other soldiers from falling into the trap.

[video](https://youtu.be/udNgC235Zxg), [article,](https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/239850)

authorities conclude investigation against ex-army commander Yuri Khachaturov's son who was charged with assaulting a policeman during street protests in May

Authorities report: The incident took place on May 17. Several individuals shut down the traffic on Kievyan St. at 8:30 am, preventing the free movement of citizens.

The police urged them to open the road but they didn't comply. The police proceeded to detain several participants. Igor Khachaturov and another man obstructed the process and punched the officer in the chest and stomach several times, causing no damage to his health.

Khachaturov was arrested. Prosecutors will take the case to court. //


11 Armenians and Azeris met in Georgia

The group consisted of economists and analysts representing various fields. They discussed topics relating to the normalization of AM-AZ relations, tackling hate speech, the public rhetoric of leaders, and steps that can be taken to increase trust.

The event was organized by EU-backed "LINKS Europe". The goal is to help people on both sides to meet and learn the other party's opinion.

Armenia's Jonny Melikyan: Բացատրական աշխատանքը պետք է շարունակել։ Ի վերջո, ժամանակ կգա, և նրանք էլ այս հանդիպմանը անկախ փորձագիտական մոտեցումներով կգան, ոչ թե իրենց իշխանությունների թեզերը արտաբերելու համար։ Կողմերը պետք է սկսեն քննարկել ապագայի մասին, ինչպես կարելի է լուծել հարցերը։ Պարտադիր է հանդիպել, բացատրական աշխատանքներ վարել, ցույց տալ Արևմուտքի մեր գործընկերներին, որ մենք գնում ենք երկխոսության, ունենք մեր մոտեցումները, որոնք շատ հստակ հիմքերի վրա են: //

Within the next 6 months, the groups will establish contacts with their respective governments to assist them with the peace process.


INVESTIGATION: Karabakh farmland captured by Azeris in 2020 is being distributed to individuals associated with Aliyev regime, instead of the civilians who left the area during the 1990s war

Agricultural firms connected to the first family (Aliyev's daughters) were given non-transparent contracts.

Last year 5 companies were awarded government deals to carry out agricultural work on 8,400 hectares of land. The companies have connections with the government members.

>Azersun, a giant Azerbaijani food monopoly, was awarded 9,000 square meters of land in the Gubadli district, in a project valued at 40 million manats [$23.5 million]. Azersun is owned by Turkish businessman Abdolbari Gozal, who is known to be close to the ruling family.

>The government hasn’t provided specific information on when the more than 600,000 Azerbaijanis displaced [...] in the first war [...] might be able to return to live. But it appears to be moving ahead with allowing big businesses to start farming work there.

[Continue in English,](https://eurasianet.org/farmland-in-karabakh-being-given-to-powerful-azerbaijanis-report) [in Caucasian Albanian](https://youtu.be/y-siJ_cf3hg), [in Armenian](https://factor.am/528516.html)

you do not want to be prisoners of petrostate dictators who are willing to weaponize energy: US's John Kerry

Kerry: Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a warning to nations around the world that they cannot be a hostage to oil-rich autocratic governments to meet their energy needs.

You do not want to be prisoners of petrostate dictators who are willing to weaponize energy.

[send this article to Biden and Michel, thank you]

[link of the article that you are supposed to send to Biden and Michel](https://news.yahoo.com/nations-no-longer-prisoners-petrostate-205412775.html)


Last week an Armenia-based political party "Democratic Party of Armenia" shared a bombshell news: the UN International Court has recognized the independence of Nagorno Karabakh from Azerbaijan. They said it was based on the precedent set by the Kosovo case.

Artsakh parliament leadership invited the party today to discuss the topic.

Artsakh Parliament speaker Tovmasyan: You recently stated that the international court has recognized the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. We are familiar with the Kosovo case and that no permission is required from the central government to declare independence in certain situations.

Vladimir Putin also [suggested recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/vhnazu/jun212022_news_armenia_wants_to_invest_in/) that Russia has the right to recognize Donbas independence based on Kosovo precedent.

Considering these developments, we found your statement interesting and decided to invite you to Artsakh for discussions. //

[article,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1087217.html) [article,](https://news.am/arm/news/708438.html)

Russian media provides details about the road connection between Azerbaijan and Nakhijevan

It was recently reported that the parties have come closer to reaching an agreement. Russian Izvestia outlet provides details, citing its sources:

The east-west automobile road will reportedly travel along the Araks River. They will use the Soviet-era road. They don't know what it will look like in the 6km section connecting Armenia to Nakhijevan, because of the difficult terrain and mountains.

The outlet's source reports that the Armenian side recently intensified the efforts to reach an agreement to unblock the communications, after Azerbaijan and Iran met to discuss an Azerbaijan-Nakhijevan connection going through Iran, which would have bypassed Armenia.


real estate stats in Q1

The number of property transactions +9.5% in Q1 YoY. It was +23% in Yerevan.

The third of all transactions took place in Yerevan, followed by 19% in Kotayk, 11% in Ararat, etc.

Apartment prices in Yerevan +12% in Q1 2022 vs Q1 2021, or +3% in Q1 2022 vs Q4 2021.

Some realtors say rent prices have doubled in Yerevan.


qu’est ce à dire que ceci: Canada has no embassy in Armenia?

FM of Canada Melanie Joly: Following the mission and report of our Special Envoy to Europe, on ways to increase Canadian support for Armenian democracy, Canada will open a full embassy with a resident ambassador in Armenia, allowing for stronger bilateral ties and increased Canadian support for Armenian democracy.

FM Ararat Mirzoyan after yesterday's meeting with Canadian official: We strongly welcome Canada's decision to open an embassy in Armenia with a resident ambassador. This is yet another milestone in progressively developing Armenian-Canadian relations.

[article,](https://en.armradio.am/2022/06/29/armenia-welcomes-canadas-decision-to-open-embassy-in-yerevan/) [article,](https://twitter.com/AraratMirzoyan/status/1542176037047570433)

Yerevan and Lyon sign a cooperation memorandum

[Read Tuesday report](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/vmwuh7/jun282022_news_expremiers_bombshell_interview/) to get the context on the Yerevan mayor's France trip. Yerevan wants to study Marsellie's experience with traffic management.

Today the mayor visited Lyon and signed an agreement to work on education programs to train workforce with skills that are in demand.

>Արհեստների և որակավորումների կամպուսի վերակազմակերպման ծրագիրը, որը հնարավորություն կտա ընդլայնել կենտրոնի շենքային պայմաններն ու կյանքի կոչել աշխատաշուկայում պահանջարկ ունեցող կրթական նոր ծրագրեր

The French-Armenian Professional Education Center currently has 200 students. They will revamp the facility to increase the number.

They also discussed the promotion of tourism and "smart & sustainable city" concepts.

[article,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1087170.html) [article,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1087224.html)

PHOTO: newly opened dental clinic will provide free services to wounded war veterans

The "Access to Care" charitable NGO has opened a dental clinic on 5 Paruyr Sevak St. The opening ceremony took place in the presence of Armenian-American donors, the NGO founder Saryan family, officials from the US embassy, and others.

The dental services will be free for wounded veterans and families who lost a relative.

Dr. Saryan: We decided to express our gratitude to our hero boys in this way.

Deputy US ambassador: Thanks for inviting me, and congratulations from ambassador Tracy. She believes that access to health is a key factor and the US is ready to provide assistance in this regard.


Armenian wrestler defeats Turkish opponent 7:0 to win bronze in Junior European championship

130kg Albert "the chungus" Vardanyan.


PHOTO: Gyumri is hosting the 19th Republican Sports Festival of Disabled People

Disabled residents from across the country gathered in Gyumri today to launch the opening ceremony of the 3-day tournament. This is the first time it's being held in Gyumri.

They will compete in swimming, weightlifting, wheelchair basketball, boccia (precision ball sport), chess, tennis, and a wheelchair race.


you too can participate in the next sports tournament for disabled people by riding an electric scooter like these guys do


Dozens of people have been hospitalized in Yerevan in recent months. E-scooters were introduced in 2019 by "Yerevan Ride". It was only biking at first, e-scooters were introduced later. Today, the company has 900 e-scooters and 300 bicycles in Yerevan.

E-scooters can also be found in Gyumri. The company says they are more popular than bicycles today. "This is a global trend."

The rider is responsible for any damage to themselves or others, according to ToS, which requires a helmet and safety measures. The company says they block dozens of riders every day for violating ToS.

The app knows you are a first-time rider and limits your scooter's speed. It gets faster after riding 7 times.

People love them because it beats traffic jam and gives pleasure. One resident said he has a car but only rides a scooter in the city center. (smart man)

The scooter company is lobbying for the Yerevan administration to develop bike/scooter lanes so riders will get out of sidewalks.

[video and article](https://factor.am/528544.html)

kids will be taught wildlife survival skills

The FPWC (Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets) will launch a summer school for Armenian teenagers. They will learn survival skills, ride horses, learn to climb rocks, and probably fall and die.

>Բոլորովին ինքնատիպ լայնամասշտաբ ձևաչափ, որի շնորհիվ մենք երեխաներին փոքր տարիքից կսովորեցնենք սիրել ու պահպանել բնությունը


PHOTO: someone found a rusty 125mm artillery shell in a backyard in Yerevan

The sappers said it posed no danger. The explosive news came from Fanarjyan St.


today in history

1825: Armenian writer and playwright Gabriel Sundukyan is born, the founder of modern Armenian drama. 🍿🍿🍿==


Eurovision song contest officials are in Armenia to discuss the organization of 2022 Junior Eurovision

Armenia's Malena won the contest last year, so Armenia is set to host the event this year on December 11.

Eurovision officials met the administration of H1 public television to discuss the technical part. The Armenian side has prepared a concept of what the show will look like.

The guests visited the >!Hamalir complex, you guessed it!< to learn about the planned modifications ahead of the event.


NASA needs its cockroaches

The space agency has asked an auction company to halt the sale of moon dust collected during the 1969 Apollo 11 mission that had subsequently been fed to cockroaches during an experiment to determine if the lunar rock contained any sort of pathogen that posed a threat to terrestrial life.

A vial with 40mg of moon dust and three cockroach carcasses were expected to sell for >$400,000.


in case you missed

Yesterday's news in English, русский (by Impossible-Ad-). Archive by Armeniapedia. Donate to Armenia & Artsakh here

The accused are innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law, even if they "appear" guilty.

Link to original report and comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/vnq5ww/jun292022_news_foreign_firms_begin_paying_taxes/

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