2018 November 13

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Anti-Corruption Daily

by ar_david_hh

All the accused are innocent until proven guilty by the court of law. Currency in Armenian Drams unless specified otherwise.

Military prosecutors have released the anti-corruption report for 3Q2018. Out of the 104 audits, more than half found irregularities and corruption, totaling AMD 96mln in damages to the state. https://factor.am/98876.html

IRS will simplify the tax code on 2019 to make it easier for people to understand how the taxation works. More ordinary people will be registered as tax payers. IRS wants to establish the habit that everyone has to pay their taxes https://armenpress.am/arm/news/954348.html

During an anti-corruption forum in Rome, Azeri delegate says the EU’s anti-corruption support shouldn’t be given to “occupied territories because of instability and unlawful things in the region”. Justice Minister Zeynalyan criticizes him for using the anti-corruption summit for political purposes, and asks the Azeri colleague to investigate the Aliyev regime for money laundering and take actions based on Panama Papers revelations https://armenpress.am/arm/news/954335.html

Parliament session: Pashinyan says 50,000 private taxi drivers will be exempt from taxes and see their salaries go up, among with 70,000 people working in the micro-businesses that earn less than AMD 20mln. The government will also discourage unemployment by changing the way unemployment/poverty benefits are distributed https://armenpress.am/arm/news/954292.html —— https://armenpress.am/arm/news/954298.html

... government plans to inject AMD 50bln into the economy through the creation of high paying jobs and other means. The taxes will be lowered from 36-28% brackets to a flat 23%. The money will circulate in the economy instead of being collected in the form of taxes. PM also said lowering income taxes is essentially the same as giving everyone a salary raise. https://armenpress.am/arm/news/954294.html

... Pashinyan says Armenian metal industry should transform. Instead of exporting raw materials, they should process them and export an already made product. Says there are several investors looking into creating copper processing factories https://armenpress.am/arm/news/954301.html

Ministry of Labor Mane Tandilyan has proposed an amendment to the law to limit government official's pension to up to 10x of the minimum pension in Armenia. Currently, there are some who receive AMD 1mln/mo, which is 24x over the average pension. http://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/148388

HHK Shawarmazanov encourages the citizens to vote for HHK if they're against corrupt politicians and gay propaganda (video in the article in unrelated) https://news.am/arm/news/480864.html

.... Shawarmazanov says in the past 6 months, they've "exposed the Pashinyan administration for its lies, and proved that there isn't much difference between them and the new administration's direction in certain topics, in which Pashinyan used to oppose them". The public should vote for HHK to preserve Christian values and defend Artsakh, says Eduard. https://news.am/arm/news/480817.html

As of right now, 465 prisoners have been released as part of the mass amnesty bill https://www.a1plus.am/1649484.html

BHK Naira Zohrabyan plans to move to city Goris for a permanent residence. She'll run for Parliament representing the Goris district https://hetq.am/hy/article/98113

Armenia signs a contract with Italian Renko, Italian government and German Siemens for a joint $250mln investment project to build a gas-based 250MW electricity generator in Yerevan. It’ll be built in 2 years, providing 1,200 temporary and 230 permanent jobs, in addition to producing the cheapest electricity https://factor.am/98725.html

BHK Mikael Melkumyan, the chairman of Parliamentary gas price investigation, is once again pressuring GazProm-Armenia to explain how it used the AMD 8.9bln additional annual funds when Russia lowered the gas prices for Armenia at the border, while GazProm-Armenia decided to keep the consumer prices the same. The committee finds it necessary to make changes to the RU-ARM gas contract. https://factor.am/98719.html

The Food Safety Committee orders City, Parma and Evrika outlets to suspend their salad productions after lab examination reveals high bacterial count http://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/148315

Yerevan police has proposed the creation of dedicated bicycle lanes in 14 large streets to separate the ever-increasing bike traffic. Citizens can submit their opinions to the police until November 25th (email inside) https://hetq.am/hy/article/98075

Iranian company had earlier won a license to build a new bridge between Armenia and Iran. The preparation phase will begin soon. The company will consult the Armenian authorities for environmental and land related topics https://hetq.am/hy/article/98081

Abortion rates have been dropping: 1990s - 26k; 2015-2017 - 6.5k. It's lower than in Russia and Georgia. Miscarriage has been cut in more than half in the past 5 years. https://armenpress.am/arm/news/954373.html

Alexis Ohanian, the Reddit co-founder and a notorious /r/Armenia lurker, but most famously known for being the husband of Serena Williams, has co-founded an Armenian Shakhmat Brandy company. Part of the revenue from the sales will go towards helping Armenia Tree Project that restores the forests https://armenpress.am/arm/news/954258.html

Link to original report: https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/9wsdx1/anticorruption_nov132018/

2018 Daily Armenia Reports











