2021 December 20

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Daily news wrap-up

Daily news, Dec/20/2021: How Armenian rails went "poof", and efforts to build new one __ Pashinyan in Georgia to discuss trade __ Customs simplification at Upper Lars __ Chinese VS European buses __ Captives return __ Grants for prosthetics startups __ Diasporans welcome __ TUMO expands... many more
by ar_david_hh

This is your 15-minute Monday report in 3949 words.

Diaspora Affairs office will cut bureaucracy for diasporans with a new "repatriation center"

Dozens of young repatriates from several countries were invited to the 'Repatriation Week' event for introduction and exchange of ideas.

Office chief Zareh Sinanyan: repatriation is a very difficult decision, but I am sure that it will be the brightest decision in the life of all the young people present. Young people continue to repatriate despite the difficulties since last year.

We're currently forming a repatriation integration center based on the experience of other countries. Its goal is to eliminate քաշքշուկ so our repatriated families will only have to deal with one office that will address all their problems.

We're also working with several companies to act as intermediaries to help the repatriates with employment in their respective fields. //

ARCTX representative: we signed a cooperation memorandum with the Diaspora Office to address the IT expert shortage in Armenia with the help of repatriates. //


startups received grants to improve the quality of life of disabled residents through assistive technologies

A competition was held. Revive Acceleration Program gave grants to 4 tech startups on Monday to help improve veterans' lives. It's a joint project by the government and the UN.

Labor Minister: we invited one of the winners to Armenia and reached an agreement. Our care centers will have "tech rooms". Our startups have great potential in the prosthetics industry. We're ready to help them capture international markets. When the products are ready, we will sign purchase contracts to help veterans in Armenia.

UN representative: these are quite innovative solutions. //

Winner AIP Tech: our product is a biodegradable bioactive substance that will replace bone. When we have a large bone defect, it is more desirable to have a material that will break down over time and cause the natural bone to grow in its place. [some "universal soldier" magic shit] //

Winner Oqni is an Armenian startup that produces lower extremity prostheses with the help of artificial intelligence, which also helps with the recovery process.

Winner Sheral produces limb prostheses using carbon fiber.

Winner Key2enable is an American startup that offers tools for communication and learning.


new TUMO Box centers open in Kapan, Sevan, and Vayk

Kapan's TUMO Box will operate for a year before being replaced with a full TUMO Center. The goal is to have 16 TUMO in provincial capitals and 110 Boxes in smaller settlements, within the next 5 years.

Education Ministry welcomed the fact that these tech & innovation centers are opening near public schools.


update: Yerevan Councilman accuses Yerevan Mayor of mishandling new bus purchase process and ordering lower-quality Chinense buses instead of the planned European ones

Context here about why the ruling party and some opposition Council members want to replace the mayor Marutyan.

A ruling party MP accused the mayor and his allies of taking all the credit with infrastructure and service reforms in the city. He presented stats about what came from the federal government.

Yerevan councilman: we recorded some progress in the garbage, green zone, pet, and transport fields but many problems persist in these areas. Then we have the construction/urban development field that includes construction, permits, etc. Sadly, nothing was done here institutionally. There is institutional corruption. This is unacceptable to us.

For the past three years, we've been calling for staff reforms, digitization, letters sent by residents not to be "lost" anymore, to combat corruption so we won't hear about one department taking bribes to advance someone's construction project [skip the line], etc.

Garbage collection still has major issues. Two months ago one of the workers contacted us and presented evidence about fuel and wage embezzlement. We informed the mayor about it. It was escalated after nothing was done about it. The embezzlement claims turned out to be true. NSS is working on it. We haven't publicized this until now. The public only hears about "new buses and elevators". Those are great, but that's not the full story.

Reporter: your colleague Vahe Gevorgyan claimed that the ruling council members attempted to sabotage the purchase of new buses to harm mayor Marutyan.

QP councilman: The council did not "sabotage" Marutyan's efforts. The council provided the necessary votes to Marutyan despite disagreements.

Marutyan used Yerevan's resources to buy these Jongtong Chinese buses. We already had a record of using Chinese buses (purple Higer). These are similar class vehicles. The old Chinese buses we got as a gift, while the new ones were purchased.

In 2020 the federal government aided Yerevan with directions on how to purchase buses with high European standards. The municipality had agreed. However, the tender process was organized improperly with improper documents, leading to a failed auction process.

Marutyan realized it would take a long time to organize a new process, so they urgently purchased the new microbus Gazels, which the deputy mayor today presents as "bus". [discusses technical characteristics]

We have to understand where we are headed. We paid €1M to British WYG consulting firm to analyze Yerevan streets and tell us how many buses we need. They gave the numbers. We had to use this info to buy the buses. The purchase process failed because of the failed tender process, partly because of Marutyan.

About the "sabotage" claim. We could purchase quality buses with cooperation between federal and municipal authorities. You may remember when Marutyan went to Czechia to study various types of European buses. But after the tender process failed, he decided to purchase the Chinese ones, which are very modest technically and with other characteristics.

The federal government and Yerevan Council did not like the replacement of European buses with the Chinese ones, but the mayor proceeded with the plan anyway, without cooperating with others, without trying to fix the errors that would make it possible to purchase the European ones. Marutyan believes the existence of the Yerevan Council is pointless.

Reporter: should the garbage collection, transport, green zones be handled by the municipality or the private sector?

Councilman: somewhere in the middle. Municipal institutes, especially when they are of low quality, have immense corruption risks. You must have a very strong oversight to combat corruption. The municipality should handle some of these services and organize tenders to have the private sector handle other parts.

That way, if the private party decides to speak with the language of threat or refuses to do its duties (i.e. Sanitek garbage collector), the municipality will have its 50% share in the process and take over the process. //

Full: https://youtu.be/qHqV-vdz1jU https://www.panarmenian.net/arm/news/297462/ https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/227735 https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/227714

anti-corruption: former Transport Minister and Yerevan mayor Gagik Beglaryan's family is going through an asset forfeiture investigation

Beglaryan and his associates are suspects in several criminal investigations relating to North-South highway construction...

>Artashat-Yerevan-Ashtarak section was cleared for public use despite having serious quality problems. Besides ֏23.5 billion in damages, the program was delayed by nine years. Former Transport Minister Gagik Beglaryan is a suspect.

..., ֏230M kindergarten property theft, etc.

Beglaryan was placed on the wanted list in March 2020. He was arrested at Zvartnots airport on May 18, 2021, upon his arrival.

The prosecutors have an asset forfeiture case against him and his family. He has been invited to "deliver the receipts".

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071185.html https://factor.am/455931.html

Defense Ministry continues to draft army reservists for 3-month retraining

The next group will consist of 65 people with specific professions: engineers and doctors. They will serve from January 15 to April 15.


army held exercises to infiltrate and destroy enemy's important objects


Special Precision Snipers 2021: Armenian, Greek, and Cypriot snipers held exercises

>Special Precision Snipers 2021 համատեղ վարժանքների նպատակն էր բարձրացնել մարտունակությունը ESEA առաքելությունների կազմակերպման, նախագծման և իրականացման գործում:


the police will use surveillance drones to uncover crime in Syunik settlements

On January 15 Pashinyan ordered the formation of a taskforce to identify problems in Syunik province. Security was identified as the top concern. Police Troops were stationed on several roads. Drivers are being informed about alternative roads to avoid crossing the border.

Meghri police will soon have drones to fight crime and track down suspect vehicles.

Syunik experts will have the tools to conduct chemical reactions for drug identification and measuring.


Pashinyan visited NSS on National Security Officer's Day on Monday

Pashinyan: Over the past year, the NSS's efficiency has significantly increased. After the 2020 war, we were able to overcome the phase of a deep political crisis. Not a single shot was fired and there were no civil clashes.

We should focus on modernizing NSS with new technologies and policies. It should meet the 21st century standards. Being behind in this area means not being able to manage the challenges.

The existing salaries are insufficient. We are recording all these issues to solve them in phases.

Pashinyan about Karabakh negotiation process: NSS must be even more vigilant now, while we try to establish peace in the region. The political statements do not necessarily mean that the efforts will succeed. The meetings in Sochi and Brussels give us an opportunity to open an area of peace in the region.

For years, people said that the conflict should be resolved in a certain way. So why wasn't it resolved that way? If it could be resolved that way, why wasn't it? This has been going on for 20 years. They told us one thing publicly but negotiated a completely different thing in private. We will not choose the same path.

What's discussed on the negotiation table is what will be spoken in public. Of course, certain details from negotiations cannot be publicized, but we will no longer say one thing in Armenia and negotiate a different thing abroad. [is this a shot at Serj post-2016?]

Our goal is to strengthen the Republic of Armenia and its statehood, territorial integrity, strengthen Artsakh and protect its citizens' rights, find a resolution to Karabakh conflict with international recognition of Artsakh's acceptable status. //


Serj Sargsyan is reelected as HHK party leader

535 top HHK members gathered last week to elect office leaders, adopt party resolutions, and discuss issues.

Serj was re-elected as a leader with a 523-2 vote after being nominated by Taron Margaryan. Edward Shawarmazanov, Galust Sahakyan, Tigran Abrahamyan, and other ranking HHK figures were elected to various positions.

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071113.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071139.html

former General Prosecutor Aghvan Hovsepyan's dacha was burglarized

The police caught the burglar the next day. He confessed and recovered the stolen items.


Turkey news

The Turkish lira hit a brand new historic low at 17.60 per dollar. Erdogan fired two deputy Finance Ministers.

Erdogan: We're lowering interest rates. Don't expect anything else from me. As a Muslim, whatever Islamic teaching requires I will continue to do that.

>Under pressure from the president, the central bank cut rates again last week by 100 points, sending real rates deeper into negative territory, a red flag for investors and savers

Thousands of workers took to the streets of Istanbul to complain about economic hardships. They called for the government's resignation. "We want a budget for the people. End the unfair taxes."

https://www.reuters.com/markets/currencies/turkish-lira-near-record-low-erdogan-defends-low-rates-2021-12-20/ https://factor.am/456043.html https://factor.am/456184.html https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/227764

pilot error is believed to have caused the helicopter crash that killed 14 ranking Azerbaijani army officials last month

Several ranking officials (colonels, majors, captains) were killed in eastern Azerbaijan during a Mi-17 helicopter crash on November 30. The black boxes have been sent to Prague for examination.

Azerbaijani authorities believe the crash was a result of a grave error by the pilots who ignored wind strength and direction.


10 Armenian POWs returned home after Brussels negotiations

They were captured during November 16 clashes on Ishkhanasar. The youngest one is 31 years old. None of them will be arrested. Their "boss" and several other ranking servicemen were recently arrested for allegedly disobeying orders to organize defense, and deserting the positions instead. 21 of the 32 missing Ishkhanasar soldiers have since been repatriated.

EU welcomed the release of captives, calling it an important humanitarian gesture and a sign of mutual will to strengthen trust. We are moving forward, said Macron on Twitter.

Armenian troops arrested two Azeri servicemen who crossed the border

They were repatriated on Monday as part of the ongoing humanitarian efforts mediated by Russia.

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071148.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071151.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071160.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071242.html https://www.azatutyun.am/a/31618064.html

Security Council chief Armen Grigoryan about his recent trip to the United States:

The US is interested in sustainable cooperation and the unblocking of communication in the region. The meeting was Jake Sullivan was productive. I presented Armenia's perceptions on regional stabilization during the meetings with Congressman Pallone and the Atlantic Council.

The ongoing process of democratization in Armenia is an important security factor. We discussed how we can continue our cooperation in this process.

As for the "corridor" mentioned by Azerbaijan, as we've said before, there was/is no such topic of discussion. It's a fake topic. It has never been on the negotiation table. It is outside the negotiation table and is affecting the negotiation process.

We should launch OSCE discussions to address Karabakh's status.

Reporter: can a solution be found if the same contradicting OSCE principles remain on the agenda (territorial integrity and right to self-determination)?

Grigoryan: it is possible to find a solution if there is political will. We have that political will, we expect the same from Azerbaijan so there will be a long-term solution. Despite what Azerbaijan says, the conflict has not been resolved yet. There is work to do. //


first president Levon hosted Russian ambassador Kopirkin as a guest

They exchanged views on regional developments and expressed satisfaction with the observed stabilization tendencies.


Armenia's representative during a conference organized by OSCE:

The results of the use of force cannot serve as a basis for lasting peace. There is no alternative to a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The conflict started as a result of Azerbaijan's policies of ethnic cleansing and suppression of people's right to self-determination. The permanent settlement is possible only with the realization of those inalienable rights.

Azerbaijan should adopt a policy of peace to prepare its people, and so should Armenia. All captives should repatriate and Azeri troops should withdraw from Armenian territories. //


Ruben Rubinyan will lead the group tasked with normalizing relations with Turkey

Rubinyan has served as a deputy Foreign Minister and chief of Parliament's Foreign Relations Committee.

In 2017-2018 Rubinyan conducted studies within the framework of Hrank Dink Foundation's Armenia-Turkey experience exchange project at Sabanci University. His research focuses on the impact of NGOs on Turkey's democratization process.

Turkish Transport Ministry will organize several Istanbul-Yerevan flights in coming days as part of reconciliation efforts

France welcomed the efforts by Armenia and Turkey to normalize relations.

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071199.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071200.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071145.html https://hy.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ռուբեն_Ռուբինյան

Armenia will build 45km of the 340km new railway link

During Sochi and Brussels meetings, Pashinyan and Aliyev reaffirmed readiness to open a railway connection. It will connect Armenia to Iran and Russia, and Azerbaijan to Nakhijevan.

There is a tiny section of railway that Armenia needs to build to connect its existing network to Nakhijevan. Another 44km will be built in southern Syunik. Altogether, it'll cost $200M.

Azerbaijan will build another 295km of railway in areas under its control. It could cost them $1B.

Govt: The railway will operate in accordance with the internationally accepted rules of rail transport, on the principle of reciprocity, within the jurisdiction of the sovereignty of the countries through which it will pass.


railway sleepers (տակդիր) were stolen

On Friday the police received a report about 80 missing railway sleepers near Sevan. The investigation led to the arrest of 18 and 21-year-old suspects.


speaking of "railway theft"

Why does Armenia need to build a new railway network in the south? What happened to the old infrastructure? Pro-EU "Republic Party leader Aram Sargsyan recalls in an interview:

When I become the Premier, the Meghri railway was already dismantled. The scrap metal was being sold to Iran. It was dismantled and sold under the observation of president Robert Kocharyan and NSS chief Grisha Sargsyan.

I prohibited the sale, I tried to stop it, but it led to a serious conflict with Robert Kocharyan. The general was under his direct command.

The reopening of new railway routes will bring serious investments to Armenia, especially near the planned railway route. Foreign players are willing to invest in Armenia to have better access to 170 million Turkish and Iranian markets. //

Full: https://youtu.be/sRuXEnTaF98 https://a1plus.am/hy/article/420731

EAEU trucks headed to Armenia could receive a "green way" in the Georgian checkpoint

EAEU Business Council approved new proposals relating to cargo transfers to Armenia. It's meant to address the fact that Armenia has no direct land border with any other EAEU state.

Currently, the customs declarations are made on the border between Russia and Georgia (in Upper Lars). As a result, difficulties arise with cargo checks, contraband, documentation, and long lines.

Under the proposed new rules, customs clearance and sealing process will be carried out by the sender's territorial customs services, allowing the trucks to cross Upper Lars through "green way". [So is it like a block train that gets cleared by the host country and doesn't stop until it reaches its destination?]

Official: this will increase transparency, provide more accurate pricing information, and will balance the financial resources entering the budget of EAEU states. //


Pashinyan visited Georgia for a meeting about economic cooperation

Pashinyan met his Georgian counterpart Gharibashhvili in Tbilisi and discussed the upcoming intergovernmental economic cooperation conference.

Armenia wants to increase trade volume with Georgia to $1B by 2026. "We need dramatic efforts. It is true that our trade in the first 10 months of this year has surpassed that of the previous three years, but we are far from $1B," said Pashinyan.

Armenian government envoy: we witnessed a 40% trade increase this year. This is excellent. We have an agreement to tap into the unrealized potential.

Both our countries need to be involved in international transport and trade programs, such as North-South and Persian Gulf-Black Sea trade corridors. //

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071207.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071231.html

Pashinyan forms a Constitutional Reforms Council

The bipartisan process to reform Armenia's constitution has entered a new phase with the dissolving of a commission. A new Council will be formed consisting of Armenia's representatives to ECHR, Human Rights Ombudsman, Supreme Court, an MP from each parliamentary party, 3 non-parliamentary parties, various NGOs, etc. The Council will form an expert Commission.


Amulsar gold miner Lydian denies rumors that it plans to sell its business and partially nationalize the gold mine project

A media outlet circulated rumors last week claiming that Lydian Armenia plans to "sell the company" and give 20% of the shares to the Armenian government, similar to the partial nationalization of the Zangezur copper plant. Lydian denied the report.

Lydian's activities were suspended in 2018. A third-party auditor was hired in 2018-2019 to analyze Lydian's 2016 environmental assessment report. The auditor found possible risks and made several suggestions.


COVID stats

4.9k tested. 72 infected. 364 healed. 4 deaths. 5.5k active.

MAP: which provinces have the highest vaccination rate?

1.5 million vaccinations. 654K have taken both shots.

Yerevan 43.9%

Ararat 43.2%

Vayots Dzor 42.9%

Lowest: Tavush 31.6%

Healthcare Ministry: Armenia has plenty of vaccines. We should continue efforts to increase the vax rate

We should take advantage of the declining infection numbers and push for more vaccinations to be prepared for the next wave, said Ministry.

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071169.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071138.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071230.html

two low-costers have launched flights to the EU and Russia

The new airline Flyone Armenia flies to Lion twice a week. Their Moscow flights were recently suspended due to "unforeseen circumstances relating to Covid". Tickets cost €44.

Flyone Armenia: we became the first Armenian airline to hold flights to the EU after the blacklist against Armenia that was implemented over a year ago. //

Wizz Air is another low-coster. Yesterday they launched Yerevan-Vilnius flights. It costs around €40.

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071156.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071135.html

some moron made fake bomb threats in Zvartnots airport

Experts and their dogs were sent to the airport to investigate the claim.


ruling party MP: Armenia is ready to shelter the Yezidi refugees stranded on the Belarus-Poland border

Ethnic Yezidi MP Rustam Bakoyan visited a logistic center on the Belarus-Poland border, where refugees have been kept for 43 days. Among them are 47 Yezidis from Iraq, mostly mothers with tier children.

Rustam: I paid an unofficial visit to learn about their living conditions. There are multiple solutions. They could move to Armenia. We have a very strong Yezidi community in Armenia. They are willing to provide shelter and jobs. We have investors willing to help them launch their businesses. //


Armenia's Malena wins Junior Eurovision song contest

Paris hosted the 19th Junior competition on Sunday, participated by 19 countries. Malena performed Qami-Qami (wind-wind).

Online voting began on Friday and finished on Sunday. The 4.3 million votes from the audience were converted into points by the jury. The jury itself gave points separately. Combined points:

Armenia 224

Poland 218

France 187

This is the second time Armenia wins the Junior competition. It has reached the top-3 on seven occasions.

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071158.html https://www.ebu.ch/news/2021/12/armenia-wins-19th-junior-eurovision-song-contest https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071161.html

Armenia's "Big Ben" will soon turn 80

The giant clock in Republic Square will mark its 80th anniversary on Friday. There will be an online piano concert broadcasted from the clock room.

The engineer was Soviet specialist Magnushevski, who also reprogrammed Kremlin's Spasskaya bells to play the Soviet anthem.

The clock was apparently transported to Armenia through the front lines during WW2. In other news, Armenians need to make a James Bond movie based on this story.


PHOTO: Ashtarak's Christmas Tree lights up


soccer news

Football Federation Chief Melikbekyan: the year began with brilliant victories and ended with ties and defeats. The expectations were high after the victories.

The good news is today we have more players for the national team. The selection used to be small. Now the coach can choose from 50 players.

Our primary goal now is to maintain our position in UEFA Nations League "B". [UEFA drawing was recently held to decide who is playing against whom next year.] //


The contract with coach Caparros is set to expire a year from now. There are currently no talks to extend it. They are waiting to see how the team performs during friendly matches in March.


Armenia's soccer league will implement the new VAR system that allows referees to use cameras to avoid errors. The refs are being retrained.


Soccer Federation is still negotiation to build a new stadium in Armenia. More info in 1-2 months. They are working with a company to sign a memorandum to build a stadium.

https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071177.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071203.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071204.html https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071210.html

skeletons of two ancient female warriors were discovered in Armenia

There were weapons next to their bodies, discovered in Shirak province. The skulls had many fractures and arrow wounds. It is believed that they were horse archers. They were in a 4.5-meter tomb made of basalt and tuf.

More info is available for those who care:

https://www.panarmenian.net/arm/news/297467/ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/oa.3077 https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1071219.html https://nplus1.ru/news/2021/12/17/warrior-burial https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/oa.2838

15th-century bell-shaped "bong" is accidentally discovered by construction workers in Yerevan

It was in Children's Park, of all places. They found remnants of rooms made of black tuf stones. They had water removal systems.

A bunch of household crap was found. Lots of cow and sheep bones. A 19th-century suitcase. An unknown-century copper coin. The 15-18th century smoking pipe has Arabic inscriptions.


end of report

The accused are innocent unless proven guilty in the court of law, even if they "appear" guilty.

News archive: http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki/Daily_Anti-Corruption_Reports

Donations: soldiers' families, humanitarian aid, US tax-deductible donation.

Link to original report and comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/rkyet7/daily_news_dec202021_how_armenian_rails_went_poof/

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