2022 August 12

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Daily news wrap-up

Your Friday news digest from Armenia. Aug/12/2022.
by ar_david_hh

12 minutes. 3192 words.

the state program to promote the consolidation of small land pieces will launch in September

The government wants to help multiple farmers to sell or exchange their fragmented lands, or to form cooperatives, so one large investment can be made on a larger piece of land, in order to boost agricultural productivity. Read Part 1 with more context in [August 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/wg7mr5/your_thursday_news_digest_from_armenia_aug42022/) news briefing.

Economy Ministry today: The 2023-2025 program to assist with land mergers will begin this September 15. Those who wish to take part in land consolidation can contact the Ministry. Once you contact us, a contract will be signed to officially kickstart the consolidation process. Once we confirm the legal process is complete, the land improvement works can begin. We will then examine the expenditure documents and issue financial compensation.

... why is land consolidation needed?

50% of arable lands are left unused in Armenia. After examining the experience of other countries, we came up with multiple solutions. The goal is to create an environment that will streamline the land sales and acquisition process, and boost the per-hectare productivity.

... how fragmented are the lands today?

80% of landlords own pieces that are smaller than 2 hectares

40% own 3 pieces scattered around, while 25% own 5+ pieces.

The average size of a land is just 1.4 hectares.

... why is that a problem?

The productivity is low. Small lands face logistics issues, require more investments, and often lack modern irrigation systems. It's one thing when you have to invest on one piece of land, and another if you have to travel around and invest on multiple fragmented lands.

... why haven't landlords consolidated their fragmented lands until now?

The documentation and legal process are complicated, there can be issues with dealing with ownership rights, the poor quality of soil, and lack of irrigation. These will be addressed as part of the 2023-2025 plan.

... how will you help the farmers to merge the lands?

We will subsidize 50% of the costs associated with merging fragments into a 30-hectare land, installation of water pools, and soil improvements. We estimate that the cost per hectare will be ֏2.8m.

Since the goal is to merge as many tiny pieces as possible, there will be safeguards to prevent a scenario when someone with 29ha land merges with a 1ha land (combined 30ha) to qualify for the assistance. Each landlord must own less than 20% of the total area.

For 30-100 hectare mergers, there must be at least 10 fragments. For 100+ hectares there must be 20+ fragments.

To prevent a scenario where a land owner intentionally fragments his land and distributes it to friends so they can artificially merge and qualify for aid, we will require each landlord to be the legal owner for the past few years.

... That's the financial aid. What about documentation?

There are often so many documentation problems that it becomes a major քաշքշուկ to sell or invest. The prospective investor has finite patience. The aim of the reforms is to streamline the transfer.

We are launching a pilot program in multiple settlements. The state will directly assist with the documentation process and will offer the new lands to potential investors.

If you don't plan to cultivate your land, or the location isn't attractive to investors, the government is ready to help you with paperwork and raising the attractiveness so you can give it to someone else.

... what is the expected result of these reforms?

In 2023 we expect to see a consolidation of 1,000 hectares, and 4,500 by 2025. We base these expectations on conversations we had with various farms, individuals, and business groups. //

[read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1090149.html) Tags: #LandReforms #agriculture

starting next year, disabled workers can demand more reasonable accommodations from employers

Part 1 and context in [Thursday news digest](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/wm07nu/your_thursday_news_briefing_from_armenia_aug112022/).

Labor Ministry: There are 196k disabled people in Armenia, 27k of whom are part of the labor force. Employers have already made reasonable workplace adjustments for many of them.

The law will make certain accommodations, if requested, mandatory starting in 2023. It won't require radical structural changes like making the Soviet-era unfriendly buildings and narrow elevators more disability-friendly. It will, however, require accommodations that are deemed reasonable.

The disabled worker will submit a request describing in detail the necessary accommodations. A month-long dialogue begins between the worker and the employer.

... give us examples of "reasonable" accommodations

The disabled worker with diabetes can adjust the schedule to take multiple 15-minute breaks instead of one 1-hour.

Doorknobs to be installed low enough for a wheelchair user to reach.

The employer could hire a sign language service to help the worker with interactions.

If the accommodations require large investments, the state will help the employer. We are drafting that bill right now.

If the employer can't provide the requested reasonable accommodations, they have to explain why. The employer can be sued if it turns out they are simply being lazy. We hope our employers will display corporate social responsibility.

The reasonable accommodations apply to schools as well.

... any disability reforms in other areas?

The recently approved law on inclusive education introduces a series of much-needed accommodations for our students. Starting this September 1, for the first time, various organizations will receive state funding so every disabled child can attend a preschool.

[continue,](https://youtu.be/D_6LmUqXjVk) [read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1090178.html) [read,](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/wm07nu/your_thursday_news_briefing_from_armenia_aug112022/) Tags: #disability

4 dead after civilian car and Russian peacekeepers' SUV clash in Artsakh

All 4 deceased are women from the Askeran region. They were in a VAZ-2107 when the crash happened. The driver survived.

Their vehicle collided with the HAVAL H9 driven by peacekeepers. The incident happened on Stepanakert-Askeran road. The authorities are investigating the details.

[read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1090171.html) [image,](https://factor.am/543109.html)

NSS has busted more alleged instances of treason and espionage

Authorities: We uncovered evidence of high treason committed by citizen V.G. and espionage by a foreign citizen.

Citizen VG was recruited by foreign intel in 2017. He agreed to assist them to carry out hostile activities against Armenia. He contacted Azerbaijani embassy workers in Georgia.

On 7 June 2022, he left Armenia through the Bagratashen checkpoint, and on 7 August he recorded a video message for Azerbaijan's president Aliyev, in which he denounced Armenian citizenship and asked to be granted Azerbaijani citizenship.

In the second case, we have obtained evidence of high treason by another Armenian citizen I.V., and espionage by a foreign citizen. Citizen I.V. was a resident of Istanbul and was recruited by foreign intel. This year he began writing anti-Armenian messages on Facebook, praised Azerbaijan's activities, and criticized the Armenian army's activities during the 2020 war. He asked Azerbaijan's president to grant him Azerbaijani citizenship, and the right to live in Stepanakert "after it goes under Azeri control".

Both traitors have been charged with multiple criminal counts. //


why was Azerbaijan able to wound 19 and kill 2 Artsakh Defense Army soldiers with just a few strikes?

Interview with military expert Artsrun Hovhannisyan about Azerbaijan's recent aggression against the Artsakh Republic.

Artsrun: Have we not learned anything from the 2020 war or the ongoing Ukraine war? The army made the same mistakes while building the trenches in Artsakh. A trench designed for X-axis does not provide protection on Y-axis.

Reporter: Can we finally execute someone for repeating these mistakes?

Artsrun: I don't know. Facebook suspended me recently for suggesting to hang the traitors, so be careful what you say. But you and I think similarly. Someone has to be punished. It is literally a crime to pack multiple trucks and artillery, in a broad daylight, next to each other before transporting them to another location. Have you not learned that marches must not be carried out per 1986 Soviet protocols? Accumulations, movements, etc. must have a d-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t methodology now. This is an elementary thing that commanders must understand.

Reporter: Why don't they invite you once a week to discuss all this? I don't trust the general staff. None of them are studying the Ukraine war. They are going to destroy this country with their rotten Soviet mentality. Is it really that hard to get at least the trenches right?

Artsrun: For 25 years, they shunned the best officers, forced them to retire, or assigned them to positions where they couldn't make decisions. You are witnessing the outcome.

Reporter: Doesn't that make them a Turkish agent? Aren't we already seeing ranking servicemen being busted today for spying for Turks? Can I assume that those who are ruining the army are also Turkish saboteurs? Perhaps we should fire everyone and preserve just 5 colonels to carry out the reforms?

Artsrun: The international practice shows that real reforms are introduced by Colonels and Lt. Colonels. A generational change is overdue.


investigators at Anti-Corruption Committee are being retrained

The newly established ACC was formed with the help of Western experts. They continue to retrain the agents.

As part of the ongoing reforms, the OSCE sent a delegation to Armenia this week to retrain the employees at ACC's operative-intelligence department.

They studied various investigation strategies, coordination, and modern methods used by their foreign colleagues.


Armenia's main soccer stadium could soon lose its license to hold international games because of teenage idiots who couldn't control their emotions

Armenia's soccer federation: Several incidents took place during the recent international matches hosted in Armenia. Fans invaded the pitch and brawls took place between spectators in the stadium.

Dozens of spectators invaded the pitch, there were regular fights in the stands, and a number of political demonstrations were held. Such incidents took place during and after virtually all international matches hosted this year in Armenia. The Federation and the soccer clubs were given heavy but temporary penalties.

It's also worth noting that the security personnel did a poor job. We are working with Pyunik FC and security organizations to rule out such situations in the future. It will be difficult to prevent such situations unless the fans are willing to cooperate.

Unless we start behaving, our only stadium with European standards will be disqualified, and we will have no other choice but to "host" international matches in foreign lands.

Be nice so we can host the remaining European League and Armenia-Ukraine matches this year. //

[read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1090163.html) [read,](https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1090163.html)

Armenia's chess team has won a ticket to the world championship after scoring silver in Olympiad

Coach Pashikyan: The Olympiad took a favorable turn for us right from the beginning - we won the first 6 rounds. It was more difficult in the beginning than towards the end.

When we played a draw against the US and defeated India, that's when we knew we had a chance to win. Sadly, we suffered a defeat from Uzbekistan and later tied the points with them, but lost with the tiebreakers.

Our team won 9 times. That's the highest number in the tournament. One draw with the US, and one defeat from Uzbekistan.

The players were sad for not snatching the gold. We don't remember any other instance since 2004 when the team wins every match, plays 1 draw and 1 defeat, and doesn't win the tournament. //

Grandmaster Gabriel Sargsyan: Uzbekistan has a very powerful team. Their main competitors will be the US and India in the coming years. The world was more surprised by Armenia taking 2nd place, rather than Uzbekistan taking 1st.

Uzbekistan's strongest player Nodirbek Abdusatarov is one of the world champion favorites. Very few players have performed this well at his age [17yo]. He is the world's youngest rapid chess champion.

We have our young stars, too. Hayk Martirosyan and Shant Sargsyan will be the core of Armenia's chess team. //

Pashinyan hosted the chess coach and the players to issue awards.

[read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1090204.html) [read,](https://factor.am/543243.html) [read,](https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1090212.html)

the Liberal Party of Australia has officially recognized the independence of the Artsakh Republic

The party held a conference in the State of New South Wales. They adopted a motion recognizing the independence of the Republic of Artsakh, and the genocide of Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks committed by the Ottoman Empire. The motion also calls on the federal government to recognize the independence of Artsakh.

Artsakh MFA Davit Babayan: Recently, the New South Wales Parliamentary Friends of Armenia has also issued a statement condemning the aggressive policy of Azerbaijan toward the Republic of Artsakh.

We express our gratitude to the Liberal Party and the New South Wales Parliamentary Friends of Armenia for such initiatives. This is a significant political and moral support and an exemplary manifestation of humanity and friendship toward the people of Artsakh.

We also express our gratitude to the Australian Armenian community for its relentless support of Artsakh. This community is one of the most organized segments of our Diaspora, which is constantly involved in solving Pan-Armenian issues and advocating our national interests. //

[read,](https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/242075) [read,](https://www.1lurer.am/en/2022/08/12/Australian-Liberal-Party-State-Conference-recognizes-the-independence-of-Artsakh/776432)

evacuation continues from the settlements in Lachin ahead of the plans to change the location of the corridor

The 350 residents of Berdzor and Aghavno were supposed to evacuate no earlier than 2023, but Azerbaijan made an "ultimatum" to peacekeepers and Artsakh. The residents will evacuate by August 25.

The residents are given cash to organize the relocation and will receive monthly rent subsidies for several months, until free apartments are given to them.

The residents complain that the moving companies have intentionally jacked up the prices knowing that they were given a $500 allowance. While moving to Yerevan usually costs $300, the companies are charging the exact $500, said Aghavno mayor. Other companies have called and offered to do it for free. Berdzor mayor said they haven't encountered similar issues with companies making money off of the residents' hardship.

Armenia will provide free apartments to the refugees after the Artsakh government shares the list of recipients.


special envoys of Armenia and Turkey have spoken with each other over 500 times as part of the efforts to establish diplomatic ties

Turkish media: Ruben Rubinyan and Serdar Kilic have so far met once in Moscow and 3 times in Vienna. They have spoken over the phone more than 500 times.

The transport and foreign ministries of both countries plan to discuss the technical part of the implementation of the agreements they reached recently.

They recently agreed to launch direct cargo transfers over the air, and to allow citizens of 3rd countries to cross the Armenia-Turkey border. They will create a roadmap of implementation. The location of the next meeting, which will take place in September, is not clear.

Armenian side: The date and location of the next meeting have not been decided yet.


Turkish ruling party MP about the lifting of communication blockade in the region

AKP MP Ahmed Arslan visited Akyaka (Kars), located a few kilometers from the Armenia border.

MP: The closure of the border has worsened the situation in this region [of Turkey]. It would be very valuable for this region and the residents of the communications open. Kars would gain access to Central Asia through Armenia. Technical teams are currently carryout out work in Kars and Igdir.

We expected that with the opening of the Armenia-Azerbaijan corridors, we can open the Turkey-Armenia corridors as well. We should resume railway and road communication with Armenia.

Some work was done on railways recently. There are no problems associated with our railway because our network has always remained operational and in good shape in Kars and Akyaka. The railway on the Armenian side is also active. We expect the negotiations to conclude soon so we can open this corridor. //


Foreign Minister of Canada visited the Armenian community center in Toronto

Mélanie Joly and two parliament MPs visited the Armenian center in Toronto, where they met local residents and members of the ARF Day Dat office. They discussed topics relating to Nagorno Karabakh, programs to develop Armenia, and the upcoming plans to establish a Canadian embassy in Armenia.


update: Iran says the anti-Turkish tweet allegedly sent by a former Iranian ambassador was fake

[Yesterday we learned](https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/wm07nu/your_thursday_news_briefing_from_armenia_aug112022/) that someone going by the name Seyed Kazem (Iran's former ambassador to Armenia) wrote a tweet urging Turkey not to "play with fire". The context was Turkey's meddling in Syria, Nagorno Karabakh, and Greece. Iran says the account was fake.


CDC has acquired hundreds of additional medical refrigerators necessary for vaccine storage

Armenia lacked refrigerators suitable for the storage of Pfizer and similar vaccines when the pandemic struck. They imported the tech along the way.

Today, with the help of the U.S. and UNICEF, the healthcare ministry imported the final batch of refrigerators that will be part of the "storage chain".

There are 5 super cold freezers (-86°C), 205 freezers (-25˚C), and 110 refrigerators (+2˚C).

UNICEF has also retrained 5,000 Armenian medical workers.


did doctors really kill this newborn child, or was the media too quick to print a headline?

Reports were circulated yesterday about a grandfather claiming that his newborn child was "killed" at St. Grigor Lusavorich hospital. It was claimed that the child died due to medical malpractice.

Hospital spokeswoman: No. A pregnant woman came to us with complaints that she could no longer feel the fetus's movements. A cesarean procedure was performed but the child was born dead because of the complications during the pregnancy.

It's really condemnable when certain outlets make accusations against doctors without waiting for the details to come out. When our doctors save thousands of lives, sometimes heroically, of course that never makes into their headlines. //


weighlifter Arpine Dalalyan ends her professional career

Dalalyan thanked her fans and said she is leaving the sport because of a "serious injury". She is a two-time European junior champion and holds several other medals. 👏👏👏


Yerevan inspectors and cops "raided" the streets to collect illegal barriers installed by business owners who wanted to reserve a parking space for themselves | VIDEO

Sometimes it's milk crates, other times it's a makeshift TAXI sign. Cops issued citations after discovering 60 illegal barriers during the recent raid.


Yerevan is freshening up the worn-out books in public libraries

Municipality: The majority of books have gone from hand to hand over decades. Many have been damaged beyond repair. For the first time in 10 years, we decided to replenish libraries with new books with community resources. A total of 7,400 pieces were transferred.

We hope this will reactivate the library live. This is just the beginning. More actions are planned soon to attract children and adults. //

The publishers have young designers working on sketches for the books.

[watch,](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=473260717583162) [read,](https://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/242080)

top-10 bestseller translated books in July

10) [A Man Called Ove](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18774964-a-man-called-ove), by Fredrik Bachman.

5) [Սուրբծննդյան հրեշտակը](https://bookmark.am/product/%D5%BD-179334/), by Mark Aren.

4) Բարի գործերի քաղաքը, by Mark Aren.

3) Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert

2) The Body in the Library, by Agatha Christie

1) Death in the Clouds, by Agatha Christie.


in case you missed

Yesterday's news in English, русский (by Impossible-Ad-). Archive by Armeniapedia. Donate to Armenia & Artsakh here

The accused are innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law, even if they "appear" guilty.

Link to original report and comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/wmsuxo/your_friday_news_digest_from_armenia_aug122022/

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