2018 November 21

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Anti-Corruption Daily

Anti-Corruption Nov/21/2018: School directors, Taekwondo federation administration face embezzlement charges; Education Ministry to make school director elections transparent; 127 warnings to mining companies; a possible bill to require drivers to remain in car to reduce police bribery (more below)
by ar_david_hh

All the accused are innocent until proven guilty by the court of law. Currency in Armenian Drams unless specified otherwise.

On 2018, there have been 41 criminal cases launched against 20 hospital staff members for an embezzlement of AMD 551mln http://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/148873

A criminal case is launched after it’s discovered that a school director in Armavir abused his position and conspired with the secretary to register a non-existent person as an employee to embezzle several millions in salaries. A similar case is launched against another school director in Armavir for registering two non-existent employees. https://armenpress.am/arm/news/955272.html

Minister of Education has proposed changes, which are yet to be approved by the government, to change the way school directors are elected. All parents will have the ability to get to know the candidates ahead of time by forming parent unions (which already exist) and actively participating in it. They'll be able to discuss the topics to better know the candidate's stance, and have a right to vote in the elections. Teachers will also participate through their own unions. Any candidate who misses such meetings will forfeit their bid for the director's position. At the moment, only select members of teacher/parent union participate in the election, and many complain about corruption and lack of attention to candidate's qualifications or programs. The election will transition from a closed-door to open system. The candidate-electorate discussions will have to be recorded. http://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/148473

A criminal case is launched against the Taekwondo Federation administration after several parents contacted the police and reported embezzlement. The funds designation for sending athletes to competitions are suspected to have been stolen. http://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/148909

The police says they've uncovered 3 cases of abuse of power by various officials on November 20-21st. (It's a general stats report without details) https://armenpress.am/arm/news/955378.html

Minister of Natural Resources says there have been 127 warnings to mining companies and AMD 134mln penalties in recent times. One of the turbines in the nuclear plant has been replaced, and another one will be replaced next year, giving a 10% efficiency boost to the production of electricity. http://panarmenian.net/m/arm/news/262572

HHK Hayk Babukhanyan says the government isn’t fighting against corruption and isn’t recovering funds. QP Lena Nazaryan shows him a stack of papers that lists the recent discoveries. 😂 https://armenpress.am/arm/news/955332.html

(anyone get their hands on that paper let me know)

The Committee of Protection of Economic Competition has issued a AMD 30mln fine to Russia-owner South Caucasus Railways for anti-competitive practices against a company which attempted to repair and sell wagons. The railway giant used its position to cause unfair financial hardship for the competitor. Note: the company is already under an investigation for a suspected large scale tax avoidance. https://hetq.am/hy/article/98391

Public Services Regulatory Commission has issued another (3rd in past months) fine to water giant Veolia. This time, the company will pay AMD 10mln for not doing its duties on time https://armenpress.am/arm/news/955275.html

As of right now, there are $500mln worth investments being prepared in the economy. Multiple factories will be built, said Pashinyan during his visit to Aragatsotn

. Says this will help to transform the economy, and the government will no longer encourage poverty. http://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/148876

Despite the turbulence in the mining industry, the economic activity rose by 3% and industry up 8.1% compared to same period of 2017. Processing and manufacturing industries' gains are the reason for this, which is a healthy sign. Exports are up 12%. http://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/148855

Armenia Airways has been granted a 3 year tax waiver so it can invest AMD 6.6bln to import jets and parts http://panarmenian.net/m/arm/news/262590

To minimize the risks of police bribery and traffic accidents, the government is thinking about passing a law that makes it mandatory for the driver to stay in the car during a traffic stop, or get back into the car if asked by the police http://panarmenian.net/m/arm/news/262594

HHK will not hold public rallies during these elections. They will use the media to spread their message. Vahram Baghdasaryan denies that the reason is the fear of physical confrontation. Says he safely walks on the streets every day http://panarmenian.net/m/arm/news/262605

QP Lena Nazaryan accused HHK Arpine Hovhanisyan of misinforming the citizens with the recent taxation rumors. Says Hovhanisyan herself voted for a bill that would tax Armenian workers working abroad at 13%. Hovhanisyan responds by saying the bill she voted for was applied under specific circumstances and would tax the abroad workers at 13% if they were registered as a worker in Armenia. Says the current Parliament voted to extend that bill on June of this year.


Upcoming election monitoring staff will be trained and aided with $8mln USA and $800,000 EU donations http://www.armtimes.com/hy/article/148881

The law enforcement is in the process of purchasing modern DNA-evidence examination technology that will help to solve complex crimes committed as far back as 10 years ago. It’ll be used for solving all types of cases, from sexual crimes to murder. http://panarmenian.net/m/arm/news/262577

Turkish MP Karo Paylan is complaining about Turkish authorities' refusal to admit that the great Ottoman Palace Dolmabahche’s architect was an Armenian Garabet Palyan and his family. Says it’s common for history to be distorted to hide the Armenian origins of things. http://panarmenian.net/m/arm/news/262586

Link to original report: https://www.reddit.com/r/armenia/comments/9z6o5h/anticorruption_nov212018_school_directors/

2018 Daily Armenia Reports











