Dikranagerdtsi Vernacular Handbook: P
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Dictionary of Dikranagerdtsi Words and Phrases - P
Pabouj: Slipper (T./Ab/P.).
Păkhnil: To flee.
Păkht (K/P- băkht): success, happiness, honor, luck, fortune.
Paklava: Diamond suit in playing cards. (Used by women).
Palouza: Hodge-podge, mish-mash. (T. paluze: A kind of blancmange or jelly made of starch and sugar.).
Păn: Something.
Pǎn m’leh ch’igǎ: There’s nothing (going on).
Pantalo: Pants, trousers (F.)
Păntsunil: To use, to employ. (Kordzadzel).
Papaz: (T.): Priest; king in playing cards)
Para: Money (T. unit of currency)
Parcha-parcha: Broken into pieces, fall apart. (P. parchah, T. parcha: piece).
Părdăh: Shade, (P. curtain), (T. perde: curtain, screen)
Părts: Pillow
Părtsur: High.
Părtsutsnil: To raise.
Pat-kout: Onomatopeic representation of sounds of physical blows delivered to an adversary; similar to slam-bang in English.
Ped: Wood, stick
Pej: Shoulder.
Peshgir: Towel. (P) pishgir
Pezevăng: Pimp (T) pezevenk: procurer, panderer, cuckold.
Pij: Bastard, (T. Pich: Bastard, offshoot) Shan pij: son of a bitch.
Pillink: Latch-key. (A. Panali)
Pinchodil: To grow stale or moldy.
Pinti: Dirty, filthy (T. miserly, stingy, shabby.
Pis: (T.) Filthy, dirty, foul, obscene.
Pjătsăv: Rotted ? (Pjanal: to be destroyed, annihilated; pjatsnel: to destroy)
Portakal: (T. Orange)
Poshin vrăt (ch)ikă: May ashes (not) cover you. The negative is used when it is meant as a benign epithet, such as when applied to a child or friend.
Post: (T.) Skin, hide.
Poto: Short for potorgod: stormy. (Used for a child)
Poughg: Radish
Pour: Stomach, belly.
Poushman: Regretful, penitent, sorry for. (T. Pishman)
Pril: To spread.
Purtoun mi: A little, a bit, a plucking. (A. pert)
Purtsunil: To pluck.
Pushrodil: To crumble
Pushrounk: Crumb.
Pzez: May bug, tumble bug, gad-about. (Said of a child).
Pshtig: Diminutive of pousht (T. pusht) catamite
Pounar: (spring-water)