Dikranagerdtsi Vernacular Handbook: D
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Dictionary of Dikranagerdtsi Words and Phrases - D
Dǎbgil: To fry (As in: Hǎtsov dǎbǎg: French toast; Dipsov dǎbǎg; Eggs fried in Dips (grape molasses); Soukhov, bughdunousov dǎbǎg; Omelet of eggs, onion, parsley.
Dzǎdzgouts: Coverlet
Dǎf: Tambourine
Dǎgen guh koghnǎ: It leaks (steals from the bottom)
Dǎg kǎtsink: We went under, we lost.
Dǎg ou vrǎ: Upside down
Dǎhvǎt: Invitation, convocation (T) Davet
Dakhdigh: Pepper (T) Biber; (A) Bughbegh
Dǎkkǎ: Minute.
Dakoutin: Temperature, fever
Dalmishil: (T) To be preoccupied, absorbed, fascinated, spellbound, captivated.
Dalmishireh: He is lost in thought, absorbed in an occupation.
Dangur-doungur: Rumble sound (stronger and deeper than Takhur-toukhur)
Dardughnil: To distribute
Dankelagh: Fool, blockhead; (T) Dangalak: loutish, boorish, stupid
Dǎrǎg: Drawer
Dǎrǎjǎ: Stair (K) darinja: staircase, ladder. (T) dereje; degree, rank
Dǎrd: (K) pain, illness, suffering, grief.
Dash ekmegi: Pancake, (A) dash: chip, (T) ekmek: bread
Dashagh: Testicle (T) Tashak
Dashaghnirti ourin: May your testicles swell up (imprecation)
Dǎst: (P) Cry of the victor in havkash contest (Ya des)
Dǎstǎ: Stack; (T) Deste: bunch, bouquet, packet
Dǎvrish: Disheveled (T) Dervish: mendicant, (P) Darvish
Dǎvǎ: Camel (K)
Davar: Horse (T.) Sheep or goat
Dǎvoul/Dǎwoul: Drum (T) Davul. (K) Dawul. Minz dǎvoul/dǎwoul: Big drum. (person) Big shot.
Dayi: (T) Dayuh: maternal uncle
Diǎrbekr: Diyar: country, land; bekr: proper noun
Digh: Place
Dilig gdril: To try one’s patience. To cut off one's desires.(T) Dilek: wish, desire, request
Dinj: Slow
Dinj soikha: Limp prick (Donkey’s); imprecation used by women
Dips: molasses (Ab) Dibs
Diyǎ: (T) Daha: More.
Diyǎ pǎn mnǎts?: Is there more left?
Doshǎg: Mattress (T) Doshek
Doudi baji: Proper noun. (T) Dudu: old Armenian woman; bajuh: elder sister, wife.
Dount ǎvri: May your house be ruined
Dounti ch’ǎvri: May your house not be ruined The negative is used when it is meant as a benign epithet, such as when applied to a child or friend.
Douzumǎh: Stew of ground lab, squash, eggplant (T) Duzme: in order, arranged.
Dubuk: Sticky (Ab) dabiq
Dumbǎg: Tom Tom
Dungoug: Stuck, standing up
Durduril: Flatulate (T) grumbling
Dyǎh: More, further, still (T) daha
Dzakar: Funnel
Dzandr: Heavy
Dzo: Lad, fellow (from dzara: servant)
Dzour nusdink, shidǎg khosink: Let’s sit crooked, but talk straight