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Kyatuk (Arm: Քյաթուկ, Az: Ağgədik,) is a small village in the Askeran Region of Karabakh. Has also been called Կյատուկ, Քաթուկ, Նոր Քյաթուկ, Քյալթուկ, Քյոթուկ.

Located 3km from Askeran's Mayraberd-Askeran Fortress, on the right bank of the Karkar River, at the end of the canyon. Locals tie the name to the kyotuk/քյոթուկ (kojgh/կոճղ) stone. The land varies from arid to moist, and there are mulberry orchards.

The village once fell under the Elizavetpol province, Shushi gavar. In 1858 there were 36 households, in 1895 there were 25 households with 128 residents, and in 1987 there were 30 households with 73 residents, all Armenian. The 2005 census put the population at 8 residents.

S. Astvatsatsin կամարակապ, քարուկրե church. There is a school up to 8th, a community room (ակումբ), library and movie screen. The village has a WWII memorial.

1 to 1.5km south of the village are the ruins of Hin Kyatuk (Old Kyatuk) village. The residents of Kyatuk moved to the new village from the old at the beginning of the 19th century, which is why this village is also known as Nor Kyatuk (New Kyatuk). The ruins of Old Kyatuk contain ruined homes, churches, fortifications, khachkars and tombstones from the 10-17th cc.

The following notable people were born in Kyatuk:


<googlemap lat="39.904049" lon="46.848565" zoom="16"> 39.904049, 46.848565, Kyatuk Village </googlemap>


  • Հայաստանի Եվ Հարակից Շրջանների Տեղանունների Բարարան, Yerevan, 2001, Volume 5, Page 385