Yerevan State Linguistic University
75-year-old history of the YSLU started in 1935, February 4. On this day, Armenia's Communist Party’s Central Committee made a decision to establish a two-year Teacher Training Courses in 1935, February 15 to train Russian language teachers. Sheukova was the first rector to be appointed.
Five years later, in 1940 the resolution was made to rearrange two-year Teacher Training Courses into the Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute.
In February 1941 the Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute establishes two-year courses of foreign languages (German, French and English) to provide foreign language specialists for schools.
After the Great Patriotic War the priority of our republic was to train foreign language professionals. In 1948, March 1 it was decided to establish the Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages on the basis of the Department of Foreign Languages of Russian Pedagogical Institute in Yerevan. A. Isahakyan became the first rector of the Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.
In 1961, October 3 the Council of Ministers makes the following resolution: "In January, 1962 establish the Pedagogical Institute of Russian and Foreign languages on the basis of the YSU Russian and foreign language faculties to satisfy the growing demand for Russian and foreign language teachers.
In 1962, March 2 the Institute was renamed “The Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute of the Russian and Foreign Languages after V. Brusov”.
In the 1980s The Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute of the Russian and Foreign Languages after V. Brusov” had a wide recognition not only in our republic, but also in the whole Soviet Union. Professional specialists, research initiatives, active cooperation not only within the Soviet Union, but also with a number of higher educational institutions in foreign countries markedly increased the Institute's reputation.
In 1985 the Institute was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples for contributing to science development and train ing skillful specialists.
In 1995, March 17 the Institute was renamed into “The Yerevan State Institute of Foreign Languages after V. Brusov”, and only 5 years later, in 2000, in compliance with the RA Government resolution the Institute was granted the status of “ University” and renamed into “The Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov”.
Throughout its whole history, the University has had more than 50,000 graduates - specialists of the Russian, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish languages, as well as specialists in the fields of Political Science, Area Studies, International Journalism, etc.
Currently, over 4000 students study at the Yerevan State Linguistic University, specializing in different fields. The staff: 389 lecturers, including 15 PhDs, 15 Professors, 160 Candidates of Sciences and 93 associate professors.