Vahan Karian
L A Weight Loss Expands Their Market to Hartford, Connecticut
Company to Open Four Centers in the Region Through 2006
PRNewswire December 30, 2005
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- L A Weight Loss Centers, Inc., one of the world's fastest growing weight loss programs, announced today that they are opening four new centers in the Hartford, CT market, further expanding their presence in the region.
"We are excited to be entering the Hartford market with four new locations," said Vahan Karian, Chairman and CEO of L A Weight Loss Centers, Inc. "We are proud to be able to serve the community of Hartford in reaching their weight loss goals."
Centers have recently opened in the Big Y Plaza, 238-B Tolland Turnpike, 860-645-9000, in Manchester, CT, as well as in the Kmart Plaza, 835 Wolcott Street, 203-754-7724 in Waterbury, CT. Wallingford, CT will see a center opening in January 2006 in Meridan at Kohl's Plaza, 1240 S. Broad Street. In March 2006 a center in North Haven, CT will open at the North Haven Pavilion, 106 Universal Drive.
The expansion into a new market is a testament to their success and the commitment that L A Weight Loss has made to helping their clients succeed in living a healthier lifestyle to not only lose weight, but help keep it off. Because of this, L A Weight Loss is fast becoming the premier choice of effective and long-lasting weight loss programs among men and women alike.
About L A Weight Loss Centers:
L A Weight Loss Centers, Inc. is one of the nation's fastest growing weight loss companies with more than over 400 centers nationwide. L A Weight Loss has helped more than a million women and men lose incredible amounts of weight for the past 15 years through customized meal plans, and a balanced food program, coupled with one-on-one weight loss counseling.
SOURCE L A Weight Loss Centers, Inc.
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