Talk:Vedi Town
Vedi (Armenian: Վեդի) has a nice Hotel. Or at least it was clean. Further more there was a large sign writing in Roman Latin Noy (Noah) Hotel. The river ushered with power.
Vis-à-vis Yerevan, Vedi is what Yerevan was to Rome. Armenia was Christian a few decades before state of Rome stopped throwing poor Christians to fight crazy boars. There was no sign of the local defense forces protecting the Muslim-Christian link of friendship. I was there with few professors, their wives, and school staff.
Peaches there were good too. It felt good to get them from the old women, or tea-keen as the tourist might enjoy relate to in Latin guide to pronunciation. The tea-keen fixed their eyes like some feisty bird but they smiled wide and friendly.
The school staff, or helm of A-show-cared (Աշակերտ)as Latin readers may say more lucid than any other student could, had invited me out to the real Ararat Valley. All the a-show-cared body were happy of the Non-governmental-organizations, like the one which paved the right side of the Araratyan street.
Vedi to them was more than a town. It was a small way to help drivers from Islamic of Iran see that they will arrive safe and sound. Hopefully the drivers will stop once in a while in the place which is a warm gentle reminder of Prophet Noy (Noah)
By Raffi Dionysian, PhD (Login RaffiThereDionysian)