Raffi Hovannisian

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Birth name Raffi Hovannisian
Birthplace Fresno
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Birth date 20 November 1959
Lived in Fresno, Los Angeles, Yerevan
Resides in Yerevan
Education UCLA, Georgetown, Tufts
Profession Politician, Lawyer
Positions MFA
Affiliations Heritage Party
Languages English, Armenian
Ethnicities Armenian
Dialects Eastern Armenian
Spouses Armine Hovannisian
Children Garin Hovannisian
Relatives Richard Hovannisian

Raffi K. Hovannisian is a former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia. International lawyer. Graduate of UCLA (History and Near Eastern Studies), The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (International Relations and Soviet Affairs), and Georgetown University Law Center. Armenian Center for National and International Studies (ACNIS) Founder and President. He presently leads the pro-Western Heritage (Ժառանգություն, Zharangutiun) party which holds 7 seats in the Armenian parliament.

Raffi and his wife Armine reside in Yerevan. They have five children, including Garin.

He is the eldest son of Professor Richard Hovannisian of UCLA.

See also