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Dream of Pan-Turanism

Pan-turanism, late 19th- and early 20th-century movement to unite politically and culturally all the Turkic, Tatar, and Uralic peoples living in Turkey and across Eurasia from Hungary to the Pacific. Its name is derived from Turan, the Persian word for Turkistan (i.e., the land to the north of Iran). It was popular mainly among intellectuals and developed from a now largely discarded theory.

"…they (the Turks) could form a political entity stretching from the Altai Mountains in Eastern Asia to the Bosphorus…"

Some of the beliefs of Pan-Turanianism

  1. The Inventors of culture, language and civilization were Turks.
  2. The Myth of the Grey Wolf
  3. Ancient Sumeria was Turkish.
  4. The culture of the ancient Greece and Anatolia is Turkish in origin.
  5. The Etruscans of pre-Roman Italy were Turks.
  6. Armenians are Turks.
  7. The indigenous Indian peoples of North America are Turks.
  8. Kurds and their Mede ancestors are Turks.
  9. Tajiks are Turks.
  10. Turks are the World's Main Producers of World Class Persian Literature.
  11. Judeo-Christianity and Islam have Turkish origins.
  12. The Northern Iranians were all Turks.
  13. The Parthian language was Turkish.
  14. Bosnians, Macedonians, Albanians, and Ukrainians are Turks.

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