One Man’s Views and New Year’s Wishes for 2006
One Man’s Views and …
New Year’s Wishes for 2006
By Harut Sassounian
Publisher, The California Courier
Dec. 25,2005
Armenia: Peace, prosperity and repatriation
Armenian bureaucracy: Giving is as bad as taking … bribes
Armenian Church: Two heads, one body
Armenian Genocide: Recognition and more…
Armenian military: Best defense is a good offense
Armenian political parties: More quality, less quantity
Australia: Racial harmony
Azerbaijan: More accommodation, less saber rattling
Bird Flu: For the birds
Brazil: World Cup soccer championship
Cher: Back to your roots, babe!
Cyprus: Two nations under one flag
Diaspora: One nation under many flags
European Union: Less bark, more bite … on Turkey
Football: Armenian player in Super Bowl XL
Germany: Bolder condemnation of Armenian Genocide
Great Britain: No more servitude to a former colony
Iran: No nukes in Iran and the Middle East
Iraq: No to war, no to imposed "democracy"
Israel: Keep the Holy Land … holy
Karabagh and Armenia: Two states, one nation
Kurdistan: Self-determination or else…
Lake Sevan: More water and more "ishkhanatsoug"
Melkonian School in Cyprus: Holding school in court!
Nakhichevan Tombstones: Eternal peace in one piece…
New Orleans: The Phoenix will rise again
Novelist Orhan Pamuk: Freedom to think, freedom to speak
Palestinians: Can two people live in peace on one land?
PKK leader Ocalan: Fair trial in Turkey? No such thing!
Pope Benedict XVI: Emulate Benedict XV’s love for Armenians
Pres. Kocharian: Catch the "mougs" [mice] & mind the store
Russia: Oligarchs of the world unite!
Speaker Dennis Hastert: Can you say Genocide Resolution?
TIME magazine: No more Turkish DVD’s, knowingly or not!
Turkey: Swift progress from 14th to 15th Century
Turkish Denialists: The world is flat!
Turkish Lawsuit on Genocide in Boston: Case dismissed!
Turkish Penal Code: Will put all Turks in jail
Truth: Last victim of genocide
United States: Out of Iraq and take care of the Homeland!
US-Mexico Border: No more Berlin walls
Western Armenia: Liberation
White House: Minus Neocons
Winter Olympics: Multiple medals for Armenian athletes
World: Peace on Earth
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