Ministry of Culture

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The Minister of Culture of Armenia has been Hasmik Poghosyan since June 1, 2007.


The Ministry of Culture of the RA is a governing body within the executive branch which is responsible for setting RA government policy with regards to the cultural sphere of life.

The RA Ministry of Culture is able to effectively discharge its duties through the use of a variety of subdivisions (agencies, boards, departments) and through the 84 governmental not for profit organizations (theatres, concert organizations, museums, libraries, educational institutions and etc.) working under its supervision.

The mission of the Ministry of Culture is twofold: primarily preserving, enriching, and publicizing Armenia's cultural heritage and secondarily working to developing contemporary art.

In order to accomplish this mission, the Ministry of Culture, in accordance with RA regulations and law, is empowered to propose bills, create special purpose projects, elaborate strategies and viewpoints, and implement short-term development projects. The Ministry of Culture naturally maintains diligent monitoring of these projects. A key role in the implementation of these projects is played by both foreign countries and international organizations, and the close cooperation between the Ministry of Culture, local, state, and national government bodies, artists unions, concerned NGO's, and these international bodies allows for continuing successful projects.

In accordance with the special emphasis that the RA places on governmental projects, the Ministry of Culture has produced a number of projects defining the RA's current policy in regards to culture. First and foremost is the newly revised "7.2.3. About accepting the Strategic Project for Eliminating Poverty Project" of the RA government, based on the previously accepted project, the "Strategic Project for Eliminating Poverty" (endorsed by the RA government on August 8, 2003). Along with it is the project "about asserting the RA Ministry of Culture's activity direction towards ensuring RA national security strategy" based on the earlier "National security strategy" (endorsed by the RA government on February 7, 2007, by NH-37-N decree), and the "RA government 2008-2012 project" (endorsed by the RA National Assembly on April 30, 2008). These documents show the numerous directions that the Ministry of Culture is taking the country and that the policies that are currently being implemented are an integral part of the RA's national policy.

In addition to the abovementioned projects, the Ministry of Culture has also produced a number of other important projects including the "National project for the protection of children's rights in RA for 2004-2015" (RA government decision N 1745-N), chapter 6 of which is ("Rest, Leisure and Cultural Life"), the "Project of Developing Culture in the RA regions" (RA government decision N 589-N), the "List of activities for preserving the non-material cultural heritage, and keeping it alive" (recorded decision of RA government on May 3, 2007) and etc.


I. Strutural Subdivizions

1. Directorates

Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Values Directorate of Modern Art and Folk Art Directorate of Administration and Monitoring of Cultural Programmes Directorate of International Cooperation and Diaspora Legal and Inspection Directorate Finance Directorate Adminstrative Directorate

2. Departments

General Department Public Relations Department Human Resorces Department First Department Seperate Subdivizions

II. Agencies

Agency on the Issues of Publishing Agency of Protection of Cultural Values Agency of of Protection of Historical and Culural Monuments

Past Ministers

RA Ministers of Culture (1991 - present)

External Websites