Mark S Krikorian
Born, New Haven; age 43 (in jan 2005) years of age. Wife, Amelie; three children.
Religion: Armenian Apostolic Church. Republican.
Georgetown University, B.A., History and Government. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, M.A. International Relations. Yerevan State University Armenia, postgraduate work, Armenian language and literature.
Federation for American Immigration Reform, Immigration Report, editor, one year. The Winchester Star, Virginia, editor and staff writer, four years altogether.
Center for Immigration Studies, executive director, 10 years and currently.
Hobbies: collecting shot glasses; fluent in Armenian.
Mark Steven (sp) Krikorian.
Where do the shot glasses come from, Armenia?
MR. KRIKORIAN: All over the place. From Siberia, Armenia, everywhere. I don't even drink that much; I just collect them.