Levon Kirakosian

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Armenian Apostolic Church of America Western Prelacy Executive Council Board Member.

Armenian National Committee of America Western Region Board Member.

The California Taskforce on the Holocaust, Genocide, Human Rights, and Tolerance Board Member and Co-Chairman.

Levon [Leon] Kirakosian is an attorney at his law firm of Kirakosian and Associates in Glendale, CA and is well-versed in the Armenian Genocide of the early 20th century. He has lectured on the subject and has appeared on numerous occasions on television interviews regarding the subject of the Armenian Genociode. He is a former instructor of government and history at Holy Martyrs Ferrahian Armenian High School and assistant professor at Glendale Community College. He also serves on the board for the Foundation for Economic Development (FED) an agency focusing on improving trade relations between California and the former Soviet Republics and as a Board Member of the Western Prelacy Executive Council of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America. Previously he has served as a Commissioner on the Los Angeles City Fire Commission, appointed by Mayor Tom Bradley and also on the the Los Angeles County Capital Assets Leasing board.