Jacob Majarian
The eldest of four children in the Majarian household, Jacob (aka Jack) was born on October 28, 1962, in Amman, Jordan.
The family migrated to Sydney, Australia in 1970, Jacob's father, Saleba, believing the country held the best prospects for his children's education and prosperity.
The family first settled in the south-west Sydney suburb of Punchbowl, and later moved to the western Sydney suburb of Villawood, where Jacob began school, attending Villawood North Public School before moving on to Chester Hill High School, where he completed the Year 12 Higher School Certificate in 1980.
After high school, Jacob completed an apprenticeship as a fitter and turner, but he knew that life held something much bigger for him.
Showing both interest and talent with the lens, he became a man of many trades, while seeking to support his love of photography - driving taxis, pumping petrol, delivering take-away and making burgers, all in the name of killing time while figuring out the future.
Jacob met Lena Kargodorian in 1982, and the two married in February, 1986.
Together, and singularly, travel was extensive through the United States and Canada, as well as through Europe, and later in life, the discovery of Armenia, with Jacob's first trip in 1991.
In between the pursuit of his dream, Jacob has also embarked on transforming people's homes and offices into ultra-modern day environments, working to clients' needs and specifications – as one of his clients recently said, “he’s always worth waiting for.”
From his first manual Pentax k-1000 with standard 50mm lens, through to his current collection of Nikon camera equipment, Jacob's aim has always been the same - to be able to pursue his artistic ventures full-time.
External links
- http://www.majart.am - official website
- http://www.majart.com.au - old website