Dima Bilan
Dima Bilan ![]() |
Dima Bilan to release song about Armenian Genocide
12:50, 05 Dec 2016 Siranush Ghazanchyan
Russian singer Dima Bilan, who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2009, is preparing a music video about the Armenian Genocide. The singer revealed the plans in an interview with Muz TV, Yerkramas reports.
Part of the video has already been shot in the Ararat Valley, the rest will be shot it in a specially decorated pavilion at Mosfilm.
“I’m familiar with the topic not only from history,” Dima Bilan has said. “My mother’s grandmother – Shushan Kruni – escaped the massacre, when she was 13.”
“She was saved by Russian soldiers also escaping from Turkey to Russia. Unfortunately, my grand-grandmother died before I was born. But my mother says she looked for her relatives throughout her life without even knowing whether they were alive or not,” the singer said.
The video is slated for release in April next year. The singer has devoted it to the memory of his grand-grandmother and the millions of victims of the genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.
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