Danilo Astori
Danilo Astori ![]() | |
Positions | Vice President of Uruguay |
Ethnicities | Uruguayan |
Vice President Of Uruguay To Travel To Armenia
Vice President of Uruguay Danilo Astori will travel to Yerevan on December 5.
He was invited by the President of the National Assembly of Armenia Hovik Abrahamyan during his trip to Montevideo. Astori was selected to be the Minister of Economy of Tabare Vazquez next cabinet.
"The trip will have official status and will be important to strengthen the bonds of solidarity, fraternity and cooperation that unite the two countries for decades, when 1965 Uruguay became the first country in the world to recognize the Armenian Genocide and thus inaugurated a long list of agreements and acts of solidarity with the Armenian people that has continued to expand," explained the Armenian National Committee of Uruguay.
During the term of President Jose Mujica ending next March 1, a number of official visits to Armenia were conducted. Foreign Minister Luis Almagro, Minister of Tourism and Sports Liliam Kechichian and Under Secretary of Foreign Ministry Luis Porto traveled to Armenia on official visits. The President of the House of Representatives Jorge Orrico also visited the Republics of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh with a multiparty delegation of legislators and businessmen in 2012.
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