Boghos Levon Zekiyan

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Born: Istanbul, 1943


  • Mekhitarist "Dprevank" (Seminary) of San Lazzaro in Venice (1955-59); Higher
  • Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, Master in Philosphy (1962), and in Theology (1966);

Specialization: ibid., Oriental Theology and Spirituality (1966-1968)

  • PhD: "The Principle of Interiority in St. Augustine's Theory of Knowledge and the self-knowledge of the knowing subject", State University of Istanbul, 1973

High school teaching: Mekhitarian and Getronagan High Schools (Istanbul, 1971-1974), Liceo Italiano di Istanbul (1971-1972), Moorat-Raphael College (Venice, 1974-85) University teaching: Chair of Armenian Language and Literature at the University of Venice (1976-), Chair of Armenian Church Institutions at the Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies, Rome (1988-); Invited lecturer at the Istituto Ecumenico San Bernardino, Venice, (1996-) Visiting Professor: American Armenian International College of the University of La Verne, CA, (1988/89 - 1991/92) Principal: Moorat-Raphael College (1982-85) Scientific-administrative responsabilites: Secretary of the Armenian Academy of the Mekhitarist Fathers at San Lazzaro in Venice (1974-81), Collaborator of the "Centro di Studi e di Documentazione della Cultura Armena" (Milano, 1976-90), Committee Member of AIEA (Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes, 1982-89, 1997-) Assistant Editor: Bazmavep ("Revue d'Études Arméniennes", 1974-79) Editor: Hye Endanik (Periodical, 1974-82); Bazmavep (1980-1985); 10 volumes among which the Proceedings of the 1st (ed. 1978) and the 5th (ed. 1992) International Symposia on Armenian Art Chief Organizer: "Giornate di Studio: Gli Armeni nella cultura italiana" (1982, 1983, 1984, 1986); 5th International Symposium on Armenian Art (1988) Scientific coordinator: Exhibition "The Armenians in Italy" (1990) Founder and Director: Summer Intensive Course of the Armenian Language and Culture organized by the Moorat-Raphael College (1984-1986); Summer Intensive Course of the Armenian Language and Culture at the University of Venice (1986-) Founder (one of the four founders) and President: Associazione "Padus-Araxes" Founder (one of the four founders) and Vice-President: Associazione "Italiarmenia" (1991-97), member of the Directory Board: (1997-) Monographs: 10; Scientific papers: 109; entries in Encyclopaedias: 32 Conferences taken part in: 119; to 109 of these with a paper, in: Argentine, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Danmark, France, Germany, Greece, Holand, Italy, USA Lectures given: 260, in: Argentine, Armenia, Austria, Brasil, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Holand, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, USA; Courses and seminars: 23 Languages: Armenian (old, modern), Italian, French, English, German, Turkish, Russian and Modern Greek (both elementary), Georgian (initial), Latin, Old Greek, Biblical Hebrew (element.). Acknowledgements: Corresponding member of the "Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (1992); Member at abroad of the National Academy of Sciences of the Armenian Republic (1994); Honorary Professor of the "Hrachia Ajarian" free University of Yerevan, Armenia (1994)

Prof. Zekiyan figures in the 9th and following editions of Marquis Who's Who in the World