Ben Foster

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Ben Foster is an American actor who starred in the movie Here, which was filmed in Armenia. During the shooting in Armenia, he got a tattoo that says TIA, which stands for This Is Armenia. He talks about it in an interview.

There was an Armenian grip. He took care of everything. He’s just master of all things. He saved our asses out there. Going village to village, we’re on the Iranian border, and we’re getting in trouble. He handles stuff. His name is Zak. When things would go wrong, when we would lose a location, when the so-called KGB would stop us, he would just say, almost like a Californian, which is bizarre because he'd never been here, he would say [in a California surfer accent] “bro, T.I.A.” I said what? He said “T.I.A -- this is Armenia.” What he meant was "celebrate the good with the bad." So, five of us from the movie kind of lived by that and took it to heart. There was a cab driver that you see in the film and he’s missing fingers from a bomb that went off...The guns have been down for what, fifteen years? He had a little tattoo [on his hand] and he was just kind of driving with his thumb and his knuckles. So five of us at the end of the picture went and just got "T.I.A."
