Avet Adonts
Avet Adonts ![]() |
Armenia's Ambassador In Brussels Kisses Career Goodbye? - Newspaper
news.am December 06, 2012 | 07:55
YEREVAN. - Armenia's Ambassador to Belgium, Avet Adonts, will soon bid farewell to his diplomatic career, Zhamanak daily reports.
"The thing is that Adonts helped in organizing the Brussels talks of the [Prosperous Armenia Party] PAP leaders. Armenia's former President Robert Kocharyan gave that instruction to Adonts. In addition, according to our information, Adonts likewise organized the welcoming ceremony in Brussels for the PAP leaders, and the [Armenian] authorities were immediately informed about these actions of his in Brussels.
To note, when we had publicized about Adonts' role in the PAP visit [to Brussels], he released a denying statement that he has no connection with all this, that he is a diplomat and such actions are prohibited for a diplomat," Zhamanak writes.
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