Armenian Mirror Spectator

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The Armenian Mirror-Spectator,, is the first English language Armenian weekly published in the United States since 1932, and has served the Armenian community in the U.S. and abroad with news reporting, features, analyses, editorials and opinion pieces.

It is published by the Baikar Association and is an organ of the Ramkavar party.

The Armenian Mirror-Spectator

Baikar Association, Inc.

755 Mt. Auburn St.

Watertown, MA 02472-1509

Tel: 617-924-4420

Fax: 617-924-2887

Email: editor AT mirrorspectator DOT com

2012 STAFF

Editor: Alin K. Gregorian

Associate Editor: Aram Arkun

Art Director: Mark Mgrditchian

Production: Dilani Yogaratnam