Armenian Genocide Books

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This page hosts a list of books on the Armenian Genocide. If a book is missing, you can add it using the add a book form.

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Survivors: An Oral History of the Armenian Genocide1993Donald Miller
Lorna Touryan Miller

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Astourian, Stephan H., Why Genocide? The Armenian and Jewish Experiences in Perspective, Slavic Review v50, n4, (Winter, 1991) :1053.

Kevork B. Bardakjian; Hitler and the Armenian Genocide; Paperback; ISBN 0916431185

Barton, Levy James. The Story of Near East Relief. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1930

Bedoukian, Kerop. Some of Us Survived: the Story of an Armenian Boy. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1978.

Dickran H. Boyajian; Armenia: the case for a forgotten genocide; ISBN 0912826029

Charny, Israel W., "The Psychology of Known Genocides," in Carny, ed., Genocide, 2:23.

Dadrian, Vahakn N., "A Textual Analysis of the Key Indictment of the Turkish Military Tribunal Investigating the Armenian Genocide," Armenian Review, 44:1 (Spring 1991), pp26-27

Dadrian, Vahakn N., "German Responsibility in the Armenian Genocide : A Review of the Historical Evidence of German Complicity", Paperback; ISBN 1886434026

Dadrian, Vahakn N., German Responsibility in the Armenian Genocide: A Review of the Historical Evidence of German Complicity, Hardcover; ISBN 1886434018

Dadrian, Vahakn N., "The History of the Armenian Genocide : Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus", Hardcover; ISBN 1571810161

Devirian, Sarkis, "Our Troubles in Asia" : A Story of Persecution, Hardcover: Binghamton, New York. 1897 Republican Job Print PP. 183

Mae M. Derdarian Vergeen (Survivor Autobiography); ISBN 1888156023

Fowler, Rena, "The Armenian Genocide: A Comprehensive Bibliography and Library Resources Guide," Library Journal v118, n1, (Jan, 1993) :92.

Fuller, Elizabeth, "The thorny path to an Armenian-Turkish rapprochement," RFE-RL Research Report v2, n12, (March 19, 1993) :47.

Graber, G. S., Caravans to Oblivion: The Armenian Genocide, Hardcover; ISBN 047111975X

Guroian, Vigen, Armenian Genocide and Christian Existence, Cross Currents v41, n3, (Fall, 1991) :322

Hartunian, H. Abraham Neither to Laugh nor to Weep; a Memoir of the Armenian Genocide. Translated by Vartan Hartunian. Boston: Beacon Press, 1968.

Hovannisian, Richard G., "The Armenian Genocide and Patterns of Denial," UC Press.

Hovannisian, Richard G. (Editor); The Armenian Genocide : History, Politics, Ethics, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1992 Hardcover; ISBN 0312048475

Hovannisian, Richard G. (Editor); The Armenian Genocide in Perspective, Paperback; ISBN 0887386369

Hovannisian, Richard G. (Editor); The Armenian Genocide in Perspective, Hardcover; ISBN 0887380964

Hannah Kalajian; Hannah's Story: Escape from Genocide in Turkey to Success in America, Hardcover; ISBN 0935411089

Bertha A. Ketchian; In the Shadow of the Fortress: The Genocide Remembered, Paperback; ISBN 0916431223

John S. Kirakossian, Shushan Sltunian (Translator); The Armenian Genocide : The Young Turks Before the Judgment of History, Paperback; ISBN 0943071143

Kloian, Richard Diran, The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922, Anto Offset Printing, Berkeley, 1980.

Kuper, Leo, Genocide: Its Political Use in the Twentieth Century, (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1981), pp.219-220

Libaridian, Gerard, A Crime of Silence: the Armenian Genocide, the Permanent People's Tribunal, preface by Vidal-Naquet: Zed Boods, Totowa, N.J. USA. (US Distributor, Biblio Distribution Center), 1985

Morgenthau, Henry, Ambassador Morgenthau's Story (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1918), p. 309.
Free Online:

William S. Parsons; Everyone's not here: families of the Armenian genocide: a study guide; ISBN 0925428043

Peroomian, Rubina, Literary Responses to Catastrophe, UC Press (Scholars Press), Atlanta, Georgia 1993.

Riggs, Henry. Days of Tragedy in Armenia: Personal Experiences in Harpoot 1915-1917
Ann Arbor, Michigan: Gomidas Institute, 1997. See

Sarafian, Ara. (Editor) "United States Official Documents on the Armenian Genocide (Archival Collections on the Armenian Genocide) Vol 1",
Watertown, Mass.: Armenian Review, 1994 Paperback; ISBN 0935353003

Sarafian, Ara. (Editor) "United States Official Documents on the Armenian Genocide: The Peripheries (Archival Collections of the Armenian Genocide) Vol 2",
Watertown, Mass.: Armenian Review, 1994 Paperback; ISBN 0935353011

Sarafian, Ara (Editor). "United States Official Documents on the Armenian Genocide: The Central Lands (Archival Collections on the Armenian Genocide) Vol 3"
Watertown, Mass.: Armenian Review, 1994 Paperback; ISBN 093535302X

Sarafian, Ara (Compiler). "United States Official Documents on the Armenian Genocide: Non-Consulor Reports (Archival Collections on the Armenian Genocide) Vol 4",
Watertown, Mass.: Armenian Review, 1994 Paperback; ISBN 0935353038

Sarafian, Ara (Compiler). "United States Official Documents on the Armenian Genocide: Ambassador Morgenthau's Reports (Archival Collections on the Armenian Genocide) Vol 5",
Watertown, Mass.: Armenian Review, 1994 Paperback; ISBN 0935353046

Harut Sassounian; The Armenian genocide: documents and declarations, 1915-1995, ISBN 0964668602

Simpson, Christopher. "The Splendid Blond Beast : Money, Law, and Genocide in the Twentieth Century", Paperback; ISBN 1567510620

Simpson, Christopher. "The Splendid Blond Beast : Money, Law, and Genocide in the Twentieth Century", Hardcover; ISBN 0802113621

Svazlian, Verjine. The Armenian Genocide: Testimonies of the Eye-witness Survivors(In Armenian) Hardcover; Free online version available at

Ternon, Yves. The Armenians : History of a Genocide; Translated from the French by Rouben C. Cholakian. Delmar, New York: Caravan Books, 1981. Paperback; ISBN 0882065084

Vassilian, Hamo B. (Editor). The Armenian Genocide: A Comprehensive Bibliography and Library Resource Guide; Paperback; ISBN 0931539102

Zetlian, Garine. Armenian Genocide, Nineteen Fifteen to Nineteen Twenty-Three: A Handbook for Students and Teachers; Armenian National Committee Western Region publication. 1988; Paperback; ISBN 0962144908