Anahid Kassabian
Anahid Kassabian is James and Constance Alsop Chair of Music at the University of Liverpool; she was previously Associate Professor of Media Studies at Fordham University. Her research and teaching focus on film music, ubiquitous music, disciplinarity, and listening.
She received her Ph.D. in Modern Thought and Litereature from Stanford University, and went on to teach at universities in New York and California. She has served on faculties of Women's Studies, Literary Studies, and Communication and Media Studies.
She is a past editor of Stanford Humanities Review, Journal of Popular Music Studies, co-founder of Music, Sound and the Moving Image, and past chair of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music. In addition to publishing widely in the areas of film music and ubiquitous musics, she has also written numerous articles, with David Kazanjian, on Armenian diasporan film. She has co-curated several Armenian film festivals in San Francisco and New York.
She currently serves on the Board of Directors of Aunt Lute Books (since 1992), a feminist press in San Francisco focusing on works by women writers from underrepresented communities, and on the Advisory Board of ArteEast (since 2003), a Middle East arts organization in New York City.