Vahan Artsruni
A Byte with Vahan Artsruni
By Gayane Abrahamyan
ArmeniaNow Reporter
Vahan Artsruni, composer, singer
Horoscope:the Archer.
Marital status: Divorced, have a son and a daughter.
The last work: “Komitas 10 Revelations” DVD.
The last book read: - a Volume by Josip Brodski
The last film seen: - The Passion of the Christ.
What is your “pet-peeve” ? - Stupidity.
What is your mission in art? - Understanding my place in the arts is my mission.
Who is your favorite actor? - Anthony Hopkins.
Who is your favorite singer? - Arthur Meschian.
Who is your favorite artist/sculptor? - Modigliani, Rembrandt, Impressionists, Rodin.
Who would you like to play you in a film devoted to your life? - I will not answer to this question for I am very modest.
If you did not go into arts, what would you like to become? - To become a man of arts I changed my vocation of doctor. So, if I didn’t go into arts I would have become a doctor for sure.
If you appeared on an uninhabited island, what book, records, film or painting would you take with you? - A guitar
Which is your cherished wish? - I wish I always do my favorite work.
What is a priority to you – the arts or the family?- Life has proven the arts to be a priority.
Used with permission from [ArmeniaNow].