Turks Opposing Germans -nyt19151030a

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Hostile Movement at Constantinople Reported to be Growing

OCTOBER 30, 1915

PARIS, Oct. 29.--News from Constantinople, said to be authoritative, says that the anti-German movement is growing daily, and that Ahmed Riza, leader of the Young Turk Party, who wished to interpolate the Government regarding Turkey's reason for entering the war, was not permitted to do so. The Government has forbidden Senators and Deputies to discuss Turkish Foreign policy.

Fresh Armenian massacres are reported in the region of Ourfa.

LONDON, Saturday, Oct. 30.--A Reuter dispatch from Athens says it is reported that Turkey is about to rescind its decree for the confiscation of the property of belligerents owing to a threat by the Entente powers to confiscated German property in belligerent countries.

AMSTERDAM, Oct. 29.--Hakki Pasha, Turkish Ambassador to Germany declares in an interview published by a Berlin newspaper that the "fiasco" of the Entente powers at Saloniki showed the folly of attempting an important military operation with 50,000 or 100,000 men. If the battlefield was to be extended to Syria, he added, Turkey was ready to send adequate forces, especially now that ammunition was going to Constantinople freely by the Danubs.

A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922