Turkish Officers In Revolt? -nyt19150522
Ten Said to be Facing Court-Martial for Disobeying Germans
MAY 22, 1915
PARIS, Saturday, May 22.--Telegraphing from Bucharest, the correspondent of the Havas Agency, says:
"Ten Turkish officers of field rank have been brought back to Istanbul from the Dardanelles to undergo court martial for refusing to obey their German commanders.
"The Turkish cruiser Goeben, badly damaged has been towed into the Golden Horn by the crosier Breslau.
"The authorities at Constantinople Wednesday night made a number of arrested. They are charged with plot element. even some Mussulmans were arrested. They are charged with plotting against the Young Turks.
"General discontent in Constantinople is increasing, but the existing reign of terror makes outward manifestations impossible.
"Reports that Italy is about to declare war on Turkey and assist in the attack on the Dardanelles had brought about deep gloom in Constantinople."
Djavid Bey on Route to Berlin. SOFIA, (via London,) May 21.-- Djavid Bey, The Turkish Minister of Finance, Passes through Bulgaria today on his way to Vienna and Berlin.
A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922