To Plead For Armenians -nyt19151011a
Mass Meeting to be Held at Centaury Theater Sunday
OCTOBER 11, 1915
The Armenian Atrocities Committee of 70 Fifth Avenue, through its secretary, Professor Samuel T. Dutton, a announced yesterday that a mass meeting would be held in the Century Theater next Sunday afternoon, when the situation in Turkey would be discussed. It will be under the join auspices of the committee and the organization known as Armenian Sympathizers, which has on its rolls the names of more than 20,000 persons. The Rev. Dr. James L. Baton of Boston, Ex-President of Euphrates College; Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, and several prominent Armenians will speak. Several missionaries, recently returned from Turkey are expected to be president, and will tell of their experiences in Armenia.
The meeting is called primarily, says no statement issued by the joint committee, to make a protest in the name of the American people against what has every appearance of being a governmental policy on the part of Turkey to wipe out the entire non-Moslem population of Turkey. The secondary purpose of the mass meeting is to interest the public in the necessity of raising funds for those whose needs can be reached through the activities of the embassy at Constantinople. This has the hearty support of Henry Morgenthau, our Ambassador to Turkey, who has already received $100,000 from the American Committee.
It was announced yesterday that Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore had accepted Committee among the members of which are Bishop Greer, Dr. Barton, Cleveland H. Dodge, Oscar s. Straus, and other prominent men.
The committee will issue tickets of admission, which may be obtained from Professor Dutton at 70 Fifth Avenue or at the headquarters of the Armenian Sympathizers at 175 Fifth Avenue.
A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922