The Death Of Armenia -nyt19150917b
Her Land Has Been Devastated and the Few Survivors Driven Out
SEPTEMBER 17, 1915
To the Editor of THE NEW YORK TIMES: The deliberate murder of a nation is taking place in this twentieth century. Turkey is now in the act of murdering Armenia, and she has almost completed her work.
There are no able bodied male Armenians left anywhere in Turkey. They have either been brought to an end in the ranks of the Turkish Army, into which they are dragged or have perished in prisons and at the gallows-- the best of them in the latter manner. The remainder of the Armenian nation, composed of women, children, and old men, has been driven out of their homes; towns and cities have been completely depopulated of their Armenian inhabitants, in most instances amounting to thousands in number. They are driven out on a two months' destination than Arabia. Two-thirds of them perish on the way, either from exposure or at the hands of plundering and raping Mohammedans. These reports are from missionaries, Consuls, and Red Cross nurses of other nations.
This state of affairs is the natural course of the Turkish Government's openly expresses policy. What is to be done? Inhumanity so situated as to see deliberate murder committed? And that on such a scale?
Ambassador Morgentau is reported as having done his utmost to stave off such happenings, but without avail, and if America cannot extend a helping hand no one else can at present.
Armenia as a nation is dead. Its land is devastated; only the individual lives of its remaining women and children can be saved. And the only means of rescue is their transportation to this or some other country. Efforts at relief are being made by various Armenian sources, but they are wholly inadequate. Even the removal of undertaking that it requires the best efforts of a powerful nation like America and the active co-operation of the Government. Ambassador Morgentau is quoted as having said the requirement is at least a million dollars and perhaps more. But why not give it? Why not give the power and the work necessary for such work? The opportunity to do such service as can be rendered at present does not come but once in the history of a nation.
VINCENT YARDUM. New York, Sept. 15, 1915.
A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922