Tells Of Armenian's Woes -nyt19190720b

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Dr. Leinbech Says 50,000 Women are Still Captives of Turks

SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1919

Special Cable to The New York Times. PHILADELPHIA, July 19. -- Fifty thousand Armenian women and girls are held captive by the Turk in Syria and Mesopotamia alone. More than 250,000 Armenian children are orphaned as a result of deportations and massacres conducted by the Turkish Government during the war.

These two statements will form part of an amazing report of conditions in the Near East by a commission of editors and religious leaders who have just returned to this country after a four months tour of the Holy Land, Syria, Cilicia, Mesopotamia, Armenian, and other portions of the old Turkish Empire.

Dr. Paul S. Leinbach, Editor of The Reformed Church Messenger, the official organ of The Reformed Church in the United States, was one of the Commission of eighteen men who was chosen by the American Committee for Relief in the Near East to investigate conditions.

On his return today, Dr. Leinbach, in making known some of the findings of the commission, revealed a remarkable story of Turkish Outrages that are still being perpetrated. A keen observer of conditions, Dr. Leinbach have his awaiting for an opportunity further to oppress the peoples under the Turkish Yoke.

"One outstanding fact in the East," he continued, "is that the Turk has never been soundly punished for all of his crimes. Despite repeated massacres jealousies of the great Powers of Europe have always prevented just punishment of the Ottoman Empire.

"Today, as we have observed all indications, the Turk is expecting that by book of crook he will escape. There is absolutely no safety. I fear, for the Armenians of the other peoples dominated by the Turk. There is an intense hatred of the Armenian due in part to the fear that the Armenians will rise in rebellion against the Turkish Government, but even more than because the Armenian surpasses the Turks in ability and wealth."

Dr. Leinbach says that Armenia is anxious to have this country accept the mandatory for that country.

"It is the conviction of all the members of the commission," he says, "that investigated the stricken though necessary to sustain the lives of the suffering thousands, will be only temporary expedients unless a just government is established to prevent repetition of these outrages against mankind."

A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922