Talaat Is Mourned As Germany's Friend -nyt19210318

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Murdered Ex-Vizier Said to Have Had a 10,000,000 -Mark Fortune in a Berlin Bank

MARCH 18, 1921

Copyright, 1921, by The New York Times Company.
By Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES.
BERLIN, March 16, -- The German press morns in Talaat Pasha the loss of a friend of Germany who remained true up to the last few days before Turkey finally collapsed.

The authorities say they had been ignorant of Talaat's presence in Berlin. He lived in Hardenbergstrasse under an assumed name. but some of his many countrymen here knew of his presence, and sometimes he went to the Turkish Club on Motzatrasse, where he was generally regarded as the coming man who would pull his country out of its misery.

The wife of Talaat, too, was well known in certain Berlin circles in the character of Said Ali Bey's wife. She was considered to be a very refined modern woman and a champion of woman's emancipation. There was a story that even before she married Talaat she used to brave the wrath of the Turkish clergy by appearing publicly unveiled. She took a deep interest in Talaat's work, and is said to have been in constant communication with certain circles in Constantinople.

Talaat had plenty of money, which enabled him to rent a very large flat on the fashionable Hardenbergstrasse and surround himself with European and Turkish comforts. There are stories that the Deutsche Bank has his fortune of more than 10,000,000 marks in safekeeping.

A check for 12,000, marks which Saloman Teilirian, the assassin of Talaat, received two days before the crime was committed leads the authorities to believe that this money was sent him by conspirators to enable him to fly after the deed, which he had prepared for and rehearsed many days but only decided to commit after he had cashed the check and thus recurred means for escaping.

A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922