Sends $100,000 To Aid Armenian Refugees -nyt19151009a
Atrocities Committee Cables It to Morgenthau--300,000 Greeks Are Fugitives
OCTOBER 9, 1915
Responding to a call from Ambassador Morgenthau, received by the State Department, in which he said that he could most advantageously use $100,000 for the relief of Armenians, and that while such a sum, carefully administered, would make a good start, it would not suffice, the Armenian Atrocities Committee, in co-operation with the Committee of Mercy, sent by cable yesterday to Ambassador said that the money received would be distributed at Konitza, Adana, Tarsus, and Durfa, and through the American Consul at Aleppo. As started by the Ambassador, this sum, although it will save many lives at this juncture, is pitifully insufficient to meet the terrible need. It will, however, serve to turn the tide and eventually save the situation. The Armenian Atrocities Committee and the Committee of Mercy will continue their appeal in behalf of Armenia until all possible steps have been taken to save the Armenians from extinction.
But, even if money is sent to Ambassador Morgenthau in volume sufficient to do all that can be done to save the lives of Armenians in Turkey, the great bulk of refugees who can be helped will be found where they have fled, to Russia, Egypt, and Greece. Many thousand Armenians are reported to have reached Russia.
The following cable dispatch has been received from Stephen Van R. Trowbridge, formerly a missionary at Aintab, Turkey, and now located in Cairo:
"Six thousand Armenians from Antioch villages, including four mission congregations, arrived Port Said rescued recently by French cruisers after defending homes sixty-one days against violent Turkish Attacks. Heroic sufferings. Children born during flight. Pastor raised Red Cross flag, seen from sea by cruiser. Survivors utterly destitute. Mostly women and children many sick. British authorities providing food shelter. Please appeal $6,000 for clothing, medicines, and nurses. Committee organized. American diplomatic agent approves."
In response the Armenian Atrocities Committee cabled $6,000 to Mr. Trowbridge for relief of Armenian refugees in Egypt.
William H. Hamilton, Secretary of the Committee of Mercy, whose interview with M. Venizeios, the Greek ex-Premier, was published in Thursday's papers, has cabled from Athens that Armenian refugees are beginning to reach Greece, together with the Greek refugees, whose ill treatment at the hands of relief in Greece. M. Venizelos and General Korakas, President of the Government Relief Commission, have perfected plans to care for the 300,000 refugees who have arrived in Athens, Saloniki, and the Greek islands. Contributions for the relief of Greek refugees should be sent to August Belmont, Treasurer of the Committee of Mercy, 200 Fifth Avenue.
The Armenian Atrocities Committee and the Committee of Mercy are finding means to administer adequately the relief of the Armenian refugees who have been able to escape from Turkey, and with the whole-hearted support of the public lives can be saved to the extent of the funds raised. Contributions for Armenian relief should be sent to Charles R. Crane, 70 Fifth Avenue.
A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922