Says Lady Paget Will Keep Up Work -nyt19151117a

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William Prickett, Rhodes Scholar Who Helped Her, Arrives in London


Tradesman Wouldn't Even Stop to Sell to Him Laster Viewed Allies' Landing at Saloniki

NOVEMBER 17, 1915

Special Cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES. LONDON, Nov. 16.--William Prickett, Princeton, 1915, and a Rhodes Scholar of Trinity College, Oxford, has just reached England from Serbia, where he was attached for four months to Lady Paget's hospital.

Mr. Prickett left Serbia on Oct. 12, believing, as at that time did the majority of people in Serbia, that the Bulgarian scare blown over, and he went to Constantinople with letters for American Ambassador Morgenthau.

"Ambassador Morgenthau, with the weight of ten nations affairs on his back, is greatly overworked, but he is in good health and generally held to be the most popular man in Constantinople. He took me and another friend through two hospitals in which were Turkish wounded. Mr. Morgenthau the day before had sent hundreds of flowers to these hospitals, and the wounded knowing from whom they came, received them with cheers. The French and English hospitals have been taken over by the American Red Cross.

"Coal in Constantinople now costs almost $3 a ton; food is said to be double and triple the normal prices, and there is a great shortage in even the most necessary drugs. The Russian blockade of the mouth of the Bosphorus is not entirely effective because four coal boats were reported to have reached Constantinople from the Turkish shore of the Black Sea.

"The Armenian massacres are said to have been due to the Turks desire to possess the Armenians property, as they are the wealthiest class in Turkey. The Turkish excuse was that they were disloyal. Armenians wounded in the Turkish Army are said to return home, only to find their families massacred.

"It took five days to make the journey from Constantinople to Hatoniki, during which time we could buy only bread. The windows of the trains were painted white, so we traveled all day and night without being able to see anything. The French and English landing at Saloniki was in progress when we reached there. I saw in Saloniki during the landing at least one Bulgarian officer, and I was told that a son of the Kaiser had passed through Saloniki on his way to Athens. The Bulgarian Consul at Salonoki said the Bulgarians had on fear that Greece would enter the war.

"I heard in Constantinople and in Saloniki that Turkey had conceded to give Bulgaria as a second concession all territory down to the Enos-Media line including, of course, the city of Adrianople"

A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922