Rhinolophus mehelyi
Rare and Endangered Animals of Armenia
Animal in Armenia
Մեհելիի պայտաքիթ ("Mehelii paytakit")
Armenia – eastern border of natural habitat. Has tendency to decrease.
Habitat in Armenia
First found in Armenia in 1945 in Artsvanist village, Martuni region. Can be met around Yerevan (Karmir Blur, Jrvejh), up Hrazdan River in the town of Hrazdan. Natural habitat includes the territory from Goris to the west until Armavir, and from Yerevan to the north until Ijevan region inclusive.
Number in the wild
They are usually met in large groups. Though, nowadays, they are mostly met in small groups. In 1960 – 1961 hundreds of these bats lived and wintered in Karmir Blur cave. Starting from 1969, 2 – 16 species winter in the mentioned cave.
Reasons for decrease in number
Economic activity of the population, superstitious attitude toward this mammals sometimes resulting in destruction of entire groups.
Number in captivity
Single examples are kept in some laboratories of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Measures of protection taken