Rescued 5,000 Armenians -nyt19150923

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French Warships Carried Them from Syria to Egypt

SEPTEMBER, 23, 1915

PARIS, Sept. 22.--The rescue by French warships of Thousands of Armenians from pushing Turks is recounted in a statement issued last night by the Ministry of Marine.

"Pursued by Turks," says the statement, "5,000 Armenians, 3,000 of whom were women, children, and old men, took refuge in the Djebel Mousta Mountains at the end of July. They succeeded in keeping their assailants at bay until the beginning of September.

"Ammunition and provisions then gave out, and they would inevitably have succumbed had they not succeeded in getting word of their grave situation to a French blockading squadron off the Syrian coast went to their help and took all of them to port Sard where they were installed in a provisional camp."

A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922