Predict A Massacre -nyt19150310
Missionaries Arriving Here Make Charges Against the Turks
March 10, 1915
American missionaries, who arrived yesterday from Jerusalem, via Piracus, in the Cunard liner Carpatia, said that the fall of the Dardanelles would probably mean a massacre of Jews and in the Holy Land.
The party, which consisted of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kelsey, Mrs. E. Meader, Miss F. Parson, M. Kelsey and Miss Alice Jones of Philadelphia, head of the Girls' Missionary School, maintained by the Society of Friends in Jerusalem, sailed from Jaffa for Piraeus on Jan. 29. According to Miss Jones and her fellow-travelers, the Jews are being cruelly treated in Jerusalem by Turkish officials. Hundreds of them have been forced to enter the army and send to Damascus to be drilled. Others, who were unfit physically to fight and undergo the hardships of a march across the desert towards Egypt, have been compelled to do all kinds of menial labor on the roads between Jerusalem and Jaffa.
A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922