Parvin Etesami

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Parvin Etesami Venus symbol.svg
Birthplace Tabriz
Lived in Tabriz, Tehran
Ethnicities Persian

There is a poem from the late Parvin Etesami which is pretty famous and goes as such :

واعظی پرسید از فرزند خویش

هیچ میدانی مسلمانی به چیست؟

صدق و بی آزاری و خدمت به خلق

هم عبادت،هم کلید زندگیست

گفت: "زین معیار اندر شهرما،

یک مسلمان هست آن هم ارمنیست" !

A clergyman asks his son,

Do you know what the basis of Islam is?

Honesty, harmlessness, and helping people.

These are the prayers and key of life,

Then the cleric says : Based on these elements in our city,

There is only one Muslim, and that one is an Armenian.