Pamela Douglas

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The Armenian Genocide: Pamela Douglas' Family Story

Dear Raffi,

Thank you so much for your excellent website - I have learned so much. I linked onto your site from the Armenian in Cyberspace page (listing of links).

I have just finished looking at the genocide pictures and I cannot stop weeping. It is so important that this information is exposed - so many people have never even heard of the Armenian genocide.

My grandfather survived the genocide. As a young boy, he witnessed his parents murdered in front of his eyes. By the grace of God and through the help of surviving relatives he was smuggled into Canada (they dressed him up as a little girl). Eventually he came to our hometown of Brantford, Ontario under the auspices of a wealthy Brantford businessman who brought many Armenians here and hired them to work for his company. They were known to be extremely hard workers.

My grandfather passed away several years ago, but thankfully, before he died, my mother made a tape recording of him recounting some of the horrors he experienced. I think it is so important that we keep the history of these survivors alive by telling future generations, and also educating people who are unaware of the genocide.

Thank you again, for making this information available on your website.

Pamela Thursday, February 19, 1998 7:03 PM