Mr. Yarrow Did Not Say It -nyt19151024
Mr. Yarrow Did Not Say It
OCTOBER 24, 1915
To the Editor of THE NEW YORK TIMES: In your issue of Oct. 18, Zia Mufty-Zade Bey in an article entitled. "The King of Armenians a Turk Knows." makes use of an interview in which I am alleged to have said: "And during the siege we not only had to fight the Turks but almost every known disease as well," This statement was never made by me. On the country, both before and after the siege and during it we made every effort to maintain the absolute neutrality of our premises and were successful in doing so. Our relations with the Turks were always friendly, and when the war first began we turned our hospital into a Red Cross unit and for many months cared for sick and wounded soldiers who were sent to us from the Turkish military hospital. In fact, we had about fifteen such soldiers in our hospital when the siege began. One of our young ladies, Miss McLaren, for months served in the Turkish military hospital as nurse, and when the siege began she voluntarily remained within the Turkish lines and was subsequently taken to Bitlis with the Turkish sick. When the Russians occupied Van and the Turks withdrew, over 1,000 Turkish men, women and children, who had been enable to flee, were brought to our premises for care and protection.
Auburndale Mass., Oct. 21, 1915
A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922