More Armenian Massacres -nyt19150606
Kurdish Atrocities in Bitlis--Armed Armenians Organizing
JUNE 6, 1915
TIFLIS, Transcaucasia, (via Petrograd and London), June 5.--After the occupation by the Russians of Van, Turkish Armenia, bands of Kurds continued to commit atrocities in the districts of Bitlis, Mush and Diarbekr. Armenian volunteers in increasing numbers are fighting desperately to protect the Christian population from the Kurds. Inhabitants of Diarbekr, following the example of the Armenians in Van, have organized armed bands.
The population of Urumiah, in Persian Armenia, greeted the Russians with enthusiasm. Food for the refugees in the American mission was brought by the Russians. The consulates at Urumiah and Van have suffered little in the fighting which has been on during the last few months.
The successes of the Russians in these districts are creating dissatisfaction among the Persians and Arabians. Disorders are developing.
The concentration by the Turks of military efforts on the Dardanelles has caused a shortage of arms and ammunition for their troops in the Caucasus. A portion of the Artillery has been removed from the Turkish forts at Erzerum, the principal city of Turkish Armenia.
A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922