Mikael Mouradian
Mikael Mouradian ![]() | |
Birthplace | Beirut |
Birth date | 5 July 1961 |
Profession | Clergy |
Religion | Catholic |
Languages | Armenian |
Ethnicities | Armenian |
Dialects | Western Armenian |
Mikael Mouradian Named New Bishop of the Armenian Catholic Eparchy of US and Canada
May 25th, 2011
The Armenian Catholic Eparchy of the United States of America and Canada is happy to announce that the Most Reverend Mikael Mouradian has been appointed as the new bishop of the Armenian Catholic Eparchy of the United States and Canada. He succeeds at that function to the Most Reverend Manuel Batakian who had presented his resignation, having reached the canonical age prescribed by the Cod of Canons of the Eastern Catholic Churches.
The new eparch was born in Beirut, Lebanon, on July 5th, 1961. He was been admitted first to the seminary of the Patriarchal Clergy of Bzommar in 1973 and to the Pontifical Armenian College of Rome in 1981, attending the “Angelicum” Pontifical University of Dominican Fathers and being graduated there by the theological and philosophical licenses. He has been specialized in the youth pastoral at “Institut Catholique” of Lyon, France in 1986.
Fr. Mouradian has been ordained a priest on October 24, 1987, in Paris, by His Excellency Bishop Krikor Ghabroayn, as a member of the Institute of the Patriarchal Clergy of Bzommar.
After his ordination, Fr. Mikael fulfilled the following missions: assistant rector of the seminary of Bzommar (1987-1988), assistant rector of the seminary of Aleppo ( (1988-1989), pastor of the Armenian Catholic church of Our Lady of the Universe in Damascus, assistant pastor of the Holy Cross parish in Zalka, Lebanon (1991), pastor of various Catholic communities in the Northern provinces of Armenia (1992-2001), secretary general and executive director of Caritas-Armenia (1995-2001). He has been granted by the Ministry of Culture and Science of Armenia the title of honorary professor in the pedagogical faculty of Armenia in 2000.
Returning to Lebanon, Fr. Mouradian had been appointed pastor of Our Lady of Annunciation parish in Beirut, Lebanon (2001-2005, then spiritual director of the seminary of Bzommar and chaplain of the Armenian Catholic youth organization. He collaborated at the same time to the redaction of the Patriarchate’s official review.
Fr. Mouradian has been nominated Rector of the Pontifical Armenian College of Rome in 2005, as well as Armenian Catholic Patriarchate’s Procurator to the Holy See, in Vatican.
On September 5, 2007, the General Assembly of the Institute of the Patriarchal Clergy of Bzommar elected him as the Patriarchal Vicar of the same Institute and Superior of the Monastery of Our Lady of Bzomamr, a charge that he has kept until his nomination as bishop of the Armenian Catholic Eparchy of United Statees and Canada, on May 20 of this year.
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